Interested in Being a Writing Consultant?
The Writing Center is staffed by undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. Below you'll find information about the benefits of working as a writing consultant, our job description, and how to apply.
Benefits of Working as a Writing Consultant
Writing center alumni see many benefits from their consulting experience, including new writing strategies, improved listening skills, the ability to collaborate effectively, and critical reading skills. All of these traits are useful right now to students and later in any career. In addition to these benefits, graduate students and faculty consultants will gain insight into the different approaches students take to writing assignments, which can translate into better communication in the classroom, as well as conferencing and commenting experience.
The duties of a writing consultant are as follows:
- assist student and faculty writers at any stage of the writing process, on topics from any discipline, through face-to-face and distance sessions;
- provide helpful feedback and insights regarding writing in general and/or in response to an individual writer's particular task or draft;
- provide an opportunity for writers to obtain a readerly perspective on their work;
- foster a positive experience with writing and with the writing center;
- welcome, respond to, and assist visitors to the writing center as they arrive;
- take responsibility for routine maintenance of the center and record-keeping, including reporting to faculty as appropriate;
- participate in weekly staff meetings and other professional development as provided.
- speak to groups of students about the writing center as required
Criteria for undergraduate student consultants normally include the following achievements and skills:
- strong GPA, generally 3.5 or higher;
- strong writing skills, demonstrated via a portfolio of papers from previous courses;
- strong interpersonal skills, demonstrated via an interview and via reports from faculty recommenders;
- at least sophomore, ideally upper division, standing at the university;
- a high level of professionalism, demonstrated via an interview and faculty recommendations.
Graduate or professional writing center consultants should meet all of the above criteria. In addition, they should meet the following criteria:
- able to provide a positive role model for writers and for less experienced writing center consultants;
- able to participate and provide leadership in staff development sessions;
- demonstrated ability to work successfully with students, either as a teacher or in another relevant capacity;
- demonstrated knowledge about the theory and/or practice of teaching and/or writing.
If you are interested in learning more about the writing center consultant position and the application process, contact:
Anna Kinney
Writing Center Coordinator
Chester Fritz Library Room 323