Provost & VPAA

The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs implements academic priorities and allocates resources to support UND's mission and vision.
Explore Academic Affairs

Explore the academic colleges and programs at UND.

Entrepreneurial incubator serving UND and the North Dakota community.

The largest library in North Dakota and primary research facility for UND and Upper Midwest.

Enhances UND faculty success, support, professional development, and recognition.

Nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and scholarship beyond the usual academic frameworks.

Engages in assessment and review processes to uphold quality academics.

Assists with registration, academic records, transcripts,the course catalog, and class scheduling.

Oversees strategic efforts to identify, recruit, enroll, and retain UND’s student body.

Supports educational opportunities that increase access, meets demand, and addresses workforce needs.

Works to enhance undergraduate student success and support services.

Provides official data that can be used to assess the goals and objectives of UND.

UND's technology support unit serving students, faculty, and staff.

UND Leads Strategic Plan
The University of North Dakota was founded by people who wanted to make a difference.Our strategic plan builds on this legacy and reflects the wisdom and dreams of our entire UND community.
About Strategic Plan