Signaling Pathways in the Immune System (Unit 1, First-Year Medical Students)
Introduction to Parasites (Unit 1, First-Year Medical Students)
Gastrointestinal Parasites (Unit 7, Second-Year Medical Students)
Scientific Discovery II (BIMD 502, First-Year Graduate Students)
Immunology/Mucosal Immunology/Gut Immunology/Mucosal Inflammation
Microbiome/Infectious Diseases/Parasitology
Host-Pathogen Interaction/Vaccine Development
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications (a total citation of 1792 as of March 2025; Google Scholar h-index: 23; i10-index: 31)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S (2024) The IL-21/IL-21R signaling axis regulates CD4+ T cell responsiveness to IL-12 to promote bacterial-induced colitis. The Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 116: 726-737.
- Golovko MY, Seeger DR, Schofield B, Besch D, Kotha P, Mansouripour A, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Golovko SA (2024) 12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid is the only enzymatically produced HETE increased under brain ischemia. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes & Essential Fatty Acids, 202: 102631.
- Seeger DR, Schofield B, Besch D, Golovko SA, Kotha P, Parmer M, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, and Golovko MY (2023) Exogenous oxygen is required for prostanoid induction under brain ischemia as evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism. The Journal of Lipid Research, 64: 100452.
- McGregor BA‡, Razmjou E‡, Hooshyar H, Seeger DR, Golovko SA, Golovko MY, Singer SM, Hur J, Solaymani-Mohammadi S* (2023) A shotgun metagenomic analysis of the fecal microbiome in humans infected with Giardia duodenalis. Parasites & Vectors, 16: 239. (‡Denotes equal contribution; *Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Hashemi-Hafshejani S, Meamar AR, Moradi M, Hemmati N, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, and Razmjou E (2022) Multilocus sequence typing of Giardia duodenalis genotypes circulating in humans in a major metropolitan area. Frontiers in Medicine, 9: 976956.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S (2022) Mucosal defense against Giardia at the intestinal epithelial cell interface. Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 817468.
- Asali S, Raz AA, Turki H, Mafakher L, Razmjou E*, Solaymani-Mohammadi S* (2021) Restricted genetic heterogeneity of the Plasmodium vivax transmission-blocking vaccine (TBV) candidate Pvs48/45 in a low transmission setting: implications for the Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine development. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 89: 104710. (*Denotes co-corresponding author)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Eckmann L, Singer SM (2019) Interleukin (IL)-21 in inflammation and immunity during parasitic diseases. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 9: 401. (Invited Review) (*Denotes sole corresponding author).
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Berzofsky JA* (2019) Interleukin 21 collaborates with interferon-gamma for the optimal expression of interferon-stimulated genes and enhances protection against enteric microbial infection. PLoS Pathogens, 15: e1007614. (*Denotes co-corresponding author)
- Frey B, Jiang J, Sui Y, Boyd LF, Yu B, Tatsuno G, Billeskov R, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Berman PW, Margulies DH, Berzofsky JA (2018) Effects of cross-presentation, antigen presentation, and peptide binding in HIV evasion of T cell immunity. The Journal of Immunology, 200: 1853-1864. Selected for “In This Issue” section, which highlights articles among the top 10% of journal articles.
- Dzutsev A, Hogg A, Sui Y, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Yu H, Frey B, Wang Y, Berzofsky JA (2017) Differential T cell homing to colon vs. small intestine is imprinted by local CD11c+ APCs that determine homing receptors. The Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 102: 1381-1388.
- Nooshadokht M, Kalantari-Khandani B, Sharifi I, Kamyabi H, Liyanage NPM, Lagenaur LA, Kagnoff MF, Singer SM, Babaei Z*, Solaymani-Mohammadi S* (2017) Stool antigen immunodetection for diagnosis of Giardia duodenalis infection in human subjects with HIV and cancer. The Journal of Microbiological Methods, 141: 35-41. (*Denotes co-corresponding author)
- Billeskov R, Wang Y, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Frey B, Kulkarni S, Andersen P, Agger EM, Sui Y, Berzofsky JA (2017) Low antigen dose in adjuvant-based vaccination selectively induces CD4 T cells with enhanced functional avidity and protective efficacy. The Journal of Immunology, 198: 3494-3506.
- Babaei Z, Malihi N, Zia-Ali N, Sharifi I, Mohammadi MA, Kagnoff MF, Eckmann L, Singer SM, Solaymani-Mohammadi S* (2016) Adaptive immune response in symptomatic and asymptomatic enteric protozoal infection: evidence for a determining role of parasite genetic heterogeneity in host immunity to human giardiasis. Microbes and Infection, 18: 687-695. (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Lakhdari O, Minev I, Shenouda S, Frey BF, Billeskov R, Singer SM, Berzofsky JA, Eckmann L, Kagnoff MF (2016) Lack of the programmed death-1 receptor renders host susceptible to enteric microbial infection through impairing the production of the mucosal natural killer cell effector molecules. The Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 99: 475-482. (*Denotes sole corresponding author). Featured on Journal cover page, Selected for Journal cover image
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Singer SM* (2013) Regulation of intestinal epithelial cell cytoskeletal remodeling by cellular immunity following gut infection. Mucosal Immunology, 6: 369-378. (*Denotes co-corresponding author)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Singer SM (2011) Host immunity and pathogen strain contribute to intestinal disaccharidase impairment following gut infection. The Journal of Immunology, 187: 3769-3775. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Microbiology)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Singer SM (2010) Giardia duodenalis: The double-edged sword of immune responses in giardiasis. Experimental Parasitology, 126: 292-297. (Highly Accessed) (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Microbiology)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Genkinger JM, Loffredo CA, Singer SM* (2010) A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of albendazole compared with metronidazole as treatments for infections with Giardia duodenalis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 4: e682. (*Denotes co-corresponding author)
- Rao S*, Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Petri WA Jr, Parker SK (2009) Hepatic amebiasis: a reminder of the complications. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 21: 145-149. (*Denotes equal contribution)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Coyle CM, Factor SM, Petri WA Jr (2008) Amebic colitis in an antigenically and serologically negative patient: usefulness of a small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene-based polymerase chain reaction in diagnosis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 62: 333-335.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Petri WA Jr (2008) Intestinal invasion by Entamoeba histolytica. Subcellular Biochemistry, 47: 221-232.
- Ali IK, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Akhter J, Roy S, Gorrini C, Calderaro A, Parker SK, Haque R, Petri WA Jr, Clark CG (2008) Tissue invasion by Entamoeba histolytica: evidence of genetic selection and/or DNA reorganization events in organ tropism. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2: e219. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology and Faculty of 1000 Medicine)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Lam MM, Zunt JR, Petri WA Jr (2007) Entamoeba histolytica encephalitis diagnosed by PCR of cerebrospinal fluid. The Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 101: 311-313.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Rezaian M, Babaei Z, Rajabpour A, Meamar AR, Pourbabai AA, Petri WA Jr (2006) Comparison of a stool antigen detection kit and PCR for diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar infections in asymptomatic cyst passers in Iran. The Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 44: 2258-2261.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Petri WA Jr (2006) Zoonotic implications of the swine-transmitted protozoal infections. Veterinary Parasitology, 140: 189-203. (Highly Accessed)
- Ashrafi K, Valero MA, Massoud J, Sobhani A, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Conde P, Khoubbane M, Bargues MD, Mas-Coma S (2006) Plant-borne human contamination by fascioliasis. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 75: 295-302.
- Meamar AR, Rezaian M, Rezaie S, Mohraz M, Kia EB, Houpt ER, Solaymani-Mohammadi S* (2006) Cryptosporidium parvum bovine genotype oocysts in the respiratory samples of an AIDS patient: efficacy of treatment with a combination of azithromycin and Parasitology Research, 98: 593-595. (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Mowlavi GR, Massoud J, Mobedi I, Gharagozlou MJ, Rezaian M, Solaymani-Mohammad S* (2006) Tetrameres (Tetrameres) grusi (Shumakovich, 1946) (Nematoda: Tetrameridae) in Eurasian cranes (Grus grus) in central Iran. The Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 42: 397- 401. (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Solaymani-Mohammad S*, Rezaian M, Hooshyar H, Mowlavi GR, Babaei Z, Anwar MA (2004) Intestinal protozoa in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in western Iran. The Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 40: 801-803. (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Mowlavi G R, Massoud J, Mobedi I, Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Gharagozlou M J, Mas-Coma S (2006) Very highly prevalent Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus infection of wild boar, Sus scrofa, in Khuzistan province, south-western Iran. Helminthologia, 43: 86-91.
- Hooshyar H, Rezaian M, Kazemi B, Jeddi-Tehrani M, Solaymani-Mohammadi S (2004) The distribution of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar in northern, central, and southern Iran. Parasitology Research, 94: 96-100.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S, Mobedi I, Rezaian M, Massoud J, Mohebali M, Hooshyar H, Ashrafi K, Rokni MB (2003) Helminth parasites of the wild boar, Sus scrofa, in Luristan province, western Iran and their public health significance. The Journal of Helminthology, 77: 263-267.
Selected Letters and Correspondence
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Rezaian M, Anwar MA (2005) Human balantidiasis in Iran: an unresolved enigma? Trends in Parasitology, 21: 160-161. (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S*, Rezaian M, Anwar MA (2005) Human balantidiasis in Iran: Wild boar or not? Trends in Parasitology, 21: 553. (Reply to F.E. Cox) (*Denotes sole corresponding author)
Book Chapters
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S and Petri Jr, WA (2008) Intestinal Invasion by Entamoeba histolytica. In “Molecular Mechanisms of Parasite Invasion’’ Soldati, D and Burleigh, B (Eds), 1st edition, Landes Biosciences. pp. 221-232.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S and Petri Jr, WA (2008) Naegleria fowleri. In “Principles and Practice of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases’’. Long, S.S, Pickering, L.K and Prober, G (Eds). 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S and Petri Jr, WA (2008) Other Entamoeba, Amoeba, and Intestinal Flagellates. In “Principles and Practice of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases’’. Long, S, Pickering, L.K and Prober, C.G. (Eds). 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S and Petri Jr, WA (2008) Entamoeba histolytica. In “Principles and Practice of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases’’. Long, S, Pickering, L.K and Prober, C.G. (Eds). 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
- Solaymani-Mohammadi S and Petri Jr, WA (2008) Acanthamoeba In “Principles and Practice of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases’’. Long, S.S, Pickering, L.K and Prober, C.G. (Eds). 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
Selected Awards
2021 Dean’s Meritorious Pilot Grant, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, The University of North Dakota
2014 Cancer Research Postdoctoral Training Award (CRTA), National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH
2011 Distinction, Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgetown University
2008-2011 Merit-based scholarship, Georgetown University
2007 Mid-Atlantic Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting Travel Grant
2002 Distinction, M.S.P.H. Dissertation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
2002 Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Editorial Advisory Board Memberships
Editorial Board Member (Immunology Section), Scientific Reports (2023-now)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2022-Now)
Associate Editor, BMC Gastroenterology (2013-2021)
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
PLoS Pathogens, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Emerging Microbes & Infections, BMC Infectious Diseases, Frontiers in Immunology, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, The European Journal of Pharmacology, Parasitology Research, The Journal of Medical Microbiology, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, The Journal of Parasitology, The Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Veterinary Parasitology, Primates
Staff Scientist, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle, WA
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Ph.D., Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
M.S.P.H., Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
BVSc., Tabriz University, Iran