Educational Leadership Doctorate Requirements
Complete these requirements for the online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.
Admission Requirements
The following criteria will be used to assess a student’s application for admission into the Doctor of Education in Educational Practice and Leadership program. No single criterion can adequately predict a student’s probable success in graduate work. Applicants should anticipate that the materials they submit will be held to high standards with submission of the following:
- The applicant must meet the School of Graduate Studies’ current minimum general admission requirements as published in the graduate catalog
- Completion of a master’s degree from an accredited college or university
- Grade point average from all previous graduate work (minimum of 3.5 required)
- Professional resume
- Transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation that address your academic ability, professional accomplishments related to your field of study, and positive character traits
- A statement of clear professional/educational goals that can be met by this program/specialization as specified in the graduate catalog
- An original essay not to exceed four double-spaced pages (exclusive of references) on a contemporary problem of practice. The writing will be reviewed for:
- overall suitability for doctoral level study;
- cohesive development of ideas;
- support for ideas; and
- writing conventions.
9. Writing sample.
a. Include with your application an individually-authored sample of your writing that the admission committee can use to evaluate your ability as a writer and potential success in the doctoral program.
b. The minimum length of the sample is five pages and should not exceed 30 pages. Examples of possible writing samples include, but are not limited to, journal articles, paper from a course, or some written work product such as a manual or technical report.
10. The applicant must sign a statement attesting that the goal statement, essay, and writing sample submitted were original compositions of the applicant, completed without the aid of an editor.
11. Applicants for the School Leadership specialization are required to have a teaching credential, three years of teaching experience, and leadership experience in PK-12 environments and to pass a background check.
Degree Requirements
- A minimum of 90 semester credit hours of course work beyond the bachelor’s degree.
- Maintenance of at least a 3.0 GPA for all classes completed as a graduate student.
- With approval of a student’s Faculty Advisory Committee, up to 30 credits from a master’s degree may be transferred from another institution.
- Successful completion of comprehensive examinations.
- Completion of a Dissertation in Practice (9 credits).
- Ed.D. Core Coursework (9 credits):
Code | Title | Credits |
EFR 502 | Issues and Trends in Education | 3 |
HE 569 | Diversity Systems and Policy in Education | 3 |
EDL 573 | Advanced Leadership Theories | 3 |
7. Scholarly Tools Coursework (9 credits):
Code | Title | Credits |
EFR 509 | Introduction to Applied Educational Research | 3 |
T&L 569 | Action Research | 3 |
Select 1 Additional Courses (3 credits) | ||
T&L 579 | Inquiry into Professional Practice | 3 |
EFR 510 | Participatory Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
EFR 511 | Program and Policy Evaluation | 3 |
EFR 512 | Survey Design and Analysis | 3 |
EFR 514 | Advanced Textual Analysis | 3 |
EFR 530 | Learning Analytics | 3 |
8. In addition, you may choose one or more specialization areas and complete the required courses. Applicants may also choose a "Generalist" route and complete the required number of courses based upon electives targeted to their specific needs. Elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with academic advisor.
Descriptions of Specializations
Education Policy, Reform, & Equity (EPRE): Students in this specialization area examine problems of practice through the lens of policy and reform efforts with the focus on producing products that aim for equity and social change.
Higher Education (HE): The HE area prepares administrators and/or professors for leadership in an academic discipline at a college or university.
Instructional Design & Technology (IDT): The IDT area prepares instructors, instructional designers, curriculum/technology coordinators, or directors for educational technology, faculty development centers, or training departments with a focus on understanding curriculum design, human learning, and the integration of technology.
School Leadership (SL): The SL area is designed primarily for the practitioners preparing for school administration positions including elementary, middle school, and secondary principals; superintendents; special education and curriculum directors, and other school district central office positions. Upon completion of the degree, depending on state licensure credential requirements, a student generally will have completed many, if not all, coursework which will lead to an administrative credential.
Special Education (SPED): The SPED area is focused on preparing experienced professionals for the role as an Educational Diagnostician or for leadership roles in working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Diagnosticians evaluate students to determine services and effective programming, as well as provide leadership at the school and district levels to inform policies and practices. Specialists in ASD evaluate and collaborate about individuals with ASD to determine services and effective programming, as well as provide leadership across a range of settings to inform policies and practices.
Sport Leadership (Sport): The Sport Leadership area is designed for those individuals who aspire to become Athletic Directors, Coaches, or other Administrators of either traditional sports or esports at any level, including professional, educational, or community settings.
Teacher Education (TE): The TE area prepares professors of education at a college or university and/or as an educational specialist to teachers in PK-12 schools.
Education, Policy, Reform, & Equity
Education Policy, Reform, & Equity Required Courses (27 Credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
EFR 503 | History of American Education Policy and Reform | 3 |
EFR 505 | Educational Equity and Social Change in Schooling | 3 |
EFR 510 | Participatory Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
EFR 527 | Education Policy: Theories Research | 3 |
Advanced Inquiry Experience (Choose 1) | ||
EFR 514 | Advanced Textual Analysis | 3 |
EFR 520 | Translational and pluralistic designs in qualitative research | 3 |
Applied Policy Study | ||
EFR 591 | Readings in Education (9 credits, co-enrolled with DiPs) | 1-4 |
EFR 584 | Internship in Educational Research | 1-8 |
Recommended Electives (6 credits) | ||
EDL 527 | Legal Issues in Education | 3 |
T&L 543 | Scholarly Writing | 3 |
T&L 586 | Research in Teacher Development and Professionalization Policies | 3 |
Higher Education
Higher Education Required Courses (15 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
HE 532 | Principles and Practices in Higher Education | 3 |
HE 536 | Leading and Learning in Higher Education | 3 |
HE 541 | History of Higher Education in the United States | 3 |
HE 544 | Assessment in Higher Education | 3 |
HE 538 | College Student Experiences | 3 |
Higher Education Elective Courses (18 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
HE 561 | Curriculum in Higher Education | 3 |
T&L 545 | Adult Learners | 3 |
HE 571 | Introduction to Research Traditions in Higher Education | 3 |
HE 563 | Academic Administration in Higher Education | 3 |
HE 564 | Higher Education Student and Support Services | 3 |
HE 570 | Higher Education Law | 3 |
HE 573 | Higher Education and Public Policy | 3 |
HE 576 | Higher Education Planning and Finance | 3 |
T&L 539 | College Teaching | 3 |
T&L 543 | Scholarly Writing | 3 |
T&L 548 | The Professoriate | 3 |
T&L 547 | Technology in Higher Education | 3 |
Elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with academic advisor.
Instructional Design & Technology
Instructional Design & Technology Required Courses (21 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
IDT 520 | Instructional Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
IDT 525 | Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Instructional Materials | 3 |
IDT 530 | Introduction to Computer-Based Instruction | 3 |
IDT 550 | Theories and Models of Instructional Design | 3 |
IDT 580 | Introduction to Web-Based Instruction (Plus two courses of the following:) | 3 |
Plus two courses of the following: | ||
IDT 510 | Technology-Based Instruction: Applications and Methods | 3 |
IDT 540 | Digital Media and the Internet in Schools | 3 |
IDT 560 | Instructional Design Consulting | 3 |
IDT 570 | Human Performance Technology | 3 |
Elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with academic advisor.
School Leadership
School Leadership Required Courses (15 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
EDL 516 | Education Finance and Policy | 3 |
EDL 517 | Social, Cultural, Political, and Community Dimensions of Schools | 3 |
or EDL 571 | School Community Relations | |
EDL 524 | Educational Personnel Administration | 3 |
EDL 527 | Legal Issues in Education | 3 |
EDL 531 | School District Leadership | 3 |
The remaining 18 credits of electives can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with academic advisor.
Sport Leadership
Sport Leadership Required Courses (24 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
KIN 511 | Sports Administration | 3 |
KIN 512 | Sports Risk Management | 3 |
KIN 531 | Psychology of Sports Leadership | 3 |
EDL 524 | Educational Personnel Administration | 3 |
EDL 571 | School Community Relations | 3 |
Plus Three Directed Electives (9 credits from the following): | ||
KIN 510 | Ethical Sports Leadership | 3 |
KIN 513 | Skill Acquisition in Sport | 3 |
KIN 515 | Cultural Impact of Sports in American History | 3 |
KIN 534 | Social Issues in Sports | 3 |
KIN 537 | Applied Sports Psychology | 3 |
KIN 542 | Sport Psychology for Teams | 3 |
KIN 543 | Sport Psychology for Coaches | 3 |
KIN 551 | Philosophy and Application of Coaching | 3 |
ESPT 540 | Esports and Healthy Gaming | 3 |
Remaining elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with advisor.
Special Education
Educational Diagnostician Required Courses (19 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 570 | The Educational Diagnostician | 3 |
SPED 571 | Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment Measures in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 572 | Achievement Assessment Measures in Special Education | 3 |
SPED 582 | Internship: Educational Diagnostician | 1-4 |
T&L 529 | Language Development Cognition in Children | 3 |
COUN 570 | Cognitive Assessment Measures in Special Education | 3 |
Elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with advisor.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Required Courses (33 Credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
SPED 556 | Advanced Methods: Intellectual Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 560 | ASD: Foundations and Brain Based Differences | 3 |
SPED 561 | Methods for Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 562 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supports Across the Lifespan | 3 |
SPED 563 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Medical Issues and Trends | 3 |
SPED 564 | ASD: Structured Teaching | 3 |
SPED 565 | ASD: Level 1 Supports and Foundations | 3 |
SPED 566 | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Intensive Early Intervention | 3 |
SPED 567 | Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder | 3 |
SPED 571 | Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment Measures in Special Education | 3 |
COUN 570 | Cognitive Assessment Measures in Special Education | 3 |
Teacher Education
Teacher Education Required Courses (21 credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
T&L 539 | College Teaching | 3 |
T&L 545 | Adult Learners | 3 |
T&L 548 | The Professoriate | 3 |
T&L 571 | Teacher Education: Focus on the Teacher | 3 |
T&L 572 | Teacher Education: Focus on the Learner | 3 |
Plus Two Courses of the Following: | ||
T&L 543 | Scholarly Writing | 3 |
T&L 552 | Online Teaching Practice Innovation | 3 |
T&L 586 | Research in Teacher Development and Professionalization Policies | 3 |
HE 544 | Assessment in Higher Education | 3 |
EFR 506 | Multicultural Education | 3 |
Remaining elective credits can be selected from graduate courses in other specializations and from the Educational Foundations and Research (EFR) program in consultation with advisor.
Graduate Admissions Requirements
In addition to meeting these program requirements, you must also meet the UND School of Graduate Studies admissions requirements to apply for this program.
Educational Leadership Doctorate Disclaimer
The requirements on this page are pulled from UND’s academic catalog and may not reflect future terms. Updates are published annually in April.
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