Appointment-Based Tutoring
Individual tutoring for students enrolled in an online section of their class.
Meet with a tutor to help maximize your academic potential, free of charge.
Appointment-Based Tutoring Subjects
Courses | Schedule Appointment |
CHEM 115 / 116 / 121 / 122 | Coming Soon |
Courses | Schedule Appointment |
CSCI 130 / 160 / 161 | Coming Soon |
Courses | Schedule Appointment |
ENGR 200 |
Coming Soon |
Courses | Schedule Appointment |
MATH 98 / 103 / 107 | Coming Soon |
MATH 165 | Coming Soon |
Courses | Schedule Appointment |
PHYS 251 | Coming Soon |
PHYS 252 | Coming Soon |
Schedule an Appointment
You must schedule an appointment to receive individual tutoring. Appointments can be made for 30 or 60 minutes. If you see there is an opening in a tutor’s schedule, feel free to schedule right then and there if you need assistance. Arriving early, being prepared with materials and questions, and ensuring reliable technology for online sessions will maximize the effectiveness of your tutoring session.
Tutoring is not offered on UND campus holidays.
How to schedule an appointment
What to Expect
Tutoring is not a replacement for doing your required online classwork.
Tutors are there to assist and guide you in finding answers rather than providing them directly.
Technical Support
Access tutoring by logging into your UND Zoom account at Zoom has a variety of features to help during your tutoring appointment. Features include, video, audio, screen share, 2nd screen, virtual whiteboard, and file share.
Cancel Your Appointment
It is important to notify your tutor as soon as possible if you know you will miss your tutoring appointment. Repeated no-shows may result in limitations on future scheduling.