University Counseling Center
The UCC offers in person and tele-mental health services.
Counseling services are available for UND students that are enrolled in the current semester.
Counseling Clinical Services
- Individual Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Crisis Counseling Sessions
- Groups and Workshops
- Personal Evaluations
- Substance Use Services:
- Substance Use Prevention and Intervention (SUPI) .
- Alcohol and Drug Evaluations
- Level 1 Outpatient Treatment
Tele-Mental Health Appointments
We provide tele-mental health appointments to 42 states. We are not able to provide appointments in AK, CA, HI, IA, MA, MT, NY, or LA
Current Client Appointments
Current clients should call UCC at 701.777.2127 to schedule their ongoing counseling appointments.
New Client Appointments
Online scheduling for tele-mental health new client appointments are available to students enrolled in the current semester who are not actively engaged in counseling at UCC already.
To schedule your first UCC appointment, log into the UND Health Portal and select the “Appts” tab on the top left of the screen.
Log In to Tele-Mental Health Appointment
- Prior to your appointment time, log into the UND Health Portal to ensure that you are able to successfully log in. If you are unable to log in, please call UCC at 701.777.2127 so the issue can be reconciled before your appointment.
- On the home page under the “Upcoming Appointments” section, you will see your upcoming appointment with UCC. If you see a green "Forms" button indicating that you have forms to complete for this appointment, click the button and complete the required forms for your appointment. If no green “Forms” button is visible, proceed to step 3.
- At your appointment time, select the blue "Check in" button on your appointment. Complete any additional forms that appear.
- Return to the Home screen and select the orange "Telehealth" button that has appeared on your appointment. Select the "Telehealth" connection link to attend your session.
If your provider has not admitted you to the session within 10 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, or you have questions, please call UCC at 701.777.2127.
Zoom Issues? Get assistance.
Case Management
To schedule an appointment with the Case Manager, please call 701.777.2127. To speak with the Case Manager directly, please call 701.777.4187.
At this time, the University Counseling Center does not write Emotional Support Animal letters.