Radiation Safety & Hazardous Materials Committee
The Radiation Safety & Hazardous Materials Committee (RSHMC) was formed in 1978 when the University of North Dakota began the process of obtaining a Type A broad scope radioactive material license to replace the more restrictive specific licenses held by individual researchers. A committee was appointed by the University President in 1979 to develop and submit a radiation safety program, manual and license application to the North Dakota Department of Health. It was approved by the State Health Department in 1980 and the Radiation Safety Committee was subsequently established under State Health Department Rules. In 1981 its charge was broadened to include responsibility for the policies and procedures for all hazardous chemicals.
Background and History: In 1978, University of North Dakota (UND) began the process of obtaining a Type A broad scope radioactive material license to replace the more restrictive specific licenses held by individual researchers. A committee was appointed by the University President in 1979 to develop and submit a radiation safety program, manual, and license application to the North Dakota Department of Health. It was approved by the State Health Department in 1980 and the Radiation Safety Committee was subsequently established under State Health Department Rules. In 1981, its charge was broadened to include responsibility for the policies and procedures for all hazardous chemicals.
Classification/Terms of Appointment: The Committee is a Presidential standing committee but reports to the Vice President for Research & Economic Development. The Charter will be reviewed annually by the Committee, which will impart recommendations for any charter updates or amendments to the Vice President for Research & Economic Development, who will communicate the recommendations to the President for consideration.
Formal Charges
The function of the Committee is to ensure compliance with federal, state, and University regulations and policies for radioactive materials, radiation producing machines, lasers, and hazardous materials and substances. The charge to the Committee includes:
Administers the University’s Type A broad scope radioactive material license, laser safety program, chemical hygiene plan, and the management and disposal of hazardous and chemical wastes.
Reviews the qualifications of persons applying for permission to use radioactive materials, radiation producing machines, and lasers, and approves or denies applications for experiments, production, procurement, use, and ultimate disposal of radioactive materials, radiation producing machines, and lasers, from the standpoint of safety.
Prescribes special conditions and regulations such as physical examinations, additional training, designation of location of use, disposal methods, accountability, etc. as necessary for use and control of radioisotopes, radiation producing machines, lasers, or hazardous materials.
Oversees the maintenance of records of actions approving or disapproving the use of radioisotopes and of other transactions, communications, and reports. Receives reports from the Office of Safety and audits records. Oversees the procedures for maintenance of records, for performing physical inventories, and for surveys and inspections of areas of use. Recommends appropriate action to the Vice President for Research & Economic Development for an individual who fails to observe safety policies, procedures, rules, or regulations.
Conducts an annual review of the entire radiation safety program, including records required to be maintained, possible improvements to the safety program, and changes to the Radiation Safety Handbook. Conducts an annual review of the chemical hygiene plan, including waste policies, possible improvements to the safety program, and changes to the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
The Committee consists of 12 members representing all areas of the University.
Membership includes:
- Appointed: Facilities Management
- Biomedical Sciences (three representatives)
- Biology Department
- Chemistry Department
- College of Engineering & Mines
- Energy and Environmental Research Center
- Department of Physics and Astrophysics
- Three at-large representatives nominated by the University Senate
Ex-officio (non-voting):
- Director for Safety/Alternate Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
- Environmental Health and Safety Manager/Radiation Safety Officer(RSO)/Laser Safety Officer (LSO)
- Associate Vice President for Research & Economic Development or assigned designee
Appointment: The Committee will be appointed in writing by the Vice President for Research & Economic Development from recommendations submitted by the directors of the departments listed and the at-large representatives from the University Senate Committee on Committees.
Membership Terms: Members will serve three-year terms. Committee membership will be reviewed annually at the time the Charter is reviewed.
Officers: The Committee Chair and Vice-Chair will be selected by the Committee.
Subcommittees: Specific task-oriented subcommittees may be appointed by the Chair from time to time as need dictates and may include other University personnel.
Relationship to Other University Committees: The Committee will take into account and work cooperatively with all University and other ad hoc committees relevant to radiation safety and hazardous materials.
Frequency of Meetings: The Committee will meet at least each calendar quarter, but may meet more frequently if situations warrant a special called meeting by the Chair or at the request of the Radiation Safety Officer.
Notice of Meetings/Meeting Agenda and Support Material: A one-week written notice of all regularly scheduled meetings will be mailed to all Committee members along with the agenda and appropriate supportive information.
Committee Minutes: Minutes of Committee meeting will be maintained by the Associate Director for Safety/RSO and will be distributed to all members.
Committee Reports: Committee reports and recommendations will be prepared and appropriately distributed as ongoing Committee activities dictate. The Associate Director for Safety/RSO will prepare an annual report on the Committee's activities for the Vice President for Research & Economic Development and the President.
Staff Support: Direct staff assistance to the Committee will be provided through the Office of Safety.
Meeting Quorum: A simple majority of the voting members will constitute the necessary quorum for binding Committee decisions but must include the Associate Director for Safety/RSO or Environmental Health and Safety Manager/Alternate RSO, the Committee Chair or Vice Chair, and the Vice President for Research & Economic Development or designee.
Amendment to this Charter: Should any amendment to this Charter be required, the appointing official will work closely with the Committee Chair in deriving amendments suitable to all parties. All changes affecting the University's Radiation Safety Program must be reviewed and approved by the Committee and submitted to the North Dakota Department of Health as a license amendment request. Once all required approvals are granted, the amended charter will be completed, signed, and issued with all possible haste. When initiative for such amendment comes from the Committee, a written request from the Chair to the appointing official will be required.
Radiation Safety & Hazardous Materials Committee
Forms & Information
Radiation Safety Standard Practices & Forms
The Office of Safety houses all forms and policies related to radiation safety. If you have any questions about this information, contact Office of Safety directly at 701-777-3341 or UND.safety@UND.edu.