Admitted Graduate Student Checklist
Now that you're accepted to UND, it's time to get started on your next steps.
Graduate Assistants: Please pay particular attention to the Graduate Assistantship information guiding you to payroll.
Steps After Accepting Your Admission Offer
To gain access to many of the systems you'll need as a UND student, you must activate
your student account within the North Dakota University System.
To claim your NDUS account:
- Go to UND.edu/claim.
- Find your student ID number (also known as your EMPLID) on your acceptance letter or by following the steps under the Find My EMPLID menu.
- Once you have your student ID number, click on Claim Your Account.
- Follow the steps as indicated.
Once you've claimed your NDUS account, you won't have to repeat the process. Make sure to keep your username and password in a safe and secure place. You'll use this username and password for other UND systems, such as housing, class registration and financial aid.
NDUS Help Desk
Personal Email Account
Please check the personal email account that you used on your admission application frequently for communications from the University regarding financial aid, housing, confirming your enrollment, Orientation, course registration and more. You'll continue to get reminder emails about these next steps to your personal account from the Office of University Admissions until your first semester at UND begins.
UND Student Email Account
As you get closer to beginning classes at UND, you'll start to get emails from other campus departments to your official UND student email account. It's important to check this account frequently so you don't miss communications from the University.
After you've claimed your NDUS account, follow the directions to log into your UND student email account.
Once the semester begins, all communications from the University will be sent to your official UND student email account.
UND Tech Support
The School of Graduate Studies provides an online New Student Orientation program to help you prepare for, and navigate through, your first year of graduate education.
At least two business days after you've accepted your offer of admission, log in to the online, self-paced Orientation program with your UND username and password.
The Orientation will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the only application UND requires to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid programs. The aid you're eligible to receive is determined from your enrollment status, the financial information you provide in your FAFSA and the cost to attend UND.
Don't assume you won't be eligible for aid! Most students qualify for some type of aid, including low-interest federal student loans.
2025-26 Academic Year
Go to studentaid.gov to complete your 2025-26 FAFSA by using your 2023 income taxes.
Funding is not guaranteed after the Feb. 1 priority deadline. Apply early!
UND's FAFSA school code is 003005.
Summer 2025
If you plan to take summer 2025 courses, you'll need to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA. You must be registered in summer classes before financial aid eligibility will be evaluated.
One-Stop Student Services
Scholarship Central
Now that you're accepted to UND, you can apply annually for 1,000+ scholarships with one application at Scholarship Central from Oct. 1 to Feb. 1 for the following academic year.
Non-UND Scholarships
Explore outside scholarship opportunities through a variety of sources including the federal government, the state of North Dakota and outside organizations.
You may accept non-UND scholarships without affecting your UND scholarships. (If you have a UND athletic scholarship, please contact the Athletic Department to determine if you can accept a non-UND scholarship.)
If you'd like to live on campus, visit housing to learn about affordable, conveniently located UND apartments, residence halls and other campus housing options.
After you've claimed your NDUS Account, visit housing to find instructions for completing the online housing application process for campus apartments or residence halls.
You can apply for campus apartment at any time. If you're planning to live in a residence hall or University Place, you'll need to follow the timeline for the semester you're enrolling at UND.
UND Housing & Residence Life Office
Steps to Register for Classes
For degree-seeking students, contact your advisor to make a plan for course registration.
Note that advising typically takes place for the upcoming semesters during the following months:
- Summer/Fall Semester = March/April
- Spring Semester = October/November
Identify Your Advisor
- Your advisor's name and email is listed in your admissions letter in your admissions application.
- You can also find your advisor information in Campus Connection > Academic Progress > Advisors and Advising Notes.
Permissions Numbers
- Some courses require a meeting with an advisor to get a course permission number.
- You'll need to contact your academic department to get the permission number.
- Class registration typically begins for the upcoming semester during the following
- Summer/Fall Semester = April
- Spring Semester = November
- Campus Connection is the system that you'll use to register for classes. After you've
claimed your NDUS Account:
- Go to Campus Connection.
- On the login page, enter your user ID (e.g., firstname.lastname) and password.
- Click Sign In.
- View your specific day and time to register in Campus Connection:
- Manage Classes > Enrollment Dates
- Your registration date and time is based on your graduate student status.
- You may register for classes anytime on or after your registration date and time.
- Every semester, you must electronically sign the Financial Obligation Agreement in Campus Connection before you'll be able to register for classes.
- Within Campus Connection > Manage Classes > Sign Financial Obligation Agreement
- On or after your class registration date and time, follow this step-by step guide to register for your classes within Campus Connection.
Steps After Registering for Classes
If you haven't already, make sure you have set up and logged into your UND student email account.
Once the semester begins, all communications from the University will be sent to your official UND student email account, so it's very important that you check your email frequently.
UND Tech Support
All newly admitted on-campus and online students must provide required immunization documentation or request an approved exemption.
Required Immunization Documentation
- Two (2) doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccination.
- One (1) dose of Meningitis vaccination given after the 16th birthday (if age 21 or
- Accepted brands of Meningitis vaccine include Menactra, Menveo and MenQuadfi.
- Note: International students must also complete Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment electronically on their MyHealth Patient Portal.
See the Student Health Services website for complete details on how to upload your immunization records electronically or request an exemption.
Student Health Services
Approximately three to four weeks before the start of your first semester at UND, you'll receive an email to your UND student account with instructions on how to complete mandatory online training programs that cover topics such as:
- Campus policies
- Fire safety
- Sexual violence (optional training)
- Alcohol and drugs (optional training)
Student Technology Requirements
Whether you’re taking courses in the classroom or online, it’s important to have the right technology and equipment.
Visit the University IT website for an overview of student technology requirements.
Free Software
As a UND student, you'll receive Microsoft 365 Apps for free, which includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, Outlook and more.
You may install Microsoft 365 Apps on a maximum of five (5) home or personally-owned PCs / Macs and on a maximum of five (5) mobile devices. Office mobile applications are accessible on iPhone and Android phones.
Technology Support Services
Get acquainted with University Information Technology and the support services they provide to students through the UND Tech Guide.
As a reminder, if you haven't already, please do the following as soon as possible:
- Complete these steps in Campus Connection (click on Student Self Service):
- If you received financial aid from UND, take care of any holds or to-do list items.
- Accept/decline your award.
- Set up your direct deposit information for receiving excess financial aid and other refunds (if needed).
- Add an authorized payer (e.g., family member) to your account (if needed).
- If you have accepted a federal student loan, you must complete Entrance Loan Counseling and sign your Mastery Promissory Note at studentaid.gov.
- Mail any scholarship checks by Aug. 15 (fall semester) or Dec. 15 (spring semester) to One-Stop Student Services.
- Notify One-Stop Student Services of any anticipated external scholarships prior to the start of the semester by emailing onestop@UND.edu.
- Checks must be payable to UND (or endorsed by the student) and include your student ID number.
Refer to the financial aid website and guide for complete details.
One-Stop Student Services
The U Card is your official UND identification and credential card. Carry it with you at all times.
Your U Card provides access to many campus buildings, library resource materials, printing funds, as well as entrance to the Wellness Center, dining services and all athletic events.
When ordering your U Card, make sure you follow the photo requirements or your photo will be rejected and you will need to resubmit it.
*If you're an online student, you have the option to get your U Card, but you're not required to do so.
Permits are required if you're parking a vehicle on campus. Keep in mind UND is a walkable campus with free shuttle services, so you may not need a vehicle.
Free Shuttle Services
- Campus Shuttle: Takes you to all major parts of campus, Monday-Friday.
- Aviation Shuttle: Runs 7 days a week from Ryan Hall to the UND Airport.
- Off-Campus Shuttle: Free citywide bus system with your student ID.
Housing Parking Permits
- Housing parking permits are based off your housing assignment and are only valid in their specific zone.
- Visit the Resident Housing Map to see where permits are valid.
- Housing permits are also valid for the UND Airport and UND Wellness Center parking lots.
- Housing parking permits are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. For each residence hall, there are convenient and perimeter options. The convenient zones will sell out.
- Students living in UND apartments or Greek housing also have special permit options.
- If you do not see your desired permit option in the Parking Portal, you'll need to purchase a permit for your assigned overflow lot. You'll have the option to add yourself to the waitlist for a desired permit, but being on the waitlist does not guarantee you'll be offered that permit.
Commuter Student Permits
- If you're not living on campus, you may purchase a Commuter Student Permit and park in designated "A/S" lots.
- Student Parking Ramp Permits are also available for the ramp and "A/S" lots. The student ramp permits also sell out quickly.
- View the Student Parking Permits webpage for more information.
Purchasing a Parking Permit
- Annual permits for the upcoming academic year are available for purchase beginning July 15.
- Annual permits are valid from Aug. 1 to July 31 of the following year.
- Spring, summer or fall semester parking permits are also available.
- You'll be able to access the UND Parking Portal two business days after registering for classes.
- Once you purchase a permit, your license plate serves as your virtual permit.
UND Parking Services
There are a few ways to identify your required textbooks or other course materials for the upcoming semester:
1. Campus Connection
- Log into Campus Connection to see your textbook list by class and order directly through the UND Bookstore.
- Click Manage Classes > View My Classes.
- On the bottom, click the blue "Buy My Books" button to pull up the UND Bookstore with all your required materials.
2. UND Bookstore
- Visit the UND Bookstore website to find your textbooks online. You can have them shipped to your residence or pick them up at the store.
- You may also shop in person.
UND Bookstore
UND offers interest-free payment plans to help you break down your total costs owed to UND into affordable monthly payments.
Your options for a 3-, 4- or 5-month payment plan are determined by the date you sign up. The earlier you sign up, the more you can spread out your payments.
There is a $30 fee for payment plan enrollment.
Keep in mind the following:
- Use our net price calculator to estimate your tuition payment to UND, after any financial aid is factored in.
- If you received financial aid, it will be applied to your bill after the last day to drop/add a course for that semester.
- If you don't have a payment plan in place, you'll need to pay any outstanding balance by the following dates to avoid a late fee:
- Fall: Oct. 15
- Spring: March 15
One-Stop Student Services
Steps After Beginning Classes
Make a Payment
- View your Campus Connection account to verify that you're being charged the correct tuition rate.
- Review options to pay your bill. Payments can be made online through Campus Connection.
- A reminder that your outstanding balance is due by the following dates to avoid a
late fee:
- Fall = Oct. 15
- Spring = March 15
International Payments
If you live outside of the United States and need to make a payment, visit Flywire for directions.
Campus Connection Authorized User
To permit someone else (family member) to view your tuition bill and make payments, you must set up an authorized user in your Campus Connection account.
One-Stop Student Services
Helpful Tips & Resources
As a UND graduate student, you're expected to review the Guide to Graduation and other forms that may be required by your department or program.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the School of Graduate Studies.
You'll use a variety of different student systems throughout your UND experience.
Before classes begin, familiarize yourself with these main systems and how you will
use them. Campus Connection is the system you'll use to manage your student account information, including registering
for classes, managing your financial aid and paying your bills. Before classes begin, make sure you go to Student Self Service within Campus Connection to: For many of your courses, Blackboard will be an important and useful tool. Blackboard
is an online system that gives you access to your course information, including syllabi,
grades, handouts, presentation, quizzes and exams. It is important to check Blackboard regularly for course updates. Hawk Central is a tool that helps you do the following: To access Campus Connection, Blackboard, Hawk Central and other systems you'll use
as a student:Campus Connection
Hawk Central
How to Login
Stay up-to-date with important academic dates and deadlines by checking out UND's academic calendars, which include:
- Semester start/end dates
- Add/drop deadlines
- Financial aid deadlines
- Billing due dates
- Holidays
You can use our interactive academic calendars to save individual dates directly to your own calendar system by clicking on the "Add to Calendar" link. You also can receive email reminders for an event by clicking on the "I'm Interested" button.
Connect with UND
- Visit the UND events calendar.
- Download the My UND app. Opt into the communication channels that interest you.
- Follow @UNDstudentlife on Instagram.
- Add your cell phone number to Campus Connection to receive student life text messages.
- Watch for the Student Life Weekly newsletter to arrive in your inbox every Monday during the academic year.
- Read the Dakota Student newspaper.
- Tag your social media posts with #UNDproud and see yourself on the UND home page.
Connect with the School of Graduate Studies
The School of Graduate Studies sends weekly emails with information pertinent to our graduate student community including deadlines, announcements, events and assistantship opportunities. If you are not receiving the weekly newsletter, please contact gradschool@UND.edu.
The UND School of Graduate Studies offers a variety of resources to support you in your academic and professional careers, including:
- Gershman Graduate Center, which provides a space exclusively for graduate students to connect with their peers.
- Career & Professional Development Workshops, including a variety of topics such as grant writing, crafting presentations and interview skills.
- Accelerate to Industry (A2i) provides graduate students with immersive career training experiences.
- Thesis & Dissertation Support to help you successfully complete your graduate degree.
Explore the School of Graduate Studies website for more information on all of the resources and support services available to you.
If you're struggling with one of your courses, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Academic Support Services
As a UND student, you have access to a variety of academic services at no additional cost, including:
Writing Center
The Writing Center is a place for students to discuss their work in progress with a writing consultant. Common projects consultants can assist you with are:
- Class assignments
- Resumes and CVs
- Application essays
- Graduate theses and doctoral dissertations
Library Services
The Chester Fritz Library offers a variety of services to help you with your classes and research.UND offers a variety of health and safety information, resources and support for concerns such as:
- Accommodations for students with disabilities
- Mental health
- Public safety
- Policies
- Health and wellbeing
- Discrimination
Use our interactive SafeUND website to quickly find the help you need.
You may also download the UND SafeCampus mobile app to receive important safety alerts and access to resources.
Career Services assists you with achieving your career goals by:
- Helping you to identify potential career paths.
- Providing internship opportunities to combine your coursework with professional experience in your field.
- Enhancing your job search techniques, resume and cover letter writing abilities and interview skills.
- Offering practice interviews, specialized workshops and career fairs.
Balancing a job while you go to college can be an excellent way to get involved, earn money, learn time management and develop your professional skills.
There are thousands of jobs available on campus as well as within the Greater Grand Forks community.
Visit the Student Employment website to learn about the different types of student jobs and to apply.
Student Employment
Getting involved at UND is a great way to make new friends, explore your interests and enhance your college experience.
Check out all the opportunities UND Student Involvement offers.