Courses, Grades & Forms
Campus Connection eForms
Access eForms in Campus Connection
- Log into Campus Connection
- On the student homepage, click the eForms tile and locate the form you need.
eForms in Campus Connection
- Cancellation/Withdrawal to Zero of Registration
- Cancellation of Registration
- Collaborative Registration
- Enrollment Verification
- FERPA Release
- Legal Name Change Request
- Registration Action
- Request to Change Major/Minor/Certificate
Electronic Forms
- Application for Reinstatement
- Duplicate Diploma/Certificate - Purchase
- Graduates of UND receive a diploma and/or certificate sent to their mailing address of record. Additional copies can be purchased using the above link.
- Enrollment Verification
- Legal Name Change Request
- Undergraduate (UGRD) Readmission Request
PDF/Print Forms
The following PDF forms require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing and printing. Once you have downloaded the reader, you can view and print pages.
- Administrative Procedures Petition
- Request to Remove Restricted Directory Information
- Request to Restrict Directory Information
- Revocation of FERPA Release
Course Information
Standard Class Start Times
Monday-Wednesday-Friday Classes
- Daytime classes start times are as follows:
- 8 a.m.
- 9:05 a.m.
- 10:10 a.m.
- 11:15 a.m.
- 12:20 p.m.
- 1:25 p.m.
- 2:30 p.m.
- 3:35 p.m.
- 4:40 p.m.
- Class length: 50 minutes
- Passing time between classes: 15 minutes
- Four hour classes are scheduled four days per week at 50 minutes, or can meet 100 minutes twice per week on standard start times
- Three hour classes are scheduled on M-W-F in three 50 minute blocks
- Two hour classes are similarly scheduled but only in two of the three days
- One hour classes are schedule with one :50 minute period per week
Tuesday – Thursday Classes
Daytime classes start times are as follows:
- 8 a.m.
- 9:30 a.m.
- 11:00 a.m.
- 12:30 p.m.
- 2 p.m.
- 3:30 p.m.
- Class length: 75 minutes
- Passing time between classes: 15 minutes
- 1, 2, or 3 hour classes scheduled on Tuesday-Thursday begin on a Tuesday-Thursday start time.
Normally three credit hour classes that are scheduled in a block of time occur after 4:00 p.m. and have 150 contact minutes per week.
Undergraduate Student Classification
How many credits do you need to be considered a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior?
0-23 Credits Completed
24-59 Credits Completed
60-89 Credits Completed
90+ Credits Completed
Credit Hour Policy
This policy was adopted 9/12/18 by UND Academic Policies and Admissions Committee.
Academic units are expressed in terms of semester credit hours at the University of North Dakota. For face-to-face courses, one semester credit hours represents one 50-minute class period (lecture or structured student/faculty interaction) and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week, or 2-3 hours of laboratory session for each week of the semester or at least the equivalent amount of work.
Online or Distance Courses
For online or distance courses, UND academic units are assigned according to the classification of the distance course:
- Type 1: Distance course sections taught synchronously with face-to-face sections with equivalent student learning objectives and expectations for student effort – The distance section is assigned the same credit hours as the face-to-face section.
- Type 2: Distance course sections taught asynchronously with face-to-face sections with equivalent student learning objectives and expectations for student effort – The distance section is assigned the same credit hours as the face-to-face section.
- Type 3: Distance courses not classified as Type 1 or 2 that share equivalent student learning objectives and expectations for student effort as face-to-face sections of the course at UND – The distance section is assigned the same credit hours as the face-to-face section.
- Type 4: Distance courses not classified as Type 1 or 2 that do not have corresponding face-to-face sections at UND for comparison – The department or unit providing the course must document the expected level of student effort, expected student/faculty interactions, course assessment plan, and student learning objectives for the course. This information will be reviewed by the appropriate Department, College/School, and University curriculum committees for assignment of appropriate credit hours.