Clothesline Project & Take Back The Night
The Clothesline Project and Take Back the Night Rally educate and bring awareness to interpersonal violence.

Clothing created by survivors of violence or by loved ones of victims lost are displayed.
Clothesline Project
The Clothesline Project powerful display of t-shirts created by survivors of violence or by loved ones of victims lost. The shirts tell the stories and effect of interpersonal violence on our campus, community, and state.
Take Back the Night
The Take Back the Night Rally raises awareness of violence in our community by marching across campus. Take Back the Night is a worldwide foundation whose mission is to create safe communities through awareness events to end sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse, and all other forms of sexual violence. For more information, contact CVIC at UND.
The Clothesline Project and Take Back the Night Rally can be triggering for some individuals. Support is available at CVIC at UND, Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities , Title IX Office and UND Counseling Center.