Computational Research Center
The Computational Research Center (CRC) is dedicated to helping University of North Dakota researchers solve challenging problems in science and society.
The University provides state-of-the-art computing resources and support to researchers and faculty involved in creative activities. The Talon computer system and the Digital Realism in Engineering and the Applied Metaverse (DREAM) Lab are available at no cost to the UND community. The CRC also pays licensing costs for software and services used by students, faculty, staff, and researchers.
The CRC is a unit of UND's Division of Research and Economic Development.
Talon is an advanced, high-performance computing system that supports wide varieties of compute-intensive and data-intensive research.
Access Talon using your web browser.
Routine maintenance on Talon is scheduled for the second Thursday of every month. Running jobs may be deleted. Please submit jobs only if they will complete by that day.
The Digital Realism in Engineering and the Applied Metaverse (DREAM) Lab has high performance computers and specialty software for creating animations, augmented reality applications, and motion-capture videos.
Did you know...
The UND license costs supported by the CRC for the InCommon national single sign-on service. If you use sites like Globus or ORCID with your UND userid and password, you're using UND's InCommon license.
The percentage of the MATLAB software site license for UND paid for by the CRC. The UND Office of the CIO pays the other half.
New Globus Server Available
The new Globus server has been deployed! Please see the Tutorials (Getting Started > Globus) for updated instructions.
Please include the following acknowledgment in papers, presentations, and other publications that relied on UND CRC resources.
“This work used advanced cyberinfrastructure resources provided by the University of North Dakota Computational Research Center.”
Also, please send us an email at und.hpc.support@UND.edu with publication details.