Once the results for each method have been documented, the next step is the analyze or interpret the data. The interpretation step is to make meaning and draw conclusions from the results or findings. This step also includes pruposeful reflection and discussion be involved faculty and staff.
Assessment Findings at UND
All UND programs (curricular and co-curricular) are expected to provide interpretation of their assessment results. This interpretation helps develop an action plan, which is the final step in the assessment process.
At UND, we aspire for all curricular and co-curricular programs to provide:
- an interpretation of all results
- conclusions that clearly align with student learning outcomes
- descriptions of how results are discussed with key stakeholders
Additional Resources
The Essential Guide to Assessment Strategy, (pg. 12) Watermark.
Planing & Self Study Tutorials
How to Enter Data in an Annual Assessment Plan [Analyze Results/Add Findings]
Next: Develop an Action Plan