Online Courses for Professional Educators
Advance your career as an educator.
Online Courses for Teachers
UND offers graduate-level, continuing education courses for teachers seeking recertification, state licensure, salary schedule/lane advancement, or other professional development needs.
Our online, enroll anytime courses are designed to meet the needs of teachers today. These courses offer an affordable and convenient way to learn new concepts at a time that works best for you. Explore the topics you are most interested in and gain new ideas and strategies to implement in your classroom. Choose from over 200 online courses listed below.
Our instructors are diverse in their talents. They are current educators, university professors, district-level leaders, and leaders in their area of expertise. Their knowledge, experience, and course offerings will provide you the opportunity to improve in your present position or prepare you for future professional endeavors. These professionals are prepared to work with and assist you in moving your career forward!
ND Teacher Relicensing
If you're obtaining credit for teacher relicensing in a state other than North Dakota, please gain approval from appropriate agencies prior to registration.
Online Continuing Education Courses for Teachers
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Drugs and Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use and Abuse | 2 GPD | $270 |
Effective Teaming for Educators | 3 GPD |
$375 |
Harassment, Bullying and Cyber-Intimidation in Schools | 2 GPD |
$270 |
Leadership | 1 GPD |
$135 |
Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics for Trauma | 3 GPD |
$375 |
Parent and Community Outreach/Involvement | 1 GPD |
$299 |
Peer Coaching and Evaluation | 1 GPD |
$195 |
Personal Leadership Mastery | 3 GPD |
$375 |
Perspectives on Bullying | 1 GPD |
$299 |
Standards and Communication in Teaching | 1 GPD |
$195 |
Teachers in Leadership | 1 GPD | $195 |
Tiny Habits for Educators | 3 GPD |
$375 |
Understanding Leadership | 1 GPD |
$199 |
Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention & Intervention Strategies | 2 GPD |
$270 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
3D Printing X | 1 GPD | $50 |
Career Advisor Training | 1, 2, 3, or 4 GPD | $50, $100, $150, or $200 |
CNC Machining XI | 1 GPD | $50 |
Graphic Production XIV | 1 GPD | $50 |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 1 GPD | $135 |
NDCTE Professional Development Conference 2024 | 1 GPD | $50 |
Preparing College Ready and Career Bound Students | 1 GPD | $195 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Educational Assessment: Assessing Student Learning in the Classroom |
2 GPD | $270 |
Understanding and Implementing Common Core Standards | 3 GPD | $340 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom | 1 GPD | $135 |
Differentiating K-12 Assessments | 1 GPD | $135 |
Response to Intervention: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher | 3 GPD | $340 |
Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies that Work | 1 GPD | $135 |
The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention Connection | 1 GPD | $135 |
Why DI? An Introduction to Differentiated Instruction | 3 GPD | $340 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Early Childhood: Observation & Assessment | 3 GPD | $340 |
Early Childhood, Infant & Toddler Mental Health: Issues & Information for Educators | 2 GPD | $270 |
Early Childhood: Family-Centered Services | 2 GPD | $270 |
Early Childhood: Program Planning | 3 GPD | $340 |
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development | 3 GPD | $340 |
Enhancing Language Development in Childhood | 1 GPD | $135 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Facilitating Learning for Speakers of Non-Standardized English | 1 GPD 3 GPD |
$355 $499 |
Language Acquisition for ESL Students | 3 GPD | $340 |
Methodologies and Best Practices for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | 3 GPD | $430 |
Methods & Materials for Teaching ESL Students | 3 GPD | $340 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Spanish in the Classroom | 1 GPD | $135 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Talented & Gifted: Working with High Achievers | 2 GPD | $270 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Understanding Adolescents | 1 GPD | $135 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Exploring Implicit Bias and Talking About it Out Loud! | 2 GPD | $250 |
Course Title | Course Credits | Course Cost |
Child Abuse: Working with Abused & Neglected Children | 2 GPD | $270 |
Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics for Trauma | 3 GPD | $375 |
Traumatized Child: The Effects of Stress, Trauma & Violence on Student Learning | 2 GPD | $270 |
Math Course Title | Math Course Credits | Math Course Cost |
Academic Interventions | 1 GPD | $195 |
Implementing STEAM Skills Across Content Areas | 3 GPD | $429 |
Molecular Biology Bootcamp for Teachers | 2 GPD | $100 |
Motivating Girls To "Lean In" To Pursue Passion-Driven Careers in STEM | 3 GPD | $430 |
NASA in the Classroom Educator PD Workshop | 2 GPD | $100 |
Pollinators in the Class | 1 GPD | $50 |
Teaching Elementary Math Conceptually: A New Paradigm | 2 GPD | $270 |
Teaching Math: Grades 4-6 | 1 GPD | $135 |
Teaching Secondary Math Conceptually: Meeting Mathematics Standards | 3 GPD | $340 |
Science Course Title | Science Course Credits | Science Course Cost |
Implementing STEAM Skills Across Content Areas | 3 GPD | $429 |
Molecular Biology Bootcamp for Teachers | 2 GPD | $100 |
NASA in the Classroom Educator PD Workshop | 2 GPD | $100 |
North Dakota Petroleum Council Teacher Education Seminar 2024 | 2 GPD | $100 |
Teaching Science: Grades 4-6 | 1 GPD | $135 |
Teaching Strategies for Porject WET Facilitation 2024 | 2 GPD | $100 |
Transformative Teaching for Science | 3 GPD | $375 |
Educational Partners
Have a favorite Educational Partner? Click on the icon below to see a full listing of their courses.