UND Bus Tour
Discover what makes North Dakota great!
The UND Bus Tour is for new UND faculty and administrators. The tour takes you from the sprawling farmland of the Red River Valley, to the rugged beauty of western North Dakota and the hospitality extended by communities along the way in an air-conditioned motorcoach. This tour will offer glimpses of our geography, economy, culture, and heritage. You will see some of North Dakota’s most scenic areas, learn about the challenges and opportunities shaping the state, and meet a lot of fine people. Best of all, it’s free! The costs of this trip are underwritten through the generosity of the UND Alumni Association & Foundation and the Office of the President.
You will meet alumni and friends of the University, plus residents of our state who have strong, positive feelings about UND and North Dakota. Tour planners will provide color commentary as we travel the state to make the trip even more informative and enjoyable.
2024 Bus Tour Event
The 2024 UND Bus Tour is August 19-21 and will tour through the southern half of the state.
Bus Tour Highlights

- brooke.conlin@UND.edu
- 701.777.4267
Skalicky Tech Room 138
Grand Forks ND 58202-7142

- monica.evavold@UND.edu
- 701.777.6393
Skalicky Tech Room 117
Grand Forks ND 58202-7142

- nicole.massie@UND.edu
- 701.777.2314
Skalicky Tech Room 116
Grand Forks ND 58202-7142