Archived Webinars
Resource Parent Training Webinars
Recorded webinars can be viewed as ongoing educational opportunities. To receive credit for viewing the recording, we encourage you to discuss and create a plan with your licensing agent. Each of the following sessions range from 1 to 5 hours in length.
The Parenting Pivot: Thinking Differently about Foster/Adoptive Caregiving Learning
From this training foster care providers should be able to:
- Identify the characteristics of complex developmental trauma
- Define “sensitized stress response system”
- Apply an understanding of bottom-up brain development to common parenting experiences
(Recorded live on 02.07.25)
Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents
Having an incarcerated parent can have an impact on a child’s mental health, social connections, educational outcomes, and their experience within the child welfare system. This presentation will help equip those working with children of incarcerated parents to understand the impact of incarceration on family relationships and to support them in talking with youth about incarceration, maintaining positive connections with incarcerated parents, and navigating visitation.
(Recorded live on 11.16.24)
Children of Incarcerated Parents
In any given year, almost 200,000 children experience the incarceration and re-entry of their primary caregiver. Nationally, approximately 7% of children under the age of 18 have a parent that is incarcerated. This is roughly one in every 50 children. Children that have an incarcerated parent have: A higher risk of adverse childhood experiences; Insecure attachment; Social stigma; Unstable family relationships; Physical and mental health concerns; and Low educational attainment. The ND Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (DOCR) is committed to increasing contact between incarcerated residents and their families. In 2018, the DOCR started the Children of Incarcerated Parents Initiative. This Initiative is comprised of team members from the ND DOCR, Health and Human Services, school systems and community partners to focus on ways to increase visitation and family activities within all ND DOCR facilities. The ND DOCR is also committed to focusing on enriching the contact between an incarcerated parent and their child(ren), reducing risk factors affected by parental incarceration and recidivism for the incarcerated parent.
(Recorded live on 11.15.24)
From Awareness to Action: Equipping Foster Care Providers to Safeguard Against Internet Risks
In today's digital age, foster care providers play a crucial role in preparing students to navigate the online landscape safely. This presentation aims to empower foster care providers by enhancing their awareness and understanding of internet risks and safety concerns regarding gaming/cyberbullying, sextortion/trafficking, and exploitation. By equipping providers with the knowledge to recognize potential dangers and signs of exploitation online, they can effectively protect and support the youth in their care. Through practical strategies and real-world examples, this session will empower foster care providers to cultivate a safe and secure digital environment where youth can thrive academically and socially while staying protected from online threats.
(Recorded live on 11.16.24)
Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention is Possible
This session addresses the critical issue of child sexual abuse. The presentation will explore the following: Prevalence in North Dakota - Understanding the scope of the problem; Profile of Abusers - Identifying who the abusers often are; Children’s Sexual Development - Differentiating between normal and concerning behaviors; Grooming and Red Flags - Recognizing grooming tactics and red flag behaviors; and Signs and Consequences - Spotting the signs of sexual abuse and understanding its devastating impacts. We will then shift our focus to prevention: Protective Measures - Strategies to keep children safe in our care; and Empowering Children - Equipping children with protective strategies. Finally, we will discuss available resources to support prevention and intervention efforts.
(Recorded live on 11.15.24)
Child Protection Services Training for Foster Care Providers
From this training foster care providers will gain:
- A general understanding of the safety framework practice model and why it is utilized to make decisions in the child welfare system.
- Knowledge on how to file a report of abuse or neglect and what to expect after a report is filed.
- Knowledge on what to expect if they are identified as a subject of a report of suspected child abuse or neglect and supports that are available.
- Understanding of the impact of a CPS assessment outcome on a foster care license.
Training Session Resources:
(Recorded live on 02.05.24)
Indigenous Resilience: What Does That Even Mean?
During our session we look at some historical aspects of Native American people and discover the cost to Indigenous people of Turtle Island. We aim to translate how history contains answers into some major issues we are seeing in Indian Country today. Our intent to drive empathy and passion as Indigenous people have endured a great deal in a short period of time that is historical in nature. Some histories are not as old as many think, and directly influence many disparities in existence today. During the training we will discuss health, behavior, communities, and most importantly RESILLIENCE of children in Indian Country currently.
(Recorded live on 01.19.24)
Reasonable & Prudent Parenting – Normalcy for Children in Foster Care
Children placed in out-of-home care naturally have life experiences that feel different than their peers. ND child welfare system and caregivers involved in the life of a child are responsible for creating as much normalcy as possible during the child’s time spent in foster care. Since 2014, the Reasonable and Prudent Parent federal legislation requires states, foster care providers, and relative caregivers to offer and ensure normalcy opportunities are presented to children in foster care. This one-hour session will review the law, rule, and policy, showcase developmental milestones and brain development in the children we provide services to, and highlight why normalcy is important at all ages. In addition, trainers will share examples of normalcy activities offered statewide, while demonstrating how providers and caregivers can work with each local custodial agency to gain perspective.
Training Session Resources:
- ND Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard-Normalcy Policy (624-05-15-50-40)
- Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Consent (State Form #1040)
- Reasonable and Prudent Parenting-Normalcy for Children in Foster Care Training Handout
(Recorded live on 10.30.23)
ND Foster Care Provider & Case Manager Respite & Shelter Care Overview
In this training session, Children and Family Services shared an overview for foster care providers, as well as case managers, specific to providing and requesting various short-term services for children and families, including respite care, shelter care, and shelter care on-call.
Training Session Resources:
- CFS Licensing Unit Respite and Shelter Care Training Handout
- ND CFS Shelter vs. Respite vs. Substitute Reference Chart (08.23)
(Recorded live on 08.16.23)
Provider Reimbursement: SFN 903
The Children and Family Services provided additional training on the foster care provider reimbursement, specifically as it relates to the SFN 903. This training will address information regarding the SFN 903 to include why this form was created, what is the SFN 903, who should be completing this form, and how to complete the SFN 903.
Training Session Resources:
(Recorded live on 07.19.23)
North Dakota Provider Opportunities
The Children and Family Services provided the following training as an overview of North Dakota Provider opportunities such as respite care, shelter care, substitute care, foster parent mentoring, childcare support, along with recruitment and retention.
Training Session Resources:
- Provider Opportunities Presentation Handout
- Shelter vs. Respite vs Substitute Care
- 2022 North Dakota Levels of Foster Care
(Recorded live on 09.27.22)
Foster Care Reimbursement
The Children and Family Services (CFS) Licensing Unit in partnership with the Foster Care and Sub-Adopt Eligibility Unit delivered an overview of North Dakota foster care reimbursement options.
This training highlighted reimbursement roles and responsibilities, overview of reimbursement options, direct deposit efficiencies, and expectations when overpayments occur, etc.
Training Session Resources:
(Recorded live on 07.28.22)
Reflective Parenting
Reflective foster (RF) parenting focuses on examining your own behavior and that of your children in terms of underlying thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Traditional training for foster parents has provided valuable information to parents/caregivers about children in care and about how to track and manage their behavior problems. Training in reflective foster parenting takes a next step. It goes beyond the observable behavior challenges to peer into the “mind-in-the-behavior”. RF is trauma-informed and can be merged with other traditional forms of foster parent training.
In this workshop we will explain and illustrate the basics of reflective parenting and then apply a reflective approach to behavior problems such as anger, social and physical aggression; lying and stealing; and food and eating-related issues. We will translate overarching RF principles into interventions that might be considered.
(Recorded live on 03.26.22)
My Foster Child has Sexually Offended
What do I do now? How to provide support, accountability, and safety for others.
Hearing that a child you are caring for has a history of sexual offending can be scary, and thinking about how to support him/her while also keeping other children in your care, or in the community, safe can seem like a daunting task. This presentation will provide you with some important facts, and practical, tangible advice on what you can do to help that child’s rehabilitation and to decrease their likelihood of doing something like this again.
(Recorded live on 09.01.2020)
Sex Offender Grooming
But He Seemed Like Such a Nice Guy!!! How sex offenders use grooming to gain access to children, trick parents, and discourage reporting.
Most sex offenders are not strangers hiding in the bushes waiting to abduct children. Most, up to 90%, of sexual offenses are committed by someone the child already knows. They are family members, baseball coaches, youth leaders, babysitters, teachers and other people that you willingly allow into your child’s life. This presentation will help you to identify potential grooming behavior and learn how to intervene to keep your child safe from would-be offenders.
(Recorded live on 08.11.2020)
Age Appropriate Sexual Behavior in Youth
What’s normal, What’s not, and What to do about it.
Sexual play between children is common, seen in up to 73% of children before age 13. Typical sexual play and sexual expression will not require intervention from professionals and instead can be dealt with by increased monitoring and having open and honest discussions about sexual boundaries, values, consent, privacy etc. But sometimes, sexual behavior is a sign of a more serious problem that requires intervention from trained professionals. This presentation will help you identify what things are considered typical “green light” behaviors, what things are concerning and should be watched more carefully and may require counseling,“yellow light” behaviors, and what things are abusive and require immediate interventions by trained professionals “red light” behavior.
(Recorded live on 07.28.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (6th session)
Uncertainty. Anxiety. Fear. Isolation. Doubt. Many of us have had these same thoughts over the past few weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially during these uncertain times, we don’t always give ourselves the opportunity to process these thoughts and emotions because we focus on planning for the unknown; we focus on planning for those we care for; we focus on our to do list for everyone else. During this sixth and final session in our EmergenFC series of online training, we will spend time defining the why behind the need for self-care really and why it is critical you take the time to practice it because we all know one can't truly pour from an empty cup.
(Recorded on live 04.30.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (5th session)
This is the fifth session of the online series of training that has been created in response to the impact of COVID-19. In this session, Deb will provide an understanding of the impact of prenatal chemical exposure on the brain. This session will also provide a variety of interventions and strategies for caregivers to strengthen their ability to care for children who may have had prenatal exposure.
(Recorded live on 04.20.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (4th session)
This is the fourth session of the online series of training that has been created in response to the impact of COVID-19. In this session, trainer Deb DeWitz will share how she views ADHD as both a gift & a challenge. This session will offer a variety of ideas on how to assist children who may struggle with attention to be their best self. A child does not have to have been formally diagnosed with a specific attention related diagnosis for this training to be relevant as there are many tools shared that are helpful for parenting in general.
(Recorded live on 04.16.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (3rd session)
This is the third session of the online series of training that has been created in response to the impact of COVID-19. During the past two sessions, a number of questions were raised such as how to respond to those really tough behaviors from the children in our care and how to manage visitations with birth family members during the pandemic, to just name a couple. There will also be additional resources offered and time for discussion at the end of the session. Again, we don't promise to have all of the answers; but we do promise that we are here for YOU as you and your family walk through this journey of national stress and change.
(Recorded live on 04.08.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (2nd session)
This is the second session of the online series of training that has been created in response to the impact of COVID-19. This session will offer some items we believe are important while you work to implement school at home as well as offer tips and techniques on how to attempt to manage those tough, challenging moments that come with this new daily "normal". Again, we don't promise to have all of the answers; but we do promise that we are here for YOU as you and your family walk through this journey of national stress and change.
(Recorded live on 04.02.2020)
EmergenFC Webinar Series (1st session)
The impact of COVID-19 is being felt around the world. We believe we are better when we work together. We also understand the importance for us all to take the necessary steps to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our local partners safe and supported. This online series was created to share with you some things we believe are important while doing foster care during this pandemic. These will not be medical in nature, but will be related to the real issues of managing your lives with foster kids (who have already been through trauma) during a time of national trauma and change. We don’t promise to have all the answers, but we promise to let you know we ARE thinking about the special challenges YOU and your foster children face during a time of national stress and change.
(Recorded live on 03.26.2020)
Supporting School Success for Children with Special Needs in Foster Care
All children need support to be successful in school. Some need more support than others. During the webinar, Gerry Teevens will speak to the parental role of the foster parent in the Individualized Education Program process for a child who has been identified as a child with a disability & as a child in need of Special Education & related services.
(Recorded live on 02.27.2020)
Let's Discuss Poverty in North Dakota
During this webinar, Andrea Olson will share details about poverty in North Dakota, including the causes and conditions of poverty, hidden rules that exit amongst classes, and statistics about poverty.
(Recorded live on 12.18.2019)
Practical Tools To Increase Compassion Satisfaction and Ward Off Compassion Fatigue
Foster parents face unique challenges that create a strong possibility for the development of compassion fatigue. Using skills and understanding, the foster parent may prevent compassion fatigue, or receive help quicker when they recognize the signs. During this session, Robin Landwehr will explore compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue as they relate to the specific challenges of fostering. Several skills will be taught to help the foster parent manage emotional challenges as they arise. We will also explore the importance of foster parents identifying their values surrounding fostering, and how this can be a powerful guide when things get tough.
(Recorded live on 07.01.2019)
Practical Strategies to Support Development Through Daily Routines
During this webinar, Dr. Rebecca Foster provided foster families with hands-on strategies and useful tools to support development from infancy through childhood, using play, and daily routine activities.
(Recorded on 06.17.2019)
Learn the Signs. Act Early.
Hilory Liccini reviewed the CDC’s "Learn the Signs. Act Early" campaign & the use of materials during this webinar. Participants will learn about the contents of the materials, how they can be used to track developmental milestones of children, & how to acquire them through the use of the North Dakota Learn the Signs. Act Early Ambassador.
(Recorded on 05.20.2019)
Introducing to Foster Families to Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy
This session provided foster families with foundational information regarding maternal and fetal outcomes of prenatal substance exposure. Dr. Maridee Shogren will briefly review expected postpartum recovery for mothers and babies, including an introduction to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Medication Assisted Treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers experiencing opioid use disorder will also be addressed.
Training Session Resources:
- Introducing to Foster Families to Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy Presentation Handout
- Potential Effects Table
(Recorded on 04.29.2019)