Student FAQs
What is the American College of Norway?
The American College of Norway (ACN) is a small institution south of Oslo, Norway. Students from Norway and sometimes other countries begin their college experience there and transfer to US schools. UND students can study abroad there. Courses are taught in English and fulfill UND essential studies requirements. All courses offered are UND courses and are taught primarily by UND and other American university professors. It is one of the least expensive ways to study abroad at UND.
When can I study there?
Any time! Including in your first year. Courses are taught at ACN during fall, spring, and summer semesters. For specific dates, visit the ACN website.
Why should I study in Norway? And why American College?
Norway is a modern, exciting place. With cutting edge technology and old world charm, it's the perfect spot to experience the past and the future. ACN offers an excellent curriculum where courses are taught in English but fellow students come from all over the world, making it a perfect low-stress international experience. In addition, students there will transfer to UND, so you can keep those international friendships going, even after the semester is done.
ACN is located in Moss, Norway, just south of Oslo, a hub of international travel. London, Rome, Paris, Dublin, Prague, and other exciting places are only an hour or two away and European travel is cheap! Studying at American College of Norway is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to have an international study experience.
What kind of courses are taught?
All courses are taught in English and most meet UND Essential Studies requirements. English Composition I and II as well as Introduction to Fiction are taught every semester. The rest of the curriculum changes each semester. See our schedule of courses to see what will be offered at ACN over the next few years.
How much does it cost?
This is one of the least expensive study abroad options at UND. UND students pay UND tuition to take classes at ACN. More info available through UND's International Center at 701.777.4231.
Can I use my financial aid for study at American College of Norway?
Yes! And you may be eligible for more financial aid because of travel costs, etc. The advisor in the International Center can help you with this. Make an appointment by calling 701.777.2431.
I'm already in a housing contract but I want to go to ACN for the spring semester. What do I do?
You can be released without penalty from your housing contract if you study at ACN Contact the Housing & Residence Life Office and the International Center for assistance.
Do I need to speak Norwegian?
No. All classes are taught in English and your classmates will be fluent in English as well. The staff at ACN, who are primarily American, are all fluent English speakers, as are most people in Norway. This makes getting around and living in Norway very easy. However, if you wish to learn Norwegian, see UND's Norwegian Language offerings. Knowing a little Norwegian can make the experience even more fun!