Course Resources
Find common course scheduling guidelines as well as the course syllabi statements.
Common Course Scheduling
The Common Course Scheduling (CCS) guidelines promote undergraduate student retention and timely academic progress toward a degree, encourage optimal classroom utilization, and help to ensure an even distribution of course offerings. The guidelines, which generally have been in use for several years, became an expectation for undergraduate course scheduling in spring 2015 to advance the university’s efforts on student retention and success.
The CCS guidelines apply to all undergraduate three-credit courses, with the exception of laboratory courses and courses scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. or later on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 3:30 p.m. or later on Tuesday and Thursday. The guidelines do not apply to graduate courses.
The following CCS guidelines apply to undergraduate course scheduling, with the exception of exemptions listed above.
- Department chairs and academic deans/designees are expected to take the lead in working with faculty to facilitate common course scheduling. The Office of the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs will assist in implementation.
- Courses will be scheduled according to the following standard meeting days and times:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Courses
Daytime classes start times are as follows:
- 8 a.m.
- 9:05 a.m.
- 10:10 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
- 12:20 p.m.
- 1:25 p.m.
- 2:30 p.m.
- 3:35 p.m.
- 4:40 p.m.
Class Details
- Class length: 50 minutes
- Passing time between classes : 15 minutes
- Three hour classes are scheduled on M-W-F in three 50 minute blocks
- Two hour classes are similarly scheduled but only in two of the three days
Tuesday and Thursday Courses
Daytime course start times are as follows:
- 8:00 a.m.
- 9:30 a.m.
- 11:00 a.m.
- 12:30 p.m.
- 2:00 p.m.
- 3:30 p.m.
Class Details
- Class length: 75 minutes
- Passing time between classes: 15 minutes
- All 1-, 2-, or 3-credit Tuesday-Thursday courses begin at a start time listed above.
The scheduling of classrooms is conducted exclusively using Ad Astra Schedule, an online application hosted by the North Dakota University System. Existing classroom scheduling authority remains unchanged.
Contact Information
- 701.777.2167
Twamley Hall Room 302
Grand Forks ND 58202-8176
Course Syllabi Statements
The following resources for students, faculty, and staff support UND’s commitment to provide a safe and welcoming educational environment for all. Faculty are encouraged to consider including the below information in course syllabi.
It is the policy of the University of North Dakota that no person shall be discriminated against because of race, religion, age, color, gender, disability, national origin, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, veteran’s status, or political belief or affiliation and the equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. Concerns regarding Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, ADA, and Section 504 may be addressed to Donna Smith, Assistant Vice President for Equal Opportunity and Title IX/ADA Coordinator, 401 Twamley Hall, 701.777.4171, or the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Dept. of Education, 230 S. Dearborn St., 37th Floor, 500 West Madison, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60611 or any other federal agency.
The full Notice of Non-discrimination is available online through Equal Opportunity & Title IX.
Accessibility Statement
The University of North Dakota is committed to providing equal access to students with documented disabilities. To ensure access to this class and your program, please contact Accessibility for Students to engage in a confidential discussion about accommodations for the classroom and clinical settings.
Accommodations are not provided retroactively. Students are encouraged to register with Student Disability Resources at the start of their program. More information can be obtained by email,, or by phone at 701.777.2100.
Religious Accommodations
UND offers religious accommodations, which are reasonable changes in the academic environment that enable a student to practice or observe a sincerely held religious belief without undue hardship on the University. Examples include time for prayer or the ability to attend religious events or observe a religious holiday. To request an accommodation, complete the student religious accommodation request form. To learn more, please consult UND’s Religious Accommodations Policy or contact the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office.
Pregnancy Accommodations
Students who need assistance with academic adjustments related to pregnancy or childbirth may contact the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office or Academic Affairs to learn about your options. Additional information and services may be found at Pregnancy Resources and in UND’s Protections for Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees Policy.
Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Misconduct
If you or a friend has experienced sexual misconduct, such as sex-based l harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, please contact the Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office or UND's Title IX Coordinator, Donna Smith, for assistance at 701.777.4171 or
You may also contact the Equal Opportunity & Title IX office if you or a friend has experienced discrimination or harassment based on a protected class, such as race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sex, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, pregnancy, marital or parental status, veteran's status, or political belief or affiliation.
Faculty Reporting Obligations Regarding Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Misconduct
It is important for students to understand that faculty are required to share with UND’s Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office any incidents of potential sexual misconduct or of discrimination or harassment based on a protected class that they become aware of, even if those incidents occurred in the past or are disclosed as part of a class assignment. This does not mean an investigation will occur if the student does not want that, but it does allow UND to provide resources to help the student continue to be successful at UND. If you have been impacted by discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, you can find information about confidential support services at the Equal Opportunity & Title IX webpage.
Health and Safety
UND is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment and asks students and instructors to be flexible when necessary to promote quality learning experiences.
Please do not attend an in-person class or lab if you are feeling ill or if you have been directed by health professionals to stay home.
- If you are not able to attend class or lab, please notify your instructor as soon as possible and discuss options for making up any missed work.
- If you will have an extended absence due to serious illness or other uncontrollable circumstances, you may request an absence notification through Community Standards and Care Network.
- If your instructor is ill, they may need to cancel class or temporarily move your course to online delivery.
Please contact Student Health Services if you have health questions by calling 701.777.4500 or visiting
Religious Observances
UND is home to a diverse student body, including cultural and religious diversity. As such, please be mindful of holidays and religious observances, as well as possible weekly worship observances, when scheduling significant course assignments, such as examinations or extensive projects.
At the beginning of the semester, instructors may remind students to speak with them privately to request reasonable accommodations for classroom assignments and/or examinations to allow them to observe religious holidays and/or events. An adapted calendar of holidays and religious observances for the upcoming academic year and additional religious and spirituality resources are available. The calendar lists many, though likely not all, days of religious or similar observance of the faiths most likely to be represented at UND. Please feel free to use these resources as a starting point for collaborative conversations about religious observations and course schedules. For additional information and/or resources, please reach out to The Hilyard Center at
Final Exam Policy
No undergraduate student should be obliged to write three or more finals on the same day. If the student has three or more finals scheduled the same day, the student wishing an accommodation regarding final exams should contact their instructors by the deadline to establish a mutually acceptable time to reschedule one or more of the exams. A student who is absent from a regularly scheduled examination without an excuse considered valid by the instructor is normally given an F for the course. If the excuse is valid, the policy on incompletes will apply.