Drop-In Tutoring
Drop-in tutoring offers a flexible style of tutoring that can help you reach your full academic potential.
Drop-In Tutoring Schedule
Tutoring is not offered on UND campus holidays.
Drop-in tutoring is located in the Tutoring & Learning Centers in Abbott Hall, Chester Fritz Library, and Witmer Hall. The drop-in tutoring schedules for each location can be found below.
Tutoring & Learning Centers
Located in Witmer 310
Witmer Drop-In Tutoring Schedule
Computer Science*
- CSCI 130: Introduction to Scientific Programming
- CSCI 160: Computer Science I
- CSCI 161: Computer Science II
- CSCI 266: Tools & Techniques of Computing Practice
- CSCI 330: Systems Programming
- ENGR 200: Computer Applications in Engineering
- ENGR 201: Statics
- MATH 107: Precalculus
- MATH 165: Calculus I
- MATH 166: Calculus II
- PHYS 251: University Physics I
*Location may vary
Located in Abbott 232
Abbott Drop-In Tutoring Schedule
- BIOL 150: General Biology I
- BIOL 151: General Biology II
- CHEM 115: Introductory Chemistry
- CHEM 116: Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry
- CHEM 121: General Chemistry I
- CHEM 122: General Chemistry II
- CHEM 221: Fundamentals of Chemistry - Concepts
- CHEM 341: Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 342: Organic Chemistry II
Human Nutrition
- N&D 240: Fundamentals of Nutrition
Chester Fritz Library
Located in the Knowledge Commons
Chester Fritz Library Drop-In Tutoring Schedule
- ACCT 200: Elements of Accounting I
- ACCT 201: Elements of Accounting II
- FIN 310: Principles of Financial Management
What to Expect from Tutoring
- Tutoring is not a replacement for going to class and doing your required classwork.
- Tutors are there to assist and guide you in finding answers rather than providing them directly.