Frequently Asked Questions
The following information covers important policies and procedures you should be aware of as a graduate student at UND. All of the full policies can be found in the Graduate Academic Catalog.
For students to be considered full time the minimum credits taken is 9. To qualify for Federal Financial Aid you must be registered in a minimum of 5 credits (half-time status).
Courses taken by graduate students, for which a grade of D, F, or U was received, may be repeated once for credit, with only the second grade to count in the grade point average. This option does not apply to students who have been dismissed. Contact the School of Graduate Studies so your transcript will be marked as a retake once the course is graded.
If you fall below a 3.00 GPA your record will be reviewed. Students having accumulated 9 or more credit hours will be placed on Academic Warning for one semester; students having accumulated fewer than 9 credit hours will be placed on Academic Warning until either (a) the GPA is raised to at least 3.00 (2.75 for M. Engr) or (b) 9 graduate credit hours are accumulated, whichever occurs first. If, at the end of the probationary period, the GPA is still less than 3.00 (2.75 for M. Engr.), the student may be dismissed. Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA to be eligible for assistantships.
Your main goal as a graduate student should be to complete courses pertinent to your program of study. Some programs allow students to take undergraduate courses as part of their cognate, and it is understood that the student will be required to do additional work, over and above that typically required of undergraduates. These courses may or may not be used on the program of study so you should double check their eligibility for graduate credit before enrolling.
Continuous enrollment is not a School of Graduate Studies' requirement, unless you are utilizing University services. However, some departments do require continuous enrollment so you do not lose your standing within the department. Check with your department for this requirement. School of Graduate Studies' policy does require you to be enrolled the semester you graduate.
Graduate courses more than seven years old are considered obsolete and may not be counted to fulfill course requirement for an advanced degree program. Programs of study more than 7 years old also are obsolete. Obsolete UND graduate courses may be revalidated and may be counted toward an advanced degree on the recommendation of the student’s faculty advisory committee and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. The revalidation form is available on our web site. Graduate work from another institution, which is overage, cannot be revalidated and will not count towards a UND degree.
You will also need to file a Leave of Absence form if you are not enrolled for the fall or spring semester (summer semester does not count as a break in enrollment). If you do not file a Leave of Absence, you will be required to submit a Readmission Application before you can register.
Graduate students do not have the option of electing S/U grading in either graduate or undergraduate courses that are on their program of study, unless that is the only way they are offered.
If you can’t complete a course on time because of something beyond your control, you may request to receive an incomplete grade. Your instructor may allow this if they feel that there is reasonable certainty that you will successfully complete the course without retaking it. Please be aware that the work needs to be completed by the specified deadline that your instructor indicates or your grade will automatically revert to an F.
To drop a course after the deadline, you must complete as Administrative Procedures petition. This form can be found on the School of Graduate Studies or the Registrar’s web sites. This form, with signatures and recommendations for approval or disapproval, must be brought to the School of Graduate Studies for the Graduate Dean’s signature. Explain clearly why you are requesting to drop a course after the deadline. Clearly specify the course and term you are requesting to drop. The administrative procedures committee will meet on these petitions throughout the semester, and you will be notified of their decision.
UND is using the National Student Clearinghouse for loan deferments and enrollment verification. Enrollment verifications can be printed from your CampusConnection.
Original advisor and committee appointments are made on the Program of Study form.
Updates to your advisor or committee appointments can be made using the Change form.
After consulting with your advisor, fill out the Change form. Do not submit a new program of study, unless there are major (more than 5) changes.
As you develop your program of study, work with your advisor on making this choice. If you change your option, you may need to submit a new advisor or committee appointment, program of study and topic proposal. Do not enroll in thesis credits until you are sure of this option. If a change has been made after you have enrolled, a permanent SP or UP for thesis credits already taken will be recorded on your transcript, and you will need to enroll for the non-thesis course. No change can be made the same semester you are graduating.
Yes, they will remain an incomplete until your final copy is finished. A grade of “SP” Satisfactory Progress, or “UP” Unsatisfactory Progress, will be assigned. The “SP” or the “UP” grade, which usually span several semesters, will be replaced by a grade at the conclusion of the activity, usually a student’s final semester. Grades of “SP” or “UP” are not calculated into term or cumulative GPA values and will be expunged from the record upon submission of final grades.
The Topic Proposal is a summary of the student’s Dissertation, Thesis, Independent Study, Project Design, or Scholarly Project. The form can be found on our web site under current students' forms.
If you have finished all your courses on your program of study, you can enroll in 996 continuing enrollment (1-9 credits) to finish your independent study, thesis, or dissertation. The fee is $150 per credit. Do not enroll in more 998 thesis credits, or 999 dissertation credits than are on your program of study.
International Students have additional enrollment requirements and should talk to the International Center to ensure their enrollment meets visa requirements.