Targets are the desired or expected level of performance you want to see, acting as an indicator for whether the outcome was achieved. These are set before collecting any data. Targets should be consistent with best practices, relevant to what you care about, available to be answered with data, applicable to use and relevant to the outcome.
The Value of Targets
Targets help determine if the program was successful or not, in regards to student learning or meeting operational outcomes. A target enables each outcome to be specific and measurable.
Outcome Targets at UND
All UND programs (curricular and co-curricular) are responsible for developing and regularly updating the targets identified for each outcome and assessment method. At this time there is no standard target across the institution, i.e. all undergrduate programs must set a target of 80% for all student learning outcomes. However, a college or program may decide to set this expectation.
At UND, we will aspire for all curricular and co-curricular to:
- have targets that are clearly identified to each method and outcome. (e.g. "80% of students will achieve a score of 3 or above.")
- have targets that are based based on past assessment data
Planning & Self Study Tutorials
How to Enter Data in an Annual Assessment Plan
Next: Collecting Results