Zoom Accessibility Best Practices
All UND students, faculty, and staff have access to a personal Zoom account with a pro-level license, providing robust tools to create an inclusive virtual environment. Zoom offers a range of accessibility features designed to support individuals with diverse needs. These tools include closed captioning, keyboard shortcuts, screen reader compatibility, and customization options to enhance usability. However, fostering a truly equitable experience also requires intentional efforts from presenters. Follow these best practices to ensure an inclusive experience for everyone who joins your meeting.
Audio & Video
Use a Microphone
Mute Participants Upon Entry
To reduce background noise, enable the Mute All Participants When They Join a Meeting option in the Schedule a Meeting section. Since participants are muted upon entry, they will need to manually unmute their mics when they are ready to speak.
Utilize a Simple Virtual Background
Use a simple, virtual background to minimize distractions. A cluttered background filled with personal items can divert participants' attention from your message. An uncluttered, clear background with high contrast not only helps maintain focus but also enhances visibility for individuals with visual impairments.
Minimize Requiring Video
"Spotlight" Participants
Host and Co-Host
Hosts and co-hosts retain the privilege of selecting who to spotlight during a Zoom meeting. Hosts can assign co-hosts to help manage "spotlighting;" this is particularly useful if the host is the main presenter and needs to focus on their presentation rather than meeting logistics. Zoom allows for an unlimited number of co-hosts, providing flexibility in managing the meeting experience.
Spotlight Speakers
Spotlighting a speaker ensures that all participants see the speaker's video. This is particularly helpful in meetings where there are too many participants to display on one screen. Hosts can spotlight up to nine individuals simultaneously. Additionally, individual participants have the option to pin specific videos to their own screen. Pinning these videos only affects the participant's view; it does not impact what others see.
Slow Your Speech
As a presenter, it’s important to control the pace of your speech. Nervousness or excitement often causes people to speak more quickly than they intended. By slowing your speech down, you ensure all participants can follow your presentation. This is especially important for individuals who rely on closed captioning or lip reading, as they may need additional time to process and follow along. Speaking at a measured pace creates a more inclusive and equitable environment for everyone.
Use Plain Language
Use plain language when speaking or presenting. Avoid complex terms and technical jargon that may only be familiar to a subset of participants. This ensures that your message is clear and accessible to everyone.
Provide Regular Breaks
For presentations or meetings lasting longer than an hour, provide regular breaks for participants. Breaks provide participants an opportunity to stretch, grab a snack, and rest their eyes. Taking time away from the screen helps improve participants' overall engagement and comprehension.
Describe Displayed Visual Content
Presenters should verbalize all content displayed on the screen. This practice supports diverse learners who benefit from auditory input, as well as individuals with visual or cognitive impairments. Additionally, it ensures accessibility for participants who may have difficulty viewing the screen due to poor internet connections or those joining via phone.
Share Referenced and Displayed Material
Share Keyboard Shortcuts
Zoom supports keyboard navigation for all major functions, enhancing accessibility for everyone. Share keyboard shortcuts with all participants alongside any referenced or displayed materials. By providing this information to everyone, you avoid singling out individuals with disabilities and acknowledge that disabilities, including invisible ones, may not always be apparent.
Enable Closed Captioning
As a participant, you can choose to view available captions by selecting the Show Captions icon in the meeting controls toolbar. If you are unable to select captions, it means the host has restricted caption use, and you will need to request that they be enabled for viewing.
Automated Captions/ Live Transcriptions
Zoom provides automated captioning, also known as Live Transcriptions, to meet on-demand captioning needs for all participants. Many participants use captions to improve understanding, follow along in noisy environments, or out of necessity. While this feature offers flexibility, the accuracy of automated captions is not guaranteed. The following factors can impact the quality of captions:
- background noise
- speaker volume and clarity
- speaker dialect
- speaker cadence and tone
While it is possible to disable automated captioning for all participants, this practice should be avoided.
Manual Captioning
Hosts can opt to have someone manually caption a meeting or webinar, either through a third-party captioning service or a designated meeting attendee. Settings will need to be configured to allow for manual captioning.
Third-Party Captioning
Zoom meetings can include real-time closed captioning through third-party services. As a meeting host, you can enable this feature by sharing Zoom's caption URL with your chosen captioning provider. The service will then stream accurate, real-time captions directly into your meeting for all participants.
Customize Caption Font Size
Closed captioning users can customize the font size and appearance of captions to suit their individual needs and preferences.
Sign Language Interpretation
Enable Sign Language Interpretation View:
Zoom's Sign Language Interpretation View lets hosts assign up to 20 users as interpreters before or during meetings. Interpreters appear in dedicated, pinned video channels labeled with their sign language type. Participants can select their preferred interpreter's video feed and adjust its size and position. Note: Zoom does not provide sign language interpreters; it only facilitates their visibility and prominence within the platform.
"Spotlight" Sign Language Interpreters
If a sign language interpreter is present in a meeting, their video should be spotlighted. This ensures that the interpreter's video is prominently displayed during both the meeting and recording.
Participant Engagement
Breakout Rooms
Manually Create Breakout Rooms
Breakout Rooms allow hosts to divide participants into smaller Zoom sessions, making them ideal for fostering small group collaboration and discussion. When using Breakout Rooms, consider manually assigning participants rather than relying on random allocation. This ensures participants who need to stay together, such as interpreters and their clients, remain connected. Manual assignment also helps reduce participant anxiety by creating intentional groupings.
Be Flexible
Not everyone may feel comfortable joining a small group, especially individuals with Social Anxiety Disorders. Be flexible and considerate if participants prefer not to join a breakout session. Instead, allow them to use this time for personal reflection. You could offer guided questions or prompts to help them engage with the material independently, ensuring they still benefit from the session in a way that feels comfortable for them.
Enable Recording
When participants move into Breakout Rooms, only the room where the host is present will be recorded by default. To ensure Breakout Room discussions are captured, enable the option for participants to record their breakout sessions.
Adjust Chat Display Size
Participants can customize the chat display size to suit their individual needs and preferences.
Save In-Meeting Chats
Chat logs can be saved locally or to the Zoom Cloud. Local saves capture all chats visible to you, including private messages. Cloud saves only store messages sent to everyone and those sent during cloud recording.
Send Resources Linked in Chat Via Email
While Chat is useful, links shared there may not work with assistive technologies. Send important links to participants before or after the session for better accessibility.
Limit Use of the Zoom Polling Feature
The Zoom polling tool has accessibility limitations that make it a challenge to both presenters and participants. with certain disabilities. While it can be accessed by those using assistive technology, it does not support participation from individuals who have joined the meeting by phone, limiting its inclusivity.
Record Zoom Sessions
Recording Zoom sessions provides valuable benefits for participants who may miss a meeting due to reasons like Wi-Fi outages, unexpected commitments, or distractions. Additionally, recordings are useful for individuals who wish to review the content later, particularly when the information is technical or complex. This ensures everyone can fully engage with and understand the material at their own pace.
Share Audio Transcriptions for Recorded Sessions
Display Settings
Toggle Between Dark and Light Mode
Users may choose to toggle between Dark and Light Mode. Dark mode alters Zoom's interface background to black, offering assistance to users with visual impairments or sensitivity to bright light.
Customize Themes
Users can personalize their Zoom experience by changing the app's color theme, adding a touch of visual flair to their interface. This feature allows for a more customized and enjoyable viewing experience.
- The Teaching Transformation and Development Academy's support Page on Zoom
- Knowledge Base articles on Zoom
- Zoom Support