Student Disability Resources
UND provides qualified students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in all UND programs and activities.
Emails from noreply@bachelor.accessiblelearning.com on behalf of UND Student Disability Resources regarding the status of your application may filter to your spam or junk folder. Please check your email regularly for updates.
Important: students, remember accommodations must be reviewed and updated each semester. Accommodations are not retro-active. In order to implement appropriate accommodations, students must request accommodations in a timely manner. Students are responsible for engaging in ongoing communication and interactions with Student Disability Resources.
Disability Accommodation Rights
Accommodation rights are provided to students with disabilities in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In order to arrange accommodations, students disclose their disabilities to UND Student Disability Resources, request accommodations and provide documentation to establish a logical link between the accommodation and the disability.