Master's in Special Education Requirements
How many credits are needed for a master's degree in Special Education?
M.S. Special Education
Upon offer of admission, the following will be required: Successful passage of FBI criminal background check
Admission Requirements for the M.S.
The Master of Science (M.S.) is for those who already have a degree in education. The M.S. will have a research to practice focus.
- A bachelor’s degree.
A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 for all undergraduate work (based on A = 4.00).
Satisfy the School of Graduate Studies’ English Language Proficiency requirements as published in the graduate catalog.
Admission Process
- Complete the School of Graduate Studies' online application.
- Submit the application fee of $35.
- Three Letters of Recommendation are required: one from an employment supervisor or administrator, one from a professional colleague or university professor, and one from a professional of your choosing.
- Request one official copy of all academic transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attempted credit at, including undergraduate and graduate course work.
- One Personal Statement, which will include the questions listed below specific to special education, will be required on the master's application.
Personal Statement
The length of each response should be 1-2 pages double-spaced. The personal statement is scored for depth of discussion, authenticity, organization, and mechanics.
Respond to the four questions below:
- Explain how your experiences/interests reflect your capacity for the specialization area you are applying for specifically (i.e., ASD, BIS, EBD, ECSE, General, ID, LD, SES, and VI).
- Identify a behavioral or learning need with an individual with whom you know professionally or personally and describe your approach to managing the individual's specific need.
- Graduate school may be challenging due to competing demands for your time. Please address how you will navigate these challenges by utilizing your strengths.
- In this master’s program, you will receive constructive feedback to develop and/or enhance your skills. Explain how you have perceived and managed this type of feedback in your past experiences.
Specialization Areas
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): The ABA specialization area includes coursework and an intensive practicum that focuses on concepts and principles, assessment and behavior change systems, methods and applications, ethics, and research methods. This specialization is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): The ASD specialization area focuses on children, adolescents, and adults with ASD and addresses several aspects of ASD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, inter-agency collaboration/support, and application in a field setting.
- Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS): The BIS specialization prepares educators to support children and adolescents who use behaviors that interfere with instruction and social-emotional development. This specialization provides training and experience in assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors and facilitation of interdisciplinary and stakeholder teaming to support individual children and their caregivers.
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): The ECSE specialization area focuses on children from birth to age eight and addresses various disabilities, primarily developmental in nature, and addresses several aspects of ECSE including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, all forms of development, (e.g., language, physical), and application in a field setting.
- Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD): The EBD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with both emotional and behavior disorders and addresses several aspects of EBD including characteristics, assessment, behavior and academic methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- General Special Education: The general specialization area is a “design your own program” option. Students can choose courses from all of the courses offered by the special education program.
- Intellectual Disabilities (ID): The ID specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and addresses several aspects of ID including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Learning Disabilities (LD): The LD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with learning problems that are not due to developmental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities and addresses several aspects of LD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Special Education Strategist (SES): The SES specialization area is a cross-categorical area that encompasses all of the courses in the specialization areas of ID, EBD, and LD.
- Visual Impairment (VI): The VI specialization area focuses on children and adolescents who are visually impaired or blind and addresses several aspects of VI including characteristics, assessment, braille code, methods/strategies, orientation/mobility, and application in a field setting.
Degree Requirements
Students seeking the Master of Science degree at the University of North Dakota must satisfy all general requirements set forth by the School of Graduate Studies as well as particular requirements set forth by the Special Education Program.
- A minimum of 30 credits at or above the 500 level is required for the degree. Additional credits may be needed for professional licensure.
- A maximum of one-fourth of the credit hours may be transferred from another institution.
- Two credits of SPED 995 Scholarly Project or four credits of T&L 998 Thesis.
- Nine credits of Special Education Core Coursework (excluding students in the ABA specialization).
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 525 | Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 578 | Behavior Management | 3 |
Select 1 of the Following: | ||
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 552 | Inclusive Methods | 3 |
Six credits of scholarly tools/assessment courses. Choose two of the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education | 1-4 |
Choose one or more specialization area/s and complete the required courses and elective courses for a minimum total of 30 credits for the M.S. degree:
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 541 | Methods and Applications in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 542 | Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts | 3 |
ABA 543 | Behavior Analytic Supervision and OBM | 3 |
ABA 544 | Research Methods in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 545 | Assessment and Behavior Change Systems | 4 |
ABA 546 | Philosophical Underpinnings of Applied Behavior Analysis | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. |
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 583 | Internship: Autism Spectrum Disorder | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 541 | Methods and Applications in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 542 | Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts | 3 |
ABA 545 | Assessment and Behavior Change Systems | 4 |
SPED 579 | Internship: Behavioral Intervention Specialist | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in BIS in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 589 | Internship: Early Childhood Special Education | 1-4 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education (Early Childhood Mental Health) | 3 |
T&L 529 | Language Development Cognition in Children | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ECSE in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in EBD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
General Special Education
Note that there are no additional required courses. A minimum of 19 credits can be selected from the following courses:
Code | Title | Credits |
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 580 | Practicum: Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 581 | Internship: General Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education (Early Childhood Mental Health) | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Choose courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
Confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state's requirements.
Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ID in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Learning Disabilities (LD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in LD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Special Education Strategist (SES)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in SES in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Visual Impairment (VI)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 502 | Braille Reading and Writing | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 585 | Internship: Visual Impairment | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select six courses of the following: | ||
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 504 | Communication Media and Methods/Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 530 | Braille Code 1 | 2 |
SPED 531 | Braille Code 2 | 2 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 552 | Inclusive Methods | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
If seeking special education endorsement in VI in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
M.Ed. Special Education
Upon offer of admission, the following will be required: Successful passage of FBI criminal background check
Admission Requirements for the M.Ed.
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) is designed for those who do not have a previous degree in education. This degree will have a pedagogical focus to build a foundation for the art and science of teaching.
- A bachelor’s degree.
- A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 for all undergraduate work (based on A = 4.00).
- Satisfy the School of Graduate Studies’ English Language Proficiency requirements as published in the graduate catalog.
Admission Process
- Complete the School of Graduate Studies' online application.
- Submit the application fee of $35.
- Three Letters of Recommendation are required: one from an employment supervisor or administrator, one from a professional colleague or university professor, and one from a professional of your choosing.
- Request one official copy of all academic transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attempted credit at, including undergraduate and graduate course work.
- One Personal Statement, which will include the questions listed below specific to special education, will be required on the master's application.
Personal Statement
The length of each response should be 1-2 pages double-spaced. The personal statement is scored for depth of discussion, authenticity, organization, and mechanics.
Respond to the four questions below:
- Explain how your experiences/interests reflect your capacity for the specialization area you are applying for specifically (i.e., ASD, BIS, EBD, ECSE, General, ID, LD, SES, and VI).
- Identify a behavioral or learning need with an individual with whom you know professionally or personally and describe your approach to managing the individual's specific need.
- Graduate school may be challenging due to competing demands for your time. Please address how you will navigate these challenges by utilizing your strengths.
- In this master’s program, you will receive constructive feedback to develop and/or enhance your skills. Explain how you have perceived and managed this type of feedback in your past experiences.
Specialization Areas
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): The ASD specialization area focuses on children, adolescents, and adults with ASD and addresses several aspects of ASD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, inter-agency collaboration/support, and application in a field setting.
- Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS): The BIS specialization prepares educators to support children and adolescents who use behaviors that interfere with instruction and social-emotional development. This specialization provides training and experience in assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors and facilitation of interdisciplinary and stakeholder teaming to support individual children and their caregivers.
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): The ECSE specialization area focuses on children from birth to age eight and addresses various disabilities, primarily developmental in nature, and addresses several aspects of ECSE including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, all forms of development, (e.g., language, physical), and application in a field setting.
- Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD): The EBD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with both emotional and behavior disorders and addresses several aspects of EBD including characteristics, assessment, behavior and academic methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- General Special Education: The general specialization area is a “design your own program” option. Students can choose courses from all of the courses offered by the special education program.
- Intellectual Disabilities (ID): The ID specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and addresses several aspects of ID including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Learning Disabilities (LD): The LD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with learning problems that are not due to developmental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities and addresses several aspects of LD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Special Education Strategist (SES): The SES specialization area is a cross-categorical area that encompasses all of the courses in the specialization areas of ID, EBD, and LD.
- Visual Impairment (VI): The VI specialization area focuses on children and adolescents who are visually impaired or blind and addresses several aspects of VI including characteristics, assessment, braille code, methods/strategies, orientation/mobility, and application in a field setting.
Degree Requirements
Students seeking the Master of Education degree at the University of North Dakota must satisfy all general requirements set forth by the School of Graduate Studies as well as particular requirements set forth by the Special Education Program.
- A minimum of 30 credits at or above the 500 level is required for the degree. Additional credits may be needed for teacher licensure.
- A maximum of one-fourth of the credit hours may be transferred from another institution.
- Two credits of SPED 995 Scholarly Project or four credits of T&L 998 Thesis.
- Nine credits of Special Education Core Coursework.
Course List Code Title Credits SPED 525 Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education 3 SPED 578 Behavior Management 3 Select 1 of the Following: SPED 500 Introduction to Visual Impairment 3 SPED 510 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education 3 SPED 552 Inclusive Methods 3 Choose six credits of foundation/pedagogical coursework.
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 504 | Communication Media and Methods/Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 525 | Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 552 | Inclusive Methods | 3 |
T&L 522 | Mathematics in the Elementary School | 3 |
T&L 530 | Foundations of Reading Instruction | 3 |
Choose one or more specialization areas and complete the required courses and elective courses for a minimum total of 30 credits for the M.Ed. degree:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 583 | Internship: Autism Spectrum Disorder | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 541 | Methods and Applications in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 542 | Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts | 3 |
ABA 545 | Assessment and Behavior Change Systems | 4 |
SPED 579 | Internship: Behavioral Intervention Specialist | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
- If seeking special education endorsement in BIS in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 589 | Internship: Early Childhood Special Education | 1-4 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education ( Infant/Toddler Mental Health) | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
T&L 529 | Language Development Cognition in Children | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ECSE in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in EBD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
General Special Education
Note that there are no additional required courses. A minimum of 19 credits can be selected from the following courses:
Code | Title | Credits |
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 580 | Practicum: Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 581 | Internship: General Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education | 1-4 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Choose courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
Confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state's requirements.
Intellectual (ID)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ID in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Learning Disabilities (LD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in LD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Special Education Strategist (SES)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in SES in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Visual Impairment (VI)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 502 | Braille Reading and Writing | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 585 | Internship: Visual Impairment | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select six courses of the following: | ||
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 504 | Communication Media and Methods/Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 530 | Braille Code 1 | 2 |
SPED 531 | Braille Code 2 | 2 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 533 | Technology for Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 534 | Teaching Students with Multiple Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
If seeking special education endorsement in VI in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Accelerated Bachelors/Master's (ABM) Admission
The Accelerated Bachelors/Master’s (ABM) 4+1 program allows exceptional undergraduate students at UND an opportunity to complete the requirements for both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. All requirements for both degrees must be met, and students may double count up to 12 graduate-level credits toward the requirements for both their bachelor’s and master’s degree requirements. ABM students must obtain their master’s degree within 12 months of completing the bachelor’s degree.
The M.Ed. in Special Education offers two options for the ABM program:
- B.S.Ed. Early Childhood Education with a minor in Special Education/M.Ed. in Special Education with Specialization in Early Childhood Education.
- B.G.S. with a major in General Studies/M.Ed. in Special Education with a Specialization in Special Education Strategist. (No previously earned credits are required for the M.Ed. in SPED 4+1 option.)
Admission Requirements
- Students interested in the accelerated program will follow the admission process listed above for the M.Ed.
- In addition to these requirements, students will need to submit an Accelerated/Combined Program of Study as part of the admission process.
Degree Requirements
Option 1 - Early Childhood Education ABM
Admission to Teacher Education Requires: Praxis Core Pass score; Live Text purchase; Introductory Letter; Level One Disposition Degree Requirements.
Transferred credits or credits fulfilled with Associates Degree in Early Childhood or Education include:
Code | Title | Credits |
T&L 250 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
T&L 251 | Understanding Individuals with Different Abilities | 3 |
T&L 252 | Child Development | 3 |
T&L 310 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education | 3 |
T&L 320 | Infant and Toddler | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Bachelor’s courses for licensure: | ||
T&L 322 | Administration and Leadership in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
T&L 333 | Methods and Materials: Pre-Kindergarten | 3 |
T&L 335 | Foundations of Reading | 3 |
T&L 336 | Social and Emotional Development and Guidance of Children | 3 |
T&L 339 | Educational Technology | 2 |
T&L 405 | Data Literacy for Teachers | 1 |
T&L 411 | Primary Reading and Language Arts | 2 |
T&L 430 | Social Studies Methods in Elementary Schools (TEAM) | 3 |
T&L 433 | Multicultural Education | 3 |
T&L 443 | Mathematics for Primary Grades | 2 |
T&L 453 | Methods and Materials: Kindergarten | 2 |
T&L 456 | Early Childhood Ed Seminar | 1 |
T&L 470 | Science Methods in Elementary Schools (TEAM) | 3 |
T&L 487 | Student Teaching | 4-16 |
T&L 486 | Field Experience | 2 |
T&L 489 | Senior Capstone: Responsive Teaching | 3 |
T&L 518 | Curriculum and Methods for Teaching STEM (T&L 518 remove as replaced with T&L 470) | 3 |
T&L 519 | Social Studies in the Elementary School (Remove T&L 519. This will be replaced by T&L 430) | 3 |
Special Education Minor courses- included in degree | ||
T&L 316 | Behavioral Assessment and Tiered Supports in Education | 3 |
T&L 319 | Integrating Diverse Needs in Educational Settings | 3 |
T&L 413 | Assessing and Correcting Reading Difficulties | 2 |
T&L 423 | Assessment and Individualized Planning in Special Education | 3 |
T&L 444 | Assessing and Correcting Mathematics Difficulties | 2 |
T&L 486 | Field Experience | 1-4 |
SPED 525 | Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education | 3 |
SPED Masters level courses (12 credits double counted from BS with asterisk) | ||
T&L 529 | Language Development Cognition in Children (*) covers content from 313 | 3 |
T&L 530 | Foundations of Reading Instruction | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community (*) covers content from 338 | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education (*) | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs (*) | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 525 | Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 578 | Behavior Management | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education | 1-4 |
SPED 589 | Internship: Early Childhood Special Education | 1-4 |
Option 2 - Special Education Strategist ABM
- The Bachelor of General Studies - Please see the Bachelor of General Studies requirements which are located in the academic catalog.
- Master of Education in SPED 4+1 - M.Ed. in SPED 4+1 requirements are the same as the M.Ed. requirements.
Upon offer of admission, the following will be required: Successful passage of FBI criminal background check
Admission Requirements for the M.S.
The Master of Science (M.S.) is for those who already have a degree in education. The M.S. will have a research to practice focus.
- A bachelor’s degree.
A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 for all undergraduate work (based on A = 4.00).
Satisfy the School of Graduate Studies’ English Language Proficiency requirements as published in the graduate catalog.
Admission Process
- Complete the School of Graduate Studies' online application.
- Submit the application fee of $35.
- Three Letters of Recommendation are required: one from an employment supervisor or administrator, one from a professional colleague or university professor, and one from a professional of your choosing.
- Request one official copy of all academic transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attempted credit at, including undergraduate and graduate course work.
- One Personal Statement, which will include the questions listed below specific to special education, will be required on the master's application.
Personal Statement
The length of each response should be 1-2 pages double-spaced. The personal statement is scored for depth of discussion, authenticity, organization, and mechanics.
Respond to the four questions below:
- Explain how your experiences/interests reflect your capacity for the specialization area you are applying for specifically (i.e., ASD, BIS, EBD, ECSE, General, ID, LD, SES, and VI).
- Identify a behavioral or learning need with an individual with whom you know professionally or personally and describe your approach to managing the individual's specific need.
- Graduate school may be challenging due to competing demands for your time. Please address how you will navigate these challenges by utilizing your strengths.
- In this master’s program, you will receive constructive feedback to develop and/or enhance your skills. Explain how you have perceived and managed this type of feedback in your past experiences.
Specialization Areas
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): The ABA specialization area includes coursework and an intensive practicum that focuses on concepts and principles, assessment and behavior change systems, methods and applications, ethics, and research methods. This specialization is approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): The ASD specialization area focuses on children, adolescents, and adults with ASD and addresses several aspects of ASD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, inter-agency collaboration/support, and application in a field setting.
- Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS): The BIS specialization prepares educators to support children and adolescents who use behaviors that interfere with instruction and social-emotional development. This specialization provides training and experience in assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors and facilitation of interdisciplinary and stakeholder teaming to support individual children and their caregivers.
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): The ECSE specialization area focuses on children from birth to age eight and addresses various disabilities, primarily developmental in nature, and addresses several aspects of ECSE including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, all forms of development, (e.g., language, physical), and application in a field setting.
- Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD): The EBD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with both emotional and behavior disorders and addresses several aspects of EBD including characteristics, assessment, behavior and academic methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- General Special Education: The general specialization area is a “design your own program” option. Students can choose courses from all of the courses offered by the special education program.
- Intellectual Disabilities (ID): The ID specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and addresses several aspects of ID including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Learning Disabilities (LD): The LD specialization area focuses on children and adolescents with learning problems that are not due to developmental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities and addresses several aspects of LD including characteristics, assessment, methods/strategies, and application in a field setting.
- Special Education Strategist (SES): The SES specialization area is a cross-categorical area that encompasses all of the courses in the specialization areas of ID, EBD, and LD.
- Visual Impairment (VI): The VI specialization area focuses on children and adolescents who are visually impaired or blind and addresses several aspects of VI including characteristics, assessment, braille code, methods/strategies, orientation/mobility, and application in a field setting.
Degree Requirements
Students seeking the Master of Science degree at the University of North Dakota must satisfy all general requirements set forth by the School of Graduate Studies as well as particular requirements set forth by the Special Education Program.
- A minimum of 30 credits at or above the 500 level is required for the degree. Additional credits may be needed for professional licensure.
- A maximum of one-fourth of the credit hours may be transferred from another institution.
- Two credits of SPED 995 Scholarly Project or four credits of T&L 998 Thesis.
- Nine credits of Special Education Core Coursework (excluding students in the ABA specialization).
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 525 | Legal/Ethical Aspects in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 578 | Behavior Management | 3 |
Select 1 of the Following: | ||
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 552 | Inclusive Methods | 3 |
Six credits of scholarly tools/assessment courses. Choose two of the following:
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education | 1-4 |
Choose one or more specialization area/s and complete the required courses and elective courses for a minimum total of 30 credits for the M.S. degree:
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 541 | Methods and Applications in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 542 | Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts | 3 |
ABA 543 | Behavior Analytic Supervision and OBM | 3 |
ABA 544 | Research Methods in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 545 | Assessment and Behavior Change Systems | 4 |
ABA 546 | Philosophical Underpinnings of Applied Behavior Analysis | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. |
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 583 | Internship: Autism Spectrum Disorder | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 541 | Methods and Applications in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
ABA 542 | Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysts | 3 |
ABA 545 | Assessment and Behavior Change Systems | 4 |
SPED 579 | Internship: Behavioral Intervention Specialist | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in BIS in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 589 | Internship: Early Childhood Special Education | 1-4 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select from the following: | ||
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education (Early Childhood Mental Health) | 3 |
T&L 529 | Language Development Cognition in Children | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ECSE in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in EBD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
General Special Education
Note that there are no additional required courses. A minimum of 19 credits can be selected from the following courses:
Code | Title | Credits |
ABA 540 | Concepts and Principles in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 510 | Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPED 511 | Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 512 | Methods and Materials for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPED 514 | Intervention Strategies with Infants and Toddlers | 3 |
SPED 516 | Collaborative Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 580 | Practicum: Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 581 | Internship: General Special Education | 1-6 |
SPED 590 | Special Topics in Special Education (Early Childhood Mental Health) | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
Choose courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
Confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state's requirements.
Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in ID in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Learning Disabilities (LD)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in LD in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Special Education Strategist (SES)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 551 | Advanced Assessment in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 550 | Foundations of Special Education with Emphasis in ASD, EBD, ID, and LD | 3 |
SPED 554 | Advanced Methods: Learning Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 555 | Advanced Methods: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
SPED 586 | Internship: Emotional Behavioral Disorders | 1-6 |
SPED 587 | Internship: Intellectual Disabilities | 1-6 |
SPED 588 | Internship: Learning Disabilities | 1-6 |
Elective Courses: Choose additional courses in the Special Education Program Area to equal a minimum of 30 credits. Additional credits may be required for your state's teacher licensure requirements.
If seeking special education endorsement in SES in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Visual Impairment (VI)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
SPED 500 | Introduction to Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 502 | Braille Reading and Writing | 2 |
SPED 505 | Low Vision Assessment and Remediation | 3 |
SPED 585 | Internship: Visual Impairment | 1-6 |
Elective Courses | ||
Select six courses of the following: | ||
SPED 501 | Diseases and Function of the Eye | 2 |
SPED 503 | Orientation and Mobility/Visual Impairment | 2 |
SPED 504 | Communication Media and Methods/Visual Impairment | 3 |
SPED 521 | IEP and the Transition Process | 3 |
SPED 528 | Advanced Assistive Technology | 3 |
SPED 530 | Braille Code 1 | 2 |
SPED 531 | Braille Code 2 | 2 |
SPED 532 | Visual Impairment/Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 552 | Inclusive Methods | 3 |
SPED 557 | Progress Monitoring | 3 |
T&L 553 | Collaborative Relationships: Home, School and Community | 3 |
If seeking special education endorsement in VI in North Dakota, confer with your advisor regarding these requirements. If seeking teacher certification in a state other than North Dakota, refer to that state’s requirements.
Licensure Requirements
This program meets several states' educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification. Check our licensure map for more details.
State Licensure MapGraduate Admissions Requirements
In addition to meeting these program requirements, you must also meet the UND School of Graduate Studies admissions requirements to apply for this program.
Requirements for a Master's in Special Education Disclaimer
The requirements on this page are pulled from UND’s academic catalog and may not reflect future terms. Updates are published annually in April.
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