Talent Search
Connecting promising students with higher education.

Talent Search provides help to young students with academic potential, but lack the information and preparation needed to succeed in high school and college. The goal of Talent Search is to have students enroll in and complete some form of post-secondary education, and many services and opportunities are offered to reach that goal. Help is also offered to those who dropped out of high school and want to return and pursue a college degree.
Program Eligibility
To participate in Talent Search, the following criteria will be considered:
- Be 11-27 in age.
- Qualify as future first-generation college student (neither parent has a 4-year college degree).
- Meet federal income guidelines.
- Show academic potential.
- Need career and/or educational guidance.
- Attend a target school currently served by UND Talent Search, or have interest in continuing your education after dropping out of school.
What Talent Search Offers
- Information on choosing and preparing for college
- Career exploration (interest tests, speakers, tours, etc.)
- Help applying for college, scholarships, and financial aid
- Help with college admissions testing
- Mentoring and connections to tutoring
- Cultural activities
- Workshops for families
- Assistance with the reentry process to high school or college
UND Educational Talent Search receives 100% of its annual budget from the U.S. Department of Education.