Statistics I
This course introduces basic statistical methods, focusing primarily on descriptive statistics and inferential statistics up to and including two-way analysis of variance.
Course Title | EFR 515: Statistics I |
Credits | 3 Graduate credits |
Prerequisites | Acceptance to UND Grad School as a degree or non-degree seeking student |
Format | Online - Self-Paced Enroll Anytime |
Cost | $498.45 per credit |
Why take Statistics I?
This course introduces the logic and methods of statistics. We begin with a discussion of the role of statistics, introducing the concepts of internal and external validity. Common methods for describing the characteristics of individuals and educational outcomes are presented, including the use of graphs and summary measures such as the mean, median, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. Because of the large natural variability among individuals, one must be able to determine whether or not an apparent difference or patterns present in the data seems to be merely a chance occurrence. Probability concepts are introduced to help us in this effort. Probability then forms the basis of all of the inferential statistical procedures subsequently presented. At the end of the course, students will:
- identify basic statistical applications for educational research.
- explain how to implement quantitative approaches to educational research.
- identify types of statistical methods and strategies, and select data collection and analysis approaches for different research interests.
- integrate fundamental statistical theories and concepts with functions of SPSS programs in the context of an analysis project's overall design.
Students have 3 to 9 months to complete 18 lessons, including a final research project. Each lesson contains a variety of items which include required chapter reading, a quiz on the reading assignment, at least one instructor video and supporting material for the lesson, and a lesson activity assignment. Lesson topics include:
- Introduction to Statistics
- Frequency Distributions
- Central Tendency
- Variability
- Z scores: Standardized Distributions
- Probability
- Probability Sampling
- Hypothesis Testing
- t Statistic
- Independent Sample t Test
- Related Samples t Test
- Intro to Analysis of Variance
- Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance
- Two-factor Analysis of Variance
- Correlations
- Regression
- Chi-square
- Research Project
This course does not have proctored exams.
What is required to take this online course?
Required Text
Gravetter, F. J. & Wallnau, L. B. (2013, 2010) Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Wadsworth, 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-111-83099-1
Optional Text
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition by American Psychological Association.
How will the course appear on my transcript?
You may enroll at any time and have up to 9 months to complete this online course.
The credits earned will be recorded on your UND transcript based on the date you registered
for the course. It will appear on your transcript in the same way as a course taken
during a regular semester. There is no indication that the course was taken online
or that you completed it at your own pace.
Consult the table on our How Enroll Anytime Courses Work page for a current listing of Enroll Anytime Registration Dates and the semester
information that will appear on a UND transcript.
Why Take Online Classes at UND?
Here are a few reasons why you should take an online enroll anytime course at UND:
- Great customer service – Our registration team is ready to answer questions quickly so you can focus on your coursework.
- Affordable – UND's enroll anytime courses are priced at North Dakota's affordable, in-state tuition rate.
- Accredited – UND is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
- Easily transfer credits – Transferring credits is always at the discretion of the institution to which the credits are being transferred. In general, credits from schools/universities that are regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission transfer to other regionally accredited institutions. UND's online courses appear on your UND transcript in the same way as other courses.
Flexible 100% Online Course
You'll take this online course at your own pace. Some students thrive in this environment, while other students may struggle with setting their own deadlines. If you have successfully taken an independent study or correspondence course previously, UND’s enroll anytime courses may be right for you. Still not sure? Take our online quiz to help determine if online enroll anytime courses are right for you.
Course information including tuition, technology requirements, textbooks, lessons and exams is subject to change without notice.