Complete these courses for a Mathematics degree.
All students are encouraged to take courses in disciplines which make use of mathematics, such as Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Biology, Economics, Cyber Security, and Data Science. Students considering graduate school in mathematics are strongly advised to take MATH 441 Abstract Algebra and MATH 432 Introduction to Analysis II.
Required 120 credits (36 of which must be numbered 300 or above, and 30 of which must be from UND) including:
I. Essential Studies Requirements (see University ES listing).
II. Non-Mathematics Requirements:
Computer Science course as approved by the Mathematics Department, such as CSCI 160 Computer Science I or other programming course.
III. The Following Curriculum of 38 Major Hours:
A. Mathematics Core
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
MATH 165
& MATH 166
& MATH 265 | Calculus I
and Calculus II
and Calculus III | 12 |
MATH 207 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 2 |
MATH 266 | Elementary Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 330 | Proof, Set Theory, and Logic | 3 |
MATH 488 | Senior Capstone | 3 |
Total Credits | 23 |
B. Breadth Requirement
One course from each of the following areas (9)
1. Theoretical Mathematics: Courses where the emphasis is on development of theory from basic principles:
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
MATH 405 | Selected Topics in Mathematics (pre-approval of topic required) | 1-3 |
MATH 409 | Geometry | 3 |
MATH 431 | Introduction to Analysis I | 3 |
MATH 435 | Theory of Numbers | 3 |
MATH 441 | Abstract Algebra | 3 |
MATH 442 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
2. Applications of Mathematics: Courses where the emphasis is on applications of mathematics:
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
MATH 352 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 355 | Theory of Interest | 3 |
MATH 408 | Combinatorics | 3 |
MATH 412 | Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 415 | Topics in Applied Mathematics | 1-3 |
MATH 425 | Cryptological Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 455 | Mathematics of Finance | 3 |
MATH 460 | Mathematical Modeling | 3 |
MATH 461 | Numerical Analysis | 3 |
MATH 471 | Introduction to Complex Variables | 3 |
3. Probability and Statistics:
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
MATH 321 | Applied Statistical Methods | 3 |
MATH 416 | Topics in Statistics | 1-3 |
MATH 421 | Statistical Theory I | 3 |
C. Depth Requirement
Courses used to satisfy C may also be used to satisfy a portion of B.
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
| 6 |
MATH 352
& MATH 412 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
and Differential Equations | |
MATH 408
& MATH 425 | Combinatorics
and Cryptological Mathematics | |
MATH 421
& MATH 422 | Statistical Theory I
and Statistical Theory II | |
MATH 431
& MATH 432 | Introduction to Analysis I
and Introduction to Analysis II | |
MATH 435
& MATH 441 | Theory of Numbers
and Abstract Algebra | |
MATH 441
& MATH 442 | Abstract Algebra
and Linear Algebra | |
D. Electives
Math courses numbered 208 and above, excluding MATH 277 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, MATH 377 Geometry Elementary Teachers, MATH 399 Methods for Secondary Teachers: Mathematical Content Knowledge, MATH 477 Topics in Elementary School Mathematics (3-9 to bring the total number of credits to 38)
Teacher Licensure
Through a partnership with the College of Education and Human Development and the Department of Teaching and Learning, students may seek secondary licensure in Mathematics. The following program of study must be completed:
I. Mathematics program of study
- The Essential Studies, Non-Mathematics, and Mathematics Core requirements as described above.
- The following courses to satisfy the breadth requirement:
- Theoretical Mathematics: Math 409 Geometry
- Probability and Statistics: MATH 321 Applied Statistical Methods
- Teaching Content Requirements: MATH 208 Discrete Mathematics, MATH 308 History of Mathematics
- The following sequence:
MATH 435 Theory of Numbers & MATH 441 Abstract Algebra
II. Admission to the Secondary Program, normally while taking T&L 250 Introduction to Education. (See College of Education and Human Development for admission and licensing requirements.)
III. The program in Secondary Education (see Teaching & Learning):
Mathematics majors seeking secondary licensure must have an advisor in both the Mathematics Department and the Department of Teaching and Learning.
BS with Major in Mathematics with Emphasis in Actuarial Science
The following program of study must be completed.
I. The Essential Studies, Non-mathematics, and Core requirements of the BS with Major in Mathematics as described above.
II. Actuarial Sciences Program of Study:
Course ListCode | Title | Credits |
MATH 355 | Theory of Interest | 3 |
MATH 455 | Mathematics of Finance | 3 |
MATH 421 | Statistical Theory I | 3 |
MATH 422 | Statistical Theory II | 3 |
MATH 442 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
ACCT 200 | Elements of Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT 201 | Elements of Accounting II | 3 |
ECON 201 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 202 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
FIN 310 | Principles of Financial Management | 3 |
The requirements on this page are pulled from UND’s academic catalog and may not reflect
future terms. Updates are published annually in April.