Diversity & Inclusion Task Force
In June of 2020, Jeff VanLooy (Past President- University Senate), Liz Legerski (University Senate President), Matt Ternus (Student Body President), Megan Wasylow (Staff Senate President), and President Andrew Armacost informed the UND community they were launching a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force in order to move forward in creating more opportunities for diversity and inclusion at UND. Their hope was for the Task Force to identify areas of need the University could address that would serve as the foundation for updating the One UND Strategic Plan. This targeted focus on goals and initiatives related to diversity and inclusion could assist the University in creating a stronger sense of belongingness and equity at UND.
Task Force Chair
Tamba-Kuii Bailey, Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology
Task Force Members
- Luah Beah, Student, School of Law
- Max Blosser, High Plains Fair Housing Center, UND grad (2018)
- Stacey Borboa-Peterson, Director of The Hilyard Center
- Darin Buri, Manager of the FD Holland Jr. Geology & Geological Engineering Library, President of UND United
- Caroline Campbell, Associate Professor of History
- Sharon Carson, Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor, English & Philosophy and Religion
- Katherine Dachtler, Student Records Specialist, Office of Extended Learning
- Ranju Dhungana, Student, Psychology
- Hal Gershman, UND Alumni, Community Member
- Jeff Gibson, Assistant Director for The Hilyard Center
- Matt Gilmore, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
- Ashly Hanna, Student, Criminal Justice and American Indian studies
- Grace Heron, Student, Commercial Aviation and Sociology
- Andjela Kaur, Assistant Professor, Education, Health and Behavior
- Beth Klemetsrud, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Patrick Mapp, Operations Center Specialist, Office of Emergency Management
- Lynnette Morin, Project Coordinator, School of Law
- Adelynn Mrosko, Flight Instructor, UND Aviation, UND grad (2019)
- Jacob Odom, Student
- C. Casey Ozaki, Associate Professor, Higher Education and Teaching & Learning
- Danielle Romero, Student, Nursing
- Carolyn Shabb, Licensed Addiction Counselor/Licensed Counselor, Counseling Center
- Terrill Taylor, Graduate Student, Counseling Psychology
- Charles Vondal, Staff, Chester Fritz Performing Arts Center
- Donald Warne, Director, Indians Into Medicine (INMED) & Public Health Programs Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion