Apply to Upward Bound
Upward Bound accepts 85 students throughout the school year and 65 during the summer.
Eligibility Criteria to Apply for Upward Bound
Students who wish to participate in Upward Bound must meet either first generation status and/or federal income guidelines to be eligible.
Participants must be enrolled in grades 9-11, show academic potential, and be in need of academic support and college guidance.
You may not apply for the UND Upward Bound program if you do not attend one of the eight target schools in North Dakota. Schools are selected based on "need" and are the only schools that can be served by the program.
Devils Lake High School
1601 College Dr N
Devils Lake, ND 58301
Dunseith High School
Box 789
Dunseith, ND 58329
Four Winds High School
Box 239
Fort Totten, ND 58335
East Grand Forks Senior High
PO Box 151
East Grand Forks, MN 56721
Grafton High School
1548 School Rd
Grafton, ND 58237
Grand Forks Central
115 N 4th
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Turtle Mountain High School
Box 440
Belcourt, ND 58316
St. John High School
PO Box 200
St. John, ND 58369
Commitments to Participate in Upward Bound
In order to be part of UND's Upward Bound program, students need to commit to the following:
- Attend school (scheduled classes, labs, etc.) regularly.
- Be enrolled in rigorous curriculum each semester that will make them eligible for admission to state institutions of postsecondary education.
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress in all classes and a minimum GPA of 2.00.
- Enroll in the Upward Bound Google Classroom.
- Complete all monthly assignments, forms, career inventories, tests or other materials required by Upward Bound.
- Attend Upward Bound activities and meetings during the academic school year.
- Attend and complete the six-week summer residential component held on the UND campus.
Whenever there are planned activities with Upward Bound \transportation, room, and board will be provided free of charge.
Apply to Upward Bound
Students must complete a UND Upward Bound application in order to apply. Applications can be found in their counseling offices or from Upward Bound Staff during school visits. There is also paperwork that must be completed each year in order to participate in the program. There is no application fee nor any other costs to participate.
Required Application Information
From Home:
- Student Information
- Statement of Responsibilities
- Releases
- Income/Education Verification
From School:
- Copies of High School transcripts and any test scores attached
- One teacher recommendation & one counselor recommendation
Credits Received Via Upward Bound
For each summer completed during grades 9-11, students may receive a ½ high school credit. For completion of the Summer Bridge component which occurs the summer after the student's senior year, up to 9 college credits are awarded.
Transcripts are provided to you, as well as your school, detailing your credit earned through Upward Bound.
Applying to College After Upward Bound
While the program is housed at the University of North Dakota, students are encouraged to attend the college of their choice. If the Upward Bound student chooses to attend UND, they must apply for admission and meet admission criteria in order to be accepted, just as any non-Upward Bound student would.