Dr. Jabbari, with a background in petroleum engineering, specializes in reservoir engineering and fluid dynamics in porous media. His research broadly addresses the transport phenomena in the subsurface, focusing on oil/gas and renewable energy, particularly within Unconventional Reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing, EOR, Welltesting, UHS, CCS, and Geothermal Resources.
- PtrE 471: Numerical Reservoir Simulation (3 creds); on-campus/online (Fall 2023)
- PtrE 445: Welltesting (3 creds); on-campus/online (Spring 2024)
- PtrE 405: Petroleum Eng Economy (3 creds); on-campus/online (Fall 2023)
- PtrE 311: Petroleum Fluid Properties (3 creds); on-campus/online (Spring 2024)
Undergraduate Technical Electives: None.
- PtrE 572: dvanced Reservoir Simulation (3 creds); on-campus/online (Fall 2023)
- PtrE 555: Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) (3 creds); on-campus/online (Spring 2024)
- PtrE 598: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) (3 creds); on-campus/online (on demand)
- PtrE 599: Special Topics in PE (3 creds); on-campus/online (on demand)
Topical Areas:
- Unconventional Reservoir Eng.; HF/EOR/IOR/PTA/RTA
- Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS)
- Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Energy Systems
Active Research Projects and Resources:
- NDIC grant (Co-PI; $2,980,000); conducting research on UHS, CCS, EOR/Unconventional Reservoirs
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
- D Maxey, S Afari, H Jabbari. 2025. NMR relaxometry insights into pore-level sweep efficiency for methane infusion IOR in unconventional reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering 245, 213527.
- FO Ebere, H Jabbari. 2024. Unlocking underground hydrogen storage potential: Geochemical characterization of North Dakota's geological formation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 93, 250-272.
- Taheri, K., Askari, R., Jabbari, H. et al. 2024. Maximizing well performance: quantifying the impact of drilling techniques on formation damage and productivity index in carbonate reservoir. Journal of Sediment. Environ.
- A. Merzoug, A. Ellafi, V Rasouli, H. Jabbari. 2023. Anisotropic Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Height Growth in the Anadarko Basin, Applied Mechanics 4 (1), 44-69.
- AG. Almetwally, H. Jabbari. 2022. CO2 huff-n-puff experimentation and numerical simulation for 3D printed rock samples, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180, 121798.
- A. Ellafi, H. Jabbari. 2021. Unconventional Well Test Analysis for Assessing Individual Fracture Stages through Post-Treatment Pressure Falloffs: Case Study, Energies 2021, 14(20), 6747.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2021. CO2 huff-n-puff experimentation and numerical simulation for 3D printed rock samples, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180, 121798.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2021. 3D-Printing Replication of Porous Media for Lab-Scale Characterization Research, ACS Omega 6 (4), 2655-2664.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2020. Finite-difference simulation of coreflooding based on a reconstructed CT scan; modeling transient oscillating and pulse decay permeability experiment, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 107260.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2020. Experimental investigation of 3D printed rock samples replicas, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 76, 103192.
- Gong L, B. Liu, X. Fu, H. Jabbari, S. Gao, W. Yue, Y. Sun, R. Fu, and Z. Wang. 2019. Quantitative Prediction of Sub-Seismic Faults and their Impact on Water Flooding Development: Bozhong 34-2 Oilfield Case Study, the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 172, January 2019, Pages 60-69.
- Gong L., S. Gao, L. Zeng, H. Jabbari, W. Yue, A. Gao, and X. Fan. 2019. Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism of Natural Fractures in the Tight Sandstones: A Case Study of Xujiahe Formation in Jiulongshan Gas Field, China, the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
- L Gong, X Fu, Z Wang, S Gao, H Jabbari, W Yue, B Liu. 2019. A new approach for characterization and prediction of natural fracture occurrence in tight oil sandstones with intense anisotropy. AAPG Bulletin 103 (6), 1383-1400.
Conference Papers:
- F Ebere, H Jabbari. 2024. Geochemical Characterization and Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage: A Case Study in North Dakota’s Geological Formation. Fifth EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET 2024).
- JW Porlles, H. Jabbari. 2022. Discrete Fracture Network Modeling and Characterization of Deadwood and Red River Formations to Develop a SEGS, Williston Basin, 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference.
- JW. Porlles, H. Jabbari. 2022. Simulation-Based Economical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing for Enhanced Geothermal System, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- JW. Porlles, H. Jabbari. 2022. Simulation-Based Patterns Optimization of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- O.S. Tomomewo, MD Mann, A. Ellafi, H. Jabbari, C. Tang, M.Ba Geri, O. Kolawole, A. Adebisi, O. Ibikunle, M. Alamooti, A. Iroko. 2021. Creating Value for The High-Saline Bakken Produced Water by Optimizing its Viscoelastic Properties and Proppant Carrying Tendency with High-Viscosity Friction Reducers, SPE Western Regional Meeting.
- A Assady, S Sagar, A Bellal, H Jabbari. 2021. Application of Digital Rock Analysis (DRA) in Pore-Scale Characterization of the Bakken Formation, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari, OS Tomomewo, MD Mann, MB Geri, C Tang. 2020. Future of Hydraulic Fracturing Application in terms of water management and Environmental Issues: A Critical Review, SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari. 2020. Understanding the mechanisms of Huff-N-Puff, CO2-EOR in liquid-rich shale plays: Bakken case study, SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference.
- A Assady, H Jabbari. 2020. Pore Size Distribution and Permeability Hysteresis in Unconventional Plays; Digital Rock Physics and Pulse Decay, 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari, M Ba Geri, OS Tomomewo. 2020. Using High-Viscosity Friction Reducers (HVFRs) to Enhance SRVs in High TDS Formations: Bakken Case Study, 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari, X Wan, V Rasouli, MB Geri, W Al-Bazzaz. 2020. How Does HVFRs in High TDS Environment Enhance Reservoir Stimulation Volume?, International Petroleum Technology Conference.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari, M Ba Geri, E Alkamil. 2019. Can HVFRs Increase the Oil Recovery in Hydraulic Fractures Applications? Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2019. CT-Scan Image Processing for Accurate Pore Network Modeling and Core Samples 3D Printing: Polynomial Interpolation & Geostatistical QC, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- N Badrouchi, H Jabbari, F Badrouchi, OS Tomomew. 2019. Comparing Different Methods of Permeability Measurement for Bakken Core Samples: Steady-State vs. Aspike & Multi-Pulse, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Ellafi, H Jabbari. 2019. Coupling Geomechanics with Diffusion/Adsorption Mechanisms to Enhance Bakken CO2-EOR Modeling, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- AG Almetwally, H Jabbari. 2019. Development of Novel Workflow to Replicate Pore Network of Porous Core Samples Through 3D Printing Technology, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Assady, H Jabbari, AM Ellafi, B Goudarzi. 2019. On the Characterization of Bakken Formation: Oscillating-Pulse, Pulse-Decay Permeability Measurement & Geomeachanics. 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- A Ellafi, M Ba Geri, B Bubach, H Jabbari. 2019. Formation Evaluation and Hydraulic Fracture Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs: Sab'atayn Basin Case Study, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- Tomomewo OS, H Jabbari, N Badrouchi, C Onwumelu, M Mann. 2019. Characterization of the Bakken Formation using NMR and SEM Techniques, 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; PhD, Petroleum Engineering, May 2013
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran; MSc, Reservoir Engineering, May 2006
Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Iran; BSc, Production Engineering, May 2004
Currently an Associate Professor at the UND, Energy and Petroleum Engineering Department.
- Visiting Professor, Rice University, Houston, TX [2022-2023]
- Reservoir Engineer Consultant, HESS Corporation, Houston, TX [2019-2020]
- Assistant Professor, UND, Petroleum Engineering Dept., Grand Forks, ND [2013-2018]
- Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), Grand Forks, ND [2012-2013]
- Reservoir Engineer, PetroPars, Tehran, Iran [2006-2008]
- Production Engineer, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC), Sirri Island, Iran [2004-2006]
Grants Awarded:
- Active
- Continuation of NDIC funding for comprehensive research at PE department (Co-PI), since 2022; North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC); $2,980,000.
- Completed (Past 5 Years)
- A New Approach to Quantifying Adsorption/Diffusion Characteristics of Shale Formations through 3D Printing Technology (PI); 2020; American Chemical Society (ACS); $110,000.
- Continuation of NDIC funding for comprehensive research at PE department (Co-PI), 2020; North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC); $2,500,000.
- Improvement in the production form the Bakken Asset, HESS Corporation (PI), 2019; HESS Corporation; $67,000.
Students Advised (as committee chair):
- Ph.D.
- Abdulaziz Ellafi; "Integrative Approach for Improved Oil Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs" (May, 2022); Senior R&D Scientist, TenEx Technologies.
- Demetrius Maxey; "NMR Relaxometry Insights into Pore-Level Sweep Efficacy for Methane Infusion IOR in Unconventional Reservoirs" (Aug, 2024), Financial Advisor & Fundraiser.
- Ijaz Khan; "Assessing Storage Integrity in Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS)" (current student).
- Kayode Akinleye; "Assessment of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers for Enhanced Carbon Capture and Utilization Strategies", intern at EERC (current student).
- Friday Ebere; "Geochemical Characterization and Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage", intern at EERC (current student).
- M.Sc.
- Ahmed G. Almetwally; "Image Processing of CT Scans as a Base for Petroleum Core-Scale Research" (May, 2021); Computational Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
Editorial Boards:
- Energies (Guest Editor, 2024); SI: Review of Geothermal Energy Production.
- Energies; Topical Advisory Panel Member (since 2023).
- Processes (Guest Editor, since 2023); SI: Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing Technology for Unconventional Reservoirs.
American Chemical Scociety (ACS)
American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)