Tutoring can help you understand the subject, increase confidence and develop important learning strategies.
Our tutors are trained with internationally recognized best practices and standards in supporting students in their learning. Our tutoring program is certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). Tutoring services are offered free of charge.
Types of Tutoring
Tutoring for Online Students
Appointment-Based Tutoring
Appointment-based tutoring is a one-on-one scheduled session focused on your questions. Tutors can help you understand your class materials, prepare for exams, help with learning strategies, and answer your questions.
Tutoring for On Campus Students
Drop-In Tutoring
Drop-in tutoring does not require an appointment and is in a casual setting that also allows for independent studying. Tutors are available to help you understand your class materials, prepare for exams, help with learning strategies, and answer your questions.
Tutor Led Exam Review Sessions
Experienced tutors lead exam review sessions throughout the semester for various on-campus classes.
Tutoring for Online and On Campus Students
Online Tutoring via Brainfuse
Students are given 5 hours of tutoring per academic year in online tutoring.
What to Expect from Your Tutor
Tutors will guide you in:
- increasing comprehension
- developing study and learning strategies
- explaining concepts in multiple ways
With scheduled appointments, you will work directly with a tutor. With drop-in tutoring, you can expect tutors to be helping multiple students at once.
Interested in becoming a tutor?
If you are interested in guiding students through their academic journey, please contact UND.tutoring@UND.edu.