How We Got Here
The UND LEADS Strategic Plan provides a framework for how UND approaches the future.
The Implementation Committee, led by Dr. Ryan Zerr, Associate Vice President for Strategy & Implementation, and co-chaired by the outgoing chair of Staff Senate, is committed to ensuring campus-wide engagement and open dialogue. We are a community of thousands, all contributing in fundamental ways to create an environment that helps us achieve our vision to inspire a sense of wonder, a love of discovery and a commitment to serve.
LEADS Implementation Committee Charge
One of the core principles that guided the development of UND LEADS, and which governs the implementation of the plan, is an unwavering commitment to the ideas, experiences, and voices of the full UND community. This appreciation for shared experience, shared governance, shared opportunities, and shared ideas became the very basis for the shared vision expressed in UND LEADS and provides a roadmap for the direction of our campus.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The following tasks and responsibilities have been assigned to the UND LEADS implementation committee, who assists with this work.
- Coordination: Serve as coordinating and leadership team responsible for the successful implementation of UND LEADS, to include coordinating executive strategy, making budget recommendations when appropriate, advising the president and the president’s executive council on all matters related to UND LEADS strategy, implementation, and outcomes.
- Campus-wide Engagement: Ensure that shared governance processes and campus-wide engagement are promoted and that transparent processes are followed. This work should help enhance the diversity, quality, and quantity of voices across all dimensions of campus in the work of UND LEADS.
- Establish Metrics: Work to establish metrics and instruments that will allow the institution to track and report on the progress of UND LEADS across the lifetime of the plan.
- Cross-campus Collaboration and Conversation: Facilitate campus-wide UND LEADS events that provide meaningful reporting as well as opportunities for cross-campus collaboration and conversation on matters related to the successful implementation of the plan and the furtherance of the university Mission and Vision.
- Website and Reporting Instruments: Establish and maintain a website and related dashboards and other reporting instruments that will allow for ongoing engagement by the UND community in the implementation of UND LEADS. Engage in ongoing campus-wide updates on the work of the university relative to UND LEADS.
- Annual Report: Produce an annual report that provides an update on the implementation of the plan in the prior calendar year.
- Counsel Leadership: Serve as counsel to the president, the provost, and the president’s leadership team on matters pertaining to the successful implementation of UND LEADS.
- Updating of UND LEADS: Serve as the leadership team responsible for the updating and amendment of UND LEADS, upon approval of the president, in order to ensure that the plan remains a positive and dynamic instrument over the course of its lifetime.
- Integration of UND LEADS: Provide leadership across campus for the integration of UND LEADS and all other strategic plans and related task force and/or working group reports, to help coordinate efforts across campus toward the successful realization of the Mission and Vision of the university.
- Communication: Encourage open, transparent, and continuous communication during the lifecycle of the plan. This communication should, whenever possible, take the form of transparent dialogue, engagement by stakeholders across all dimensions of the university, and robust and meaningful feedback processes.