My UND Mobile App

UND's Official Mobile App
The My UND app is managed by University Information Technology (UIT).
Student Opt-In Channels
Personalize your app experience by subscribing to channels. Receive reminders on academic calendar deadlines or learn how you can get free food and giveaways. To subscribe to opt-in channels, download My UND and check your messages.
My UND App Features

Check grades, view and submit assignments, and communicate with instructors.

View courses and schedules, access payments and charges, and update your contact information.

Purchase Fighting Hawks tickets and follow team social feeds.

Check out campus food options, hours and menus.

View the academic calendar, get in touch with One-Stop Student Services, and access Degree Map and Hawk Central.

Access parking map and campus shuttles.

Read the latest from UND Today and The Dakota Student.

Find contact information for UND students, faculty and staff.

Access the Chester Frtiz Library hours, resources and more.

Keep up with UND events.

Book an appointment or access your My Health portal.

Access important phone numbers and online resources.

Explore the UND Google Map and find campus locations.

Register for RecSports, view Wellness Center hours and group class schedules.

Check your UND email account.