CE Courses
CBDM Approved CE Courses at UND
The University of North Dakota provides a variety of CE Continuing Education (CE) courses that will assist you in meeting your required training; and maintaining your CDM, CFPP credential.
All courses listed have prior approval from CBDM. You may select courses from the drop downs below to achieve your training requirement. Each course is offered online, and competitively priced.

ONE 45-hour course to meets your 3-year Continuing Education needs!
Each course provides:
- 1 hour ethics continuing education
- 9 hours sanitation continuing education
- 35 hours general continuing education
Choose from these topics:
Practitioner Certificate in Nutrition Care for the CDM, CFPP
- Budgeting 101: Managing the Foodservice Budget
- Budgeting 101: Managing Capital Purchases
- Budgeting 101: Menu Management Math
- Budgeting 101: Using the Menu to Control Costs
- Budgeting 101: Skills for Effective Foodservice Budgeting - The Complete Course (10 hours)
- Create a Great Plate: Nutrition at Every Bite
- Creating a Personalized Nutrition Care Plan using the RAI & MDS Process
- Dementia and Nutrition
- Effective Communication in Foodservice
- Emotional Intelligence
- Fad Diets: Reviewing Current Fad Diets & Sorting through the Science
- Hiring: Finding the Perfect Staff
- Hypertension: Nutrition & Lifestyle to Control the Condition
- IDDSI Diet Implementation: Teamwork for Transitioning with Success and Regulatory Compliance
- Intermittent Fasting: Reviewing the Science of Intermittent Fasting: Does It Improve Outcomes with Chronic Diseases?
- Interpersonal Skills & How They Impact Work Life for Everyone
- Medical Terminology: A Short Course (10 hours)
- Multigenerational Staff
- Nutrition & Cancer: Improving your Patients' Quality of Life
- Nutrition Facts Label: Using the Nutrition Facts Panel and Food Labels to Optimize Nutrition Outcomes
- Nutrition Screening - Understanding the Role of the CDM, CFPP (10 hours)
- Professional Communication in a Virtual World (4 hours)
- Professional Communication: Communicating Intentionally & Mindfully (4 hours)
- Providing Patient & Client Education: Your Role in Effective Learning & Change (4 hours)
- Team Building: Keeping Your Team Happy to Reduce Turnover
- The ABC's of the MDS and PDPM for the CDM
- Type 2 Diabetes: Help Your Clients Manage the Disease by Merging Information and Application
- Under Pressure: Pressure Injury Guidelines & Treatment
- Under Pressure: The Comprehensive Course - Pressure Injury Guidelines & Treatment (4 hours)
How to Maintain Your CDM, CFPP Credential
45 hours of approved Continuing Education (CE) every three (3) years. CE hours must be met while actively certified, and within your current three-year qualifying period.
- All required CE credits must be obtained no later than May 31 of your 3 year qualifying period.
- General CE hours are all CE hours that are not counted in the sanitation hours.
- A minimum of 9 hours of approved sanitation CE.
- After June 1, 2019, CDM’s will need to report 1 CE hour focusing on professional ethics during their three-year recertification period. The total number of required CE hours will remain at 45. 3 year recertification CE cycles ending May 31, 2019 will NOT be required to report 1 CE hour in professional ethics.
Every CDM, CFPP will enter their own hours online in your member account.
- Log into your online profile at www.CBDMonline.org and select "My Certification" in the menu options on the left. You will see the CE activity that has been reported. The decision to accept or reject CE hours is made by the Certifying Board for Dietary Managers, NOT UND.
- Every CDM, CFPP is subject to random audit selection. If insufficient CE hours are
reported, an audit may also be required. It is VERY important that every CDM, CFPP
keeps an accurate record of their CE hours in the event of an audit