Annual Evaluations
Annual Evaluations for Faculty Outside of the Tenure and Promotion Process
State Board of Higher Education policy Sec. 604.3 requires annual evaluation of all employees, including all faculty at any status or rank. This includes probationary faculty, special appointment faculty and tenured faculty.
- By March 31 of each year, Deans must send a confirmation to the VPAA office documenting that all benefited faculty in their college have received an annual evaluation (excluding those who went through the promotion and/or tenure process). The confirmation should be provided via a memo from the Dean to the Provost. For Colleges/Schools with several faculty, it may be helpful to split the memos up by category (e.g. special appointment versus tenured faculty).
- Please note: Deans do not need to send the annual evaluation material (beyond a confirmation that it was completed). The Dean’s office is responsible for scanning the annual evaluation material into the faculty annual evaluation file in perceptive content by March 31 of each year.
- At least annually, the VPAA office will conduct an audit of each college/school’s annual evaluation files in perceptive content by selecting faculty at random and from different departments.
- Every college/school must use the faculty annual evaluation form linked below. Colleges/schools may use their own faculty annual evaluation forms if they so choose in addition.
Process for Evaluating Deans for the 2023 Evaluation Period
The annual evaluation process is a key component of every UND employee’s development and engagement. This evaluation process is designed to provide a fair assessment of each dean’s job performance, based on both demonstrated outcomes and overall performance of job duties. It provides a formal opportunity to connect with deans regarding performance over the course of the previous calendar year (2023) and plan goals and expectations for the upcoming year.
The evaluation process will begin in January 2024 and conclude March 31, 2024.
- According to North Dakota State Board Policy Section 604.3 all benefited university employees shall have an annual written and verbal performance development review that includes evaluation of performance based upon mutually agreed upon development plans or goals.
- All deans, whether interim, acting, or permanent, will be evaluated annually using the performance evaluation tool.
- In addition to the annual evaluation process, deans who have served as dean for at least three years (excluding those who are serving as interim or acting deans) will undergo a 360 performance evaluation. Because of the demands and priorities in each college, it may be the case that a dean’s initial 360 performance evaluation takes place in their fourth or fifth year. After the initial 360 performance evaluation, deans will go through the 360 process every three years.
Annual Evaluations
Annual evaluations are done each year of employment and should encompass the entire previous year. Evaluations, including an agreement on specific goals, will be completed by the dean and Provost no later than March 31 of each year.
Annual Evaluation Process
- Self-Evaluation by dean
Deans will be provided with the University’s performance evaluation tool to complete the employee comments section only.
- Deans will not assign a rating.
- The open comment box at the end of the evaluation tool will be completed to discuss
dean’s self-evaluation of overall performance and feedback about their college/school
in general.
- Deans will prepare a list of goals for the upcoming year.
- The Provost’s office will schedule a meeting for each dean with the Provost.
2. Provost completes written evaluation
The Provost will provide comments and ratings for the dean in their major areas of responsibilities. The comments must reflect specific examples of why the dean is meeting or not meeting expectations.
- If a rating of does not meet is assigned, the Provost will include a detailed goal to develop the skills gap and address the concern. If necessary, a performance improvement plan (PIP) will be developed.
- If a rating of meets is assigned, the Provost will include specific examples and details
to support the assigned rating. These rates will not be in the norm, and are reserved
for circumstances where a dean’s performance is excellent and over and above their
assigned duties.
- In order to assist with the completion of these assessments, the Office of the Provost will gather upward feedback from all benefitted faculty and direct reports in each college/school through a survey instrument. Additional information will also be directly collected from deans by the Office of the Provost through a “Dean Activity Report” document.
3. Meeting between dean and Provost
- Prior to the meeting, a draft copy of the evaluation including the Provost’s ratings and evaluation will be sent to the dean to review.
- During the meeting, the performance evaluation tool, existing job description, and goals/expectations for next year will be discussed and finalized.
- The dean and Provost will sign the finalized performance evaluation tool and the position description (if changed) for completion. A copy will be provided to Human Resources via for record retention.
360 Performance Evaluation
The 360 performance evaluation allows deans to be periodically reviewed by constituents, including faculty, staff, peers (other deans and administration), and internal/external stakeholders. The purpose of the 360 performance evaluation is to identify each dean’s leadership qualities and to match these qualities to their major areas of responsibilities and core competencies. As part of the 360 performance evaluation, deans will also conduct a self-study.
360 Performance Evaluation Process
1. Beginning in January, the Provost will send a communication to each dean set to undergo a 360 performance evaluation requesting 10 external constituent names, a current CV, and a 3-5 page personal statement.
External constituents are those having a professional relationship and/or interactions with the dean outside of the institution, e.g. donors, industry partners, and community members.
The dean will provide the name, email address and description of their relationship for each external constituent identified.
2. Beginning in February, a message from the Provost, a copy of the dean’s self-study and current CV, and a questionnaire will be sent to the constituents.
- The constituent groups include:
- All direct reports
- All other deans, vice presidents and vice provost’s
- All benefitted staff in the dean’s college/school
- Any other benefited staff identified by the dean
- The external constituents identified by the dean
- 10 graduate/professional students in the college/school, selected by the dean
- 10 undergraduate students, by major or second major in the college, selected by the dean
- All benefitted tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty in the dean’s college/school
- Constituents will be asked to enter a rating (from strongly agree to strongly disagree) that best matches their assessment of the dean’s performance in the areas of leadership, management, and support for faculty, staff and students. The questionnaire will also allow for comments on the dean’s overall strengths, the areas that the dean’s performance could use improvement, and other constructive feedback.
- Constituents will be given two weeks to provide responses to the questionnaires.
- The questionnaires are anonymized and no identifiable information will be collected or shared with the dean.
3. A summary evaluation with aggregate and de-identified results is shared with the dean and incorporated in to the dean’s annual evaluation.