Submit an Experience
Taking part in co-ops, internships, clinicals, student teaching, and research are great ways to earn academic credit while gaining real-world work experience.
Handshake Reporting
Registering in Handshake is the first step in submitting your experience. You will also need to register for the appropriate class in Campus Connection to be sure you receive the credits needed to complete this experience, if you are taking it for credit.
If reporting an internship/co-op that extends two semesters, please submit your experience for each semester. For example: Summer 2024 and again for Fall 2024 if the experience runs from mid-May through the end of December.
Final Evaluation Due Dates
Watch your junk or clutter folders for an email from UND Career Services via Handshake.
Spring 2025
- Sent May 5
- Due by May 9
How to Submit an Experience
Student's Role
- You will be asked to submit between three to five job objectives per semester.
- Your objectives are written/completed in Handshake when you complete the online process.
- Review How to Write Your Job-Related Objectives to see best practices.
Employer, Preceptor, Faculty Researcher, etc.
- The individual overseeing the experience will receive an email sent by Career Services/Handshake with a link to view. Follow the prompts to review and approve the student’s submitted experience. Please note: sometimes Handshake emails can go to Junk/Clutter.
- Two weeks before the end-of-term, a final evaluation will be sent out in an email from Career Services/Handshake. The individual overseeing the experience (employer, preceptor, faculty researcher, etc.) will complete the Final Evaluation by following the link provided.
- Once completed, this will be shared with the faculty coordinator/instructor of the class by the Career Services office.
Faculty Coordinator/Instructor of the Class
- Prior to the approval process in Handshake, the faculty coordinator/instructor of the class may receive an email from or have an appointment/conversation with the student to determine if pre-requisites for the class are met.
- If pre-requisites are met, the student will report the experience in Handshake to begin the electronic approval process. Once the student completes their submission, the individual overseeing the experience will receive the approval email first.
- Upon their completion, an email from Career Services/Handshake will come to the faculty coordinator/instructor of the class with a link to follow. This link provides all the information submitted by the student, including their objectives for review and to approve or decline and add comments at the end if necessary.
- The Career Services Experiential Learning Coordinator will receive an email when all above steps are complete and finalize the approval process. If applicable to the program, final evaluations will be auto-generated two weeks prior to the end of the semester. Please note: no mid-term evaluations are sent.
- Students and employers have 5 days to complete the final evaluations. Career Services will email the faculty coordinator/instructor of the class the results in a spreadsheet to be used for grading purposes.
Career Services
- The overall responsibility of Career Services is to keep the student’s Submit an Experience on track from start to finish.
- Career Services reviews the student’s submitted experience and verifies all fields and all assigned approvers are appropriate.
- Career Services initiates the approval process in Handshake.
- Students and employers will receive the final evaluation and have 5 days to complete. Once evaluations are complete, Career Services will send an email with the final results to the faculty coordinator/instructor of the class the first day of finals.
- Career Services is here to help address any questions or troubleshooting. Please contact by email or phone, 701-777-3906.
For co-op positions only, you either register for one or two credits, determined by the number of hours you are working. You must work an average of 20 hours per week to receive one credit, or 40 hours per week to receive two.
- 1 credit = half-time student status
- 2 credits = full-time student status
Credits for internships and other experiences vary and are determined by your department's faculty coordinator/instructor.
- A Final Evaluation survey is emailed to the student and the employer to complete two weeks prior to
the end of the semester.
- Students will have the opportunity to reflect on what helped them achieve their learning objectives, explain why an objective may not have been accomplished, rate their academic department and employer regarding the experience process, provide feedback, etc.
- Employer/supervisor will be able to reflect on the student's communication skills, collaboration, problem solving, professionalism, and comment on exceptional points or deficiencies.
- To review your objectives, log-in to Handshake.
- Click Career Center in the upper right navigation. Click on Experiences.
- Click View Details to see this semesters' experience.
- Your objectives can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of the survey response.
- Students and employer/supervisors will receive an email from Career Services via Handshake two weeks before this is due. Please watch your inbox and clutter folders for this email. The email contains the link to the final evaluation.
Get involved in our new job shadowing program.
Job shadowing can help with the decision-making process of selecting a major or career path. See firsthand the required skills, company culture, and potential career options. This experience will promote career awareness while reinforcing the connection between work requirements and classroom learning.
The job shadowing experience can last from a few hours to a day, or longer. Schedules are set by the employer on site and students have an opportunity to engage in various activities such as client meetings, research, projects, facility tour, and/or interacting with other departments and staff within the organization.
Before the Experience
- Meet with a career professional in Career Services and/or Academic and Career Exploration to discuss your job shadowing experience interest.
- When an organization is selected, and arrangements are made, log in to Handshake and Submit an Experience.
- Research and take notes on the organizations’ website to find out more about them and what they do.
- Learn the company dress code so you can dress accordingly. Visit the Career Services Career Closet.
During the Experience
- Arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled experience begins.
- As their guest, be respectful and attentive during the stay.
- Ask thoughtful questions while being courteous of the professional’s time and work environment. Hint: this is where the notes taken about the company will be helpful.
- Ask if notes may be taken. Use your own notebook or electronic device.
After the Experience
- Send a thank you note or email within 24 hours of completing the experience and detailing key takeaways learned while shadowing them.
- Three days after the experience, Career Services will send out a survey asking how the experience went. Please complete as soon as possible after receiving.
Job Shadow Resources
UND’s Career Services Job Shadowing Program is open to all majors and class years. It is designed to help undergraduates, graduates, and alumni explore potential career options. Reach out today and let us know how we can help.
Forage is an online resource which offers virtual experience programs designed by
leading companies. Develop skills and gain a real understanding of different roles
and sectors by working through self-paced modules.
During the module, you will work through a set of materials and tasks set by the company,
which are designed to replicate the type of work that you would undertake as an intern
or graduate. All programs are self-paced (taking between 5 to 6 hours to complete)
ensuring that you can fit your participation flexibly around other commitments. These
programs include:
- Video instructions and materials created by employees within your chosen organization
- Work that reflects real day-to-day tasks of interns and graduates
- The chance to compare your work with that of a graduate at your chosen organization
Our programs are completely free and open-access for students, and there are no lengthy
application processes to complete one of our programs.
Get Started Here
Education Abroad & Internships Abroad
UND Study Abroad works with affiliated providers for opportunities for students to study, intern and teach abroad. All internships have academic credit. Some students choose not to receive credit on their UND transcript as it costs more to pay for both the internship and the UND credits. Some programs are more expensive depending on location, specific provider, expenses covered in overall costs (housing, meal plan, etc.). Students have to pay for the internship, but keep in mind the experience you will be getting, the resume builder that will set you apart from other applicants when applying for jobs.
- ISA Internships offers full-time, structured, unpaid internships with the option to receive academic credit all over New Zealand and all over Australia as well as in Shanghai, China, Hong Kong, Santiago, Chile, London, England, and Salamanca and Valencia, Spain. ISA will match the intern with an internship that's a good fit for their career goals. They offer internships in a wide variety of career fields. Students will work with their on-site contacts and staff to find the right internship for them based on his or her experiences, area of study, skills, and future career goals. The ISA Internship program includes internship placement, housing, our Bridging Cultures Program, the Professional Development Toolbox, comprehensive pre-departure advising, support, and resume assistance, international medical insurance, and 24/7 on-site staff support.
The Fund for American Studies
The Fund for American Studies is the ultimate DC experience. Invest in your future by spending next summer or semester gaining real-world experience and earning college credit in the nation’s capital.
While participating in the undergraduate Washington, DC programs, students live in on-campus housing at George Washington University or in furnished apartments in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Each student takes 3-9 credit hours in courses at George Mason University in addition to interning 30-35 hours per week. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in our Mentor Program, attend site briefings, visit D.C. landmarks, sit in on professional development seminars, and meet top experts in their field.
Programs are offered in the following areas of focus:
- Leadership & the American Presidency
- Journalism & Communication
- International Affairs
- Business & Government Affairs
- Public Policy & Economics
- Service & Community Leadership
SciTech is an internship program that connects college students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines with paid internship opportunities in small to mid-sized STEM-based Minnesota companies through our online job board. This is a State funded program administered by the Minnesota Technology Association.
Visit SciTech to enroll and begin your STEM internship search!
Internships are for approximately 400 hours (may be full-time - ex. 40 hrs/week for 10 weeks - or part-time).
Qualifying criteria for students includes:
- Minnesota resident or students living in and attending college in Minnesota
- Students at least 18 years of age
- Is in good academic standing (2.50+ GPA)
- Technical or community college student (24 credits completed)
- College junior or Senior (60 credits completed)
- Master’s or PhD students
- Eligible to work in the U.S. (International students may participate if they have CPT/OPT work authorization)