Tech Accelerator
The UND Tech Accelerator facility helps support UND's mission of economic development for the state.
The UND Tech Accelerator offers laboratory facilities for either life sciences or engineering in the local commercial real estate market.
The UND Tech Accelerator facility has made it possible to develop high-tech businesses and diversify the state's economy.
- One recent tenant, a life sciences start-up company, came to Grand Forks from Maryland. The company was attracted by the opportunity to hire graduates from UND's outstanding Clinical Laboratory Sciences program, and by the opportunity for research collaborations with faculty from the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.
- Most of the companies are coming from out of state to work with UND faculty on research projects or develop relationships for student intern programs.
The UND Tech Accelerator opened in 2009 and is operating a 50,000 square foot research facility with laboratories in Life Sciences and Advanced Technologies in an enclosed facility.
The building also includes office, conference room and training room spaces. This is a facility for companies that have grown beyond the incubator stage and are approaching a time of rapid growth. Those are commonly technology-based companies that need appropriate laboratory space.