Transfer Students
Transferring to UND is easy!
We have many partnerships with regional and national two-year institutions to help you finish your bachelor's degree (and beyond). We have dedicated college transfer advisors to help make sure all of your credits are considered and transfer accordingly.
UND Essential Studies Waiver Agreement
Those who have completed an Associate of Science (A.S.) or Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree at a U.S. regionally or CHEA accredited institution will have their Essential Studies requirements waived. The waiver does not apply to an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree. Students will still need to fulfill their program capstone requirement.
Students who have not completed an associate's degree, or who have completed an applied associate's degree, are still able to easily transfer credits to UND. Students will have their transfer credit evaluated for applicable Essential Studies transfer credit on an individual course-by-course basis upon admission.
Finish Your Degree at UND Partnerships
UND takes pride in our partnerships with other universities and colleges. There are a number of programs that allow a seamless transfer to UND. Students are encouraged to work with their academic advisor at the two-year colleges to select appropriate courses. Contact the academic advising office to get started on creating your plan of study. You can also view a variety of transfer guides on our website.
North Dakota Partnerships
Bismarck State College
Meghan Salyers
Assistant Dean of Humanities, A&S
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College
Dena Dorval
Academic Coach - Retention Counselor
Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Marliss Platz
Career Counselor, Alumni & Transfer Specialist
Sitting Bull College
Lindsey Helm
Dean of Academics/Nursing Director
Dakota College at Bottineau
Carissa Pollman
Nursing & Health Professions Coordinator
Turtle Mountain Community College
Dawn Dionne
Placement Center Coordinator
Lake Region State College
Andy Wakeford
Director of Admission/Retention
701.662.1545 or
United Tribes Technical College
Jamie Merrick
Transfer & Career Services Coordinator
North Dakota State College of Science
Student Success
Williston State College
Ashley Olson
Director for Enrollment Services
Minnesota Partnerships
- Anoka Ramsey Community College
- Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College
- Minnesota State Community & Technical College
- Normandale Community & Technical College
- Northland Community & Technical College
Other College and University Partnerships
Use the Transfer Equivalency System (TES) to find specific course equivalencies and discover how your credits may transfer to UND. There are hundreds of colleges and universities listed in TES and UND has partnered with them to accept transfer credits.
All students can apply to UND as early as one year prior to their intended start term. Applying early has the following benefits:
- College credit evaluation
- Collaboration with an academic advisor on degree planning
UND wants to make the transfer process as easy for you as possible. A UND academic advisor will reach out to you to discuss your transfer process once the college credit evaluation has been completed.
High School Partnerships
UND is committed to forming and growing partnerships with high schools. A number of students are attending college directly from high school with college credit already earned. Apply to UND early to have your college credits evaluated.
Questions? Contact a college transfer advisor at UND.

- 701.777.4120