Awards & Recognition
Each year at the UND Founders Day, individual faculty, staff, departments and a UND student are honored for their outstanding:
- Teaching
- Research
- Advising
- Service
- Course Development and Innovative Teaching
- Commitment to Collaborative Governance
FIDC Review Panel
The FIDC is a University Senate Committee that advocates for instructional development at UND. The committee also reviews nominations for the Outstanding Faculty Awards and forwards award recommendations to the VPAA.
2024-25 FIDC membership
- Michele Iiams (A&S)
- Jun Liu (CEM)
- Amebu Seddoh (A&S)
- Adrienne Salentiny (SMHS)
- Kay Powell (NCoBPA)
- Amber Johnson (CNPD)
- Leslie Martin (JDOSAS)
- Donna Pearson (EDH)
- Jessica Zerr - Chair (A&S/At-large)
- Meghan Mitchell (A&S/At-large)
- Ariana Meyers (LAW/At-large)
- Anne Kelsch (Director of Faculty Development)
- Randi Tanglen (VPAA/Designee)
Nominations for 2025 Outstanding Faculty Awards are due by midnight, June 1, 2024.
The Teaching Transformation and Development Academy is appointed to oversee the following awards.
Awards are given annually to recognize individual efforts as well as that of departments. The recognition is categorized various ways and each award has specific criteria. Each category and its respective criteria are explained below.
Outstanding Teaching Awards are given to both individual faculty members and departments.
Those eligible to nominate are students, alumni, faculty, staff and others.
Individual Awards
Full-time faculty at the rank of Instructor or above, or part-time faculty with at least five years experience teaching at UND. Individuals who have previously won an award are not eligible for ANY award for FIVE years.
Department Awards
Departments which have previously won a Department Excellence in Teaching or Department Excellence in Service award are not eligible for these awards for THREE years.
Outstanding Teaching Awards
The Individual Outstanding Teaching Awards include the:
- Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (2 awarded annually)
- Outstanding Graduate or Professional Teaching Award (1 awarded annually).
Criteria for the award:
Do you know a professor who you think is an outstanding teacher? What makes them "outstanding"? Do they . . .
- teach effectively, inspire enthusiasm for learning, arouse curiosity, and stimulate independent and critical thinking?
- set high expectations, help students to meet them and provide worthwhile feedback to students on their learning?
- show respect and concern for students, offering them effective and sympathetic guidance?
- demonstrate thorough knowledge of their subject matter including recent developments in their field?
- organize the course material and present it cogently and imaginatively?
- use innovative design and delivery of course content?
- have an interest in current and effective approaches to teaching, and a willing to try new ideas?
- provide learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom?
- (for graduate/professional awards) effectively guide students in the kinds of research and/or creative activity expected of them as professionals?
- (for graduate/professional awards) provide a positive role model for young scholars in the discipline?
These characteristics describe many good teachers, but there are many other traits that may merit an award. Individual teaching awards honor undergraduate and graduate or professional teachers who meet a high standard. You can best support your candidate for the award by addressing the strongest characteristics of good teaching you believe they possess. When you address these characteristics provide solid evidence and concrete examples to build the strongest case. Think in terms of constructing a clear and persuasive argument for how and why your candidate does what the criteria specifies and therefore is deserving of the award. It helps to avoid vague, generalized statements ("She inspires enthusiasm for learning.") that do not convey in a clear and tangible way how that enthusiasm is inspired. What specifically happens in that teacher's class that builds a desire to learn in students? Give illustrations. Tell a brief story. If you believe the faculty member in question shows respect and concern for students, go beyond making a simple statement to that effect and give concrete evidence: what kinds of behaviors and activities illustrate this attitude? Can you speak to the experience of a particular student or class? What takes place in his or her classroom that clearly conveys that respect?
Departmental Excellence in Teaching
The departmental teaching award honors a department which:
- demonstrates collective excellence and/or innovation in classroom/lab teaching, advising, and or curriculum development (see above)
- takes seriously its commitment and responsibility to all students--both those who are majoring in the discipline and those who are taking classes for other reasons
- creates educational challenges and opportunities for students who major in the field
Outstanding Service Awards are given to both individuals and departments.
Those eligible to nominate are students, alumni, faculty, staff and others.
Individual Awards
Full-time faculty at the rank of Instructor or above, or part-time faculty with at least five years experience teaching at UND. Individuals who have previously won an award are not eligible for ANY award for FIVE years.
Department Awards
Departments which have previously won a Department Excellence in Teaching or Department Excellence in Service award are not eligible for these awards for THREE years.
Outstanding Faculty Development or Service
This award honors a faculty member who draws on his or her professional expertise to serve the university, the profession, and/or the broader community in several of the following ways:
- through academic citizenship activities such as advising of student groups; student and/ or faculty mentoring; leadership in faculty governance; faculty development activity, etc.
- through professional/disciplinary service such as: leadership in professional organizations, serving as editor/reviewer for scholarly publications, consulting with other institutions on accreditation or program evaluation teams, etc.
- through community service such as providing creative or technical assistance to public and private organizations such as schools, governmental agencies, arts organizations, and/or social service agencies; making public presentations/performances for general community audiences; serving on community advisory boards, etc.
Departmental Excellence in Service
The departmental service award honors an academic department which:
- makes a commitment to service as an important faculty role
- collectively makes significant contributions in the areas of academic citizenship, professional/ disciplinary service, and service to the community
Full-time faculty at the rank of Instructor or above, or part-time faculty with at least five years experience teaching at UND. Individuals who have previously won an award are not eligible for ANY award for FIVE years.
Only faculty are eligible to nominate.
UND Foundation/ McDermott Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity and Service
The award for Outstanding Faculty Scholar honors a faculty member who has a demonstrated record of excellence in all three of these traditional faculty roles:
- teaching
- research/creative activity
- service to the university, the profession, and/or the community
The Outstanding Academic Advisor Awards are funded by the Alumni Foundation but the award is not distributed by this committee. For more information visit: Outstanding Advisor Award | University of North Dakota. For information and nominations for the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards please visit the School of Graduate Studies website.
The Robert O. and Marcia B. Kelley Award for Excellence in Collaborative Governance
The Robert O. and Marcia B. Kelley Award for Excellence in Collaborative Governance is to honor and recognize up to three individuals annually: one each from among faculty, staff and students. The award is in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of shared governance through demonstrated leadership efforts in collaborative practice. Through collaborative governance, administration, faculty, staff, and students engage in a cooperative effort to fulfill the mission and vision of the institution.
To be considered for this award, an individual must have significantly advanced the culture, principles or practices of collaborative governance. Such advancement will be demonstrated by successful and/or sustained governance-related campus activity. This activity should have, or have promise of, lasting positive value that includes significant shared leadership and decision-making consistent with principles and priorities articulated in the UND strategic plan. Annually, there may be up to three student nominees forwarded by the Student Body President, three staff nominees forwarded by the Staff Senate President, and three faculty nominees forwarded by the Chair of the University Senate.
For each nominee there must be a brief letter of nomination which articulates the reasons for their nomination, ideally speaking to specific contributions the individual has made to advancing UND’s mission and vision through efforts that demonstrate leadership in collaborative practice. Nominations must be received by the UND LEADS Implementation Team no later than November 15. Award winners will be recognized as part of the annual Founders Day banquet.
Funding, Nominations, and Questions:
The Robert O. and Marcia B. Kelley Award for Excellence in Collaborative Governance is funded by the Alumni Foundation. Nominations come from UND’s University Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government. Awardees will be determined by the UND LEADS Implementation Team based upon nominations forwarded by the Student Body President, the Staff Senate President, and the Chair of the University Senate, respectively, based on consultations they have with the collaborative governance bodies which they lead and through outreach to the constituencies which they represent. For questions, please contact Ryan Zerr, Associate Vice President for Strategy & Implementation.
Nomination Instructions
To nominate someone, please use the following nomination form. It will then go to the Teaching Transformation and Development Academy and the Awards of Excellence Committee. Individuals who have previously won an award are not eligible for ANY award for five years.
Thank you for putting the time and effort into recognizing the excellent work of your colleagues.
Important note
The Committee has placed a page limit on files and indicated materials that will be consistent across all files (details are found below according to the award category). The committee makes award decisions in December and awards are given at Founder's Day.
Files in support of award nominations
Supporting files are compiled by the chair (or dean if a chair is nominated) or their designee. Nominees (either individuals or members of a department) must provide information as noted below and should be included in the process of compiling the supporting file. To submit the supporting files please use the provided Supporting Files Submission Form. Final supporting files are due by midnight on October 1, 2024.
Supporting Files Submission Form
Outstanding (Individual) Undergraduate or Graduate Teaching Awards:
Strict overall page limit of 10 pages. Please use the following format for file name: nominee's lastname_firstname.pdf
The pdf file must include:
- a one-page executive summary indicating how and where the file content supplies evidence of excellence in teaching and student learning
- supporting letter from chair (or dean if a chair is nominated)
- a resume focused on recent teaching related work, listing courses (indicating enrollment size and course level) taught for the last 3 years, any particular honors/awards, advisees, curriculum and assessment work, work with students outside of classes, etc.
- a two-page narrative by the nominee on their teaching approach/philosophy (and SoTL research if applicable) and efforts to enhance undergraduate or graduate student learning
- letters of support (Note: it is not appropriate for nominees to solicit letters from current students on their own behalf. A chair or their designee may solicit letters through a general call to students in the department.)
- evidence of general student response to the nominee’s teaching (using either student evaluation summaries combined onto one table or by using this table from College of Education to summarize the SELFI scores, and optionally including other data such as student quotes, etc)
Materials can be added as space permits (up to a total page count of 10 pages). The following are examples of possible indicators of teaching excellence:
- evidence of strongly positive student response to teaching (e.g. consistently above average student evaluations, unusually positive alumni comments, student sponsored awards, etc.)
- publication/presentation of teaching materials, research on teaching, innovations in course content or pedagogy
- peer recognition of commitment to student learning and teaching excellence
- receiving grants for instructional development, teaching equipment or materials
- leadership in non-traditional learning experiences and activities, e.g. undergraduate research, independent studies, class projects, etc.
- evidence of instructional vitality, e.g. developing new courses, methods and materials, innovations in course content or methodology
- professional development through such efforts as participation in workshops, conferences or similar activities devoted primarily to improving teaching methods and course content
- leadership in initiating and executing constructive changes in curriculum that improve student learning
- leadership in program assessment
- evidence of quality teaching in a variety of learning contexts, e.g. special lectures, seminars, discussion groups
Strict overall page limit of 15 pages. Please use the following format for file name: department name.pdf
The pdf file must include:
- a one-paragraph executive summary indicating how and where the file content supplies evidence of excellence in teaching and student learning
- supporting letter from dean
- a concise summary of teaching and assessment related work e.g. a program overview giving an indication of enrollments for the last 3 years, any particular honors/awards, advisees, curriculum and assessment work, work with students outside of classes, efforts to enhance undergraduate student learning, etc.
- letters of support (Note: it is not appropriate to solicit students individually or in departmental courses for letters. A chair or their designee may solicit letters through a general invitation to all students in the department. Alumni letters may be solicited.)
- evidence of general student response to the nominee’s teaching (using either student evaluation summaries combined onto one table or by using this table from College of Education to summarize the SELFI scores, and optionally including other data such as student quotes, etc)
Materials can be added as space permits (up to a total page count of 15 pages). The following are examples of possible indicators of teaching excellence:
- evidence of strongly positive student response to teaching (e.g. consistently above average student evaluations, unusually positive alumni comments, student sponsored awards, etc.)
- publication/presentation of teaching materials, research on teaching, innovations in course content or pedagogy
- peer recognition of commitment to student learning and teaching excellence
- receiving grants for instructional development, teaching equipment or materials
- leadership in non-traditional learning experiences and activities, e.g. undergraduate research, independent studies, class projects, etc.
- evidence of instructional vitality, e.g. developing new courses, methods and materials, innovations in course content or methodology
- professional development through such efforts as participation in workshops, conferences or similar activities devoted primarily to improving teaching methods and course content
- leadership in initiating and executing constructive changes in curriculum that improve student learning
- leadership in program assessment
- evidence of quality teaching in a variety of learning contexts, e.g. special lectures, seminars, discussion groups
Outstanding Faculty Development or Service Award:
Strict overall page limit of 10 pages. Please use the following format for file name: nominee's lastname_firstname.pdf
The pdf file must include:
- a one-page executive summary noting how and where the content of the nominee’s file supplies evidence of excellence in faculty development or service
- supporting letter from chair (from the dean if a chair is nominated)
- a resume focused on recent service or faculty-development work noting any particular honors/awards, and documenting service work at the disciplinary, department, institutional, national/international or community level
- a two-page narrative by the nominee on their approach/philosophy regarding service and/or faculty development work that illuminates the work documented in their resume
- letters of support (Note: letters that supply direct evidence of the quality and impact of service work will be most effective.)
Additional materials can be added as space permits (up to a total page count of 10 pages). The possibilities for service are broad: some faculty may concentrate their service in narrowly defined areas while others may render professional service broadly across several domains. The following are examples of possible indicators of excellence in service or faculty development:
- effectively fulfilling a need within a department, college or the university
- active and productive leadership in faculty governance
- service activities that have a substantial impact on the lives of faculty, students or community members
- actively serving as an advisor to a student group
- mentoring/assisting new faculty members
- leadership in a professional organization
- serving as a referee or reviewer of scholarly articles, books, conference presentations or proposals or serving as an editorial member for a professional journal
- providing effective service for a regional, national or international professional organization
- being nominated for or receiving an award for professional service
Departmental Excellence in Service Awards:
Strict overall page limit of 15 pages. Please use the following format for file name: department name.pdf
The pdf file must include:
- a one-page executive summary indicating how and where the file content supplies evidence of excellence and impact in service
- supporting letter from dean
- a summary of service related work, any particular honors/awards, etc.
- letters of support (Note: letters that supply direct evidence of the quality and impact of service work will be most effective.)
Additional materials can be added as space permits (up to a total page count of 15 pages). The possibilities for service are broad: some faculty may concentrate their service in narrowly defined areas while others may render professional service broadly across several domains. The following are examples of possible indicators of excellence in service or faculty development:
- effectively fulfilling a need within a department, college or the university
- active and productive leadership in faculty governance
- service activities that have a substantial impact on the lives of faculty, students or community members
- actively serving as an advisor to a student group
- mentoring/assisting new faculty members
- leadership in a professional organization
- serving as a referee or reviewer of scholarly articles, books, conference presentations or proposals or serving as an editorial member for a professional journal
- providing effective service for a regional, national or international professional organization
- being nominated for or receiving an award for professional service
This award honors a faculty member who has a demonstrated record of excellence in all three of these traditional faculty roles: teaching, research and/or creative activity; service to the university, the profession, and/or the community.
Strict overall page limit of 10 pages. Please use the following format for file name: nominee's lastname_firstname.pdf
The file must include:
- a one-paragraph executive summary, noting how the content of the supporting file provides evidence of excellence in teaching, research and service
- a resume focused on achievements in teaching, research, and service, noting any particular honors/awards, etc.
- a two-page narrative by the nominee on their scholarly work in teaching, research and service
- letters of support (Note: it is not appropriate for nominees to solicit letters from students on their own behalf. A department chair or their designee may solicit letters through a general call to students in the department.)
- supporting letter from chair (or dean if a chair is nominated)
- evidence of general student response to the nominee’s teaching (using either student evaluation summaries combined onto one table or by using this table from College of Education to summarize the SELFI scores, and optionally including other data such as student quotes, etc)
Additional materials can be added as space permits (these additions count toward the total 10 pages). Potential indicators of excellence in teaching and service are indicated in the award criterion for those targeted awards above. Potential indicators of excellence in creative activity and/or research vary among disciplines but may include:
- production of creative works or performances
- demonstrated contribution to knowledge through a program of research or creative activity
- authoring peer-reviewed articles or books
- juried creative activities
- presentations at national or international conferences
- receipt of professional achievement awards or other evidence that demonstrates external recognition of professional achievement
- successful grant funding or contracts
Past Recipients
Congratulations to all of our past recipients for Faculty and Departmental Awards!
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Aaron Kennedy (Atmospheric Sciences)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Montana Etten-Bohm (Atmospheric Sciences)
Duane Helleloid (Management)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Diane Darland (Biology)
Department Teaching Award
- Political Science and Public Administration
Department Service Award
- History & American Indian Studies
Individual Excellence in Service
- Wayne Seames (Chemical Engineering)
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Diana D’Amico Pawlewicz (Education, Health & Behavior)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Patrick Henry (English)
- Radha Panini (Mathematics)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Radomir Mitic (Education, Health & Behavior)
Department Teaching Award
- Chemical Engineering
Department Service Award
- Biology
Individual Excellence in Service
- Jessica Zerr (English)
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Susan Felege (Biology Department)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Whitney Berry (Music Department)
- Nikki Berg Burin (History & American Indian Studies)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Sean Hammond (Earth System Science & Policy Department)
Department Teaching Award
- Philosophy & Religion Department
Course Development and Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Grace Karikari (Indigenous Health Department)
Course Development and Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Melissa Gjellstad (Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures) for “Great Literary Works of Norway” (NORW 403)
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Surojit Gupta (Mechanical Engineering)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- RaeAnn Anderson (Psychology Department)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Jane Loscheider (Occupational Therapy)
Department Teaching Award
- Philosophy & Religion Department
Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Ric Ferraro (Psychology Department)
Individual Excellence in Service
- Elizabeth Legerski (Sociology Department)
Online Course Development & Innovative Teaching Strategies:
- Nick Datzov (Law School)
- Cerynn Desjarlais (Counseling Department)
- Shaina Mattingly (Chemistry Department)
- Hallie Chelmo (Mechanical Engineering Department)
- Anne Bodensteiner (Nutrition and Dietetics Department)
- Robert Warren (Marketing Department)
- Paul Snyder (Aviation Department)
- Sclinda Janssen (Occupational Therapy Department)
Departmental Excellence in Teaching:
- Chemistry Department
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Service:
- Family and Community Medicine Department
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Christopher Felege - Teaching Assistant Professor, Biology
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Wayne Barkhouse - Professor, Physics & Astrophysics
UND Award for Excellence in Online Course Development & Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Stacy Bjorgaard for Introduction to Engineering and Computer Applications in Engineering, Lecturer, College of Engineering & Mines
- Frank Bowman for Chemical Engineering Fundamentals, Associate Professor & Chair, Chemical Engineering
- Steven Finney for First Year Norwegian II, Lecturer, Languages
- Amanda Haage for Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences
- Douglas Munski for Geography of North America I, Professor, Geography
- John Shabb for Biochemistry, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
- Lisa Vojacek for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Part-time Instructional, Teaching & Leadership
- Deborah Worley for The College Student, Associate Professor, Education, Health & Behavior
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate or Professional Teaching
- Denitsa Mavorva Heinrich - Rodney & Betty Webb Associate Professor of Law; Director Lawyering Skills & Trial Advocacy Programs, School of Law
The UND Foundation/B.C. Gamble Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity, and Service
- Frank Bowman - Associate Professor & Chair, Chemical Engineering
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Faculty Award for Excellence in Service
- Dana Harsell - Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Administration, MPA Director, Political Science & Public Administration
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Department of Theatre Arts
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Service
- Department of Teaching, Leadership & Professional Practice
The UND Award for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Research and Creative Activity
- Behavioral Health Bridge project
- Andrew J. McLean, Clinical Professor and Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences
- Shawnda Schroeder, Associate Director of Research and Evaluation, Center for Rural Health; Research Associate Professor, Department of Population Health, UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences
- Thomas Heitkamp, Chester Fritz
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Dexter Perkins - Professor Geology & Geological Eng
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Shaina Mattingly - Lecturer Chemistry
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate or Professional Teaching
- Robert Stupnisky - EFR Programs Director Education, Health & Behavior
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Service
- Jessica Foley - Clinical Asst. Professor, Comm Sciences & Disorders
The UND Foundation/B.C. Gamble Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity, and Service
- Michael Mann - Professor & Executive Director, Institute of Energy Studies
The UND Foundation/Robert O. and Marcia B. Kelley Award for Excellence in Collaborative Governance (funded by Provost)
- Wen Sun - Studen
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Department of Pathology
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Research
- Department of Chemical Engineering
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Service
- Department of Occupational Therapy
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Frank White - Assistant Professor of Sociology
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Hsuan-Ying Liu - Director of Chinese Studies Program
The UND Foundation/McDermott Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate or Professional Teaching
- Krista Lynn Minnotte - Professor of Sociology
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Service
- David Schmitz - Professor of Family & Community Medicine
The UND Foundation/B.C. Gamble Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity, and Service
- Othman Ghribi - Professor of Biomedical Sciences
The UND Foundation/Robert O. and Marcia B. Kelley Award for Excellence in Collaborative Governance
- Odella Fuqua - Director of Resource Planning Allocation
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Mechanical Engineering
The UND Award for Departmental Excellence in Service (award not given this year)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Michael Flynn – Associate Professor of English
- Wayne Seames – Professor of Chemical Engineering
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Sarah Nielsen – Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
The UND Foundation/Lydia & Arthur Saiki Award for Excellence in Service
- Crystal Alberts – Associate Professor of English
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Daphne Pedersen - Professor of Sociology
Departmental Teaching Award
- Aviation
Departmental Service Award
- School of Law
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Gretchen Mullendore - Associate Professor of Atmospheric Science
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Susan Ellis-Felege - Assistant Professor of Biology
- Robert Wood - Professor of Political Science
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Anne Mullins - Associate Professor of Law
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Melissa Gjellstad - Associate Professor of Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures
Department Teaching Award
- The Department of Psychology
Department Service Award
- The Department of Atmospheric Science
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Naima Kaabouch - Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Steve Ralph - Associate Professor of Biology
- Brian Urlacher - Associate Professor of Political Sciences and Public Administration
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Cheryl Hunter - Associate Professor of Educational Foundations and Research
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Margaret Healy - Professor of Educational Leadership
Department Teaching Award
- The Department of Chemical Engineering
Department Service Award
- The Department of Social Work
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Alena Kubatova (Chemistry)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Brian Darby (Biology)
- Cheryl Terrance (Psychology)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Dana Harsell (Political Science and Public Administration)
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Curtis Stofferahn (Sociology)
Department Teaching Award
- Biology Department
Department Service Award
- Political Science and Public Administration Department
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Paul Sum (Political Science and Public Administration)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Chris Felege (Biology)
- Wesley Lawrence (Music)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Anne Haskins (Occupational Therapy)
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Thomasine Heitkamp (Social Work)
Department Teaching Award
- Space Studies Department
Department Service Award
- English Department
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Services
- Wayne Seames (Chemical Engineering)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Joshua Bronfman (Music)
- Sheryl O'Donnell (English)
Individual Graduate of Professional Teaching Award
- Paul Hardersen (Space Studies)
Individual Award for Faulty Development or Service
- Elizabeth Bjerke (Aviation)
Department Teaching Award
- Languages Department
Department Service Award
- Music Department
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- Cindy Anderson (Nursing)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Diane Darland (Biology)
- James Popejoy (Music)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Marcus Weaver-Hightower (Educational Foundations and Research)
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Brett Goodwin (Biology)
Department Teaching Award
- Educational Foundations and Research Department
Department Service Award
- Social Work Department
Individual Advising Award
- Lowell Stanlake (Mechanical Engineering)
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
- James Mochoruk (History)
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
- Kanishka Marasinghe (Physics)
- Melissa Gjellstad (Languages)
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
- Rebecca Weaver-Hightower (English)
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service
- Michael Blake (Music)
Department Teaching Award
- Honors Program
Department Service Award
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
Individual Advising Award
- Sagini Keengwe (Teaching and Learning)
Individual Award for Teaching, Research and Service
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity and Service
- Mary Sens, Pathology
Individual Undergrad Teaching Awards
UND Foundation/Saiki Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Krista Minnotte, Sociology
UND Foundation Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Amanda Boyd, Languages
Individual Graduate or Professional Teaching Award
UND Foundation/Clifford Award for Graduate or Professional Teaching Excellence
- Jason Jensen, Political Science and Public Administration
Individual Award for Faculty Development or Service (1 award - $2000)
UND Foundation/Clifford Faculty Achievement Award for Outstanding Faculty Development and Service
- Tom Steen, PEXS
Department Teaching Award
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Biology Department
Department Service Award
Fellows of the University Award for Departmental Excellence in Service
- Geography Department
Individual Advising Award
- Richard "Rocky" Graziano (Aerospace)
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity and Service
- Jeffrey Weatherly, Psychology
UND Foundation/Lydia and Arthur Saiki Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Michael Atkinson, Occupational Therapy & Anatomy and Cell Biology
UND Foundation Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Rebecca Simmons, Biology
UND Foundation/Thomas J. Clifford Award for Graduate or Professional Excellence in Teaching
- Patrick Carr, Anatomy and Cell Biology
UND Foundation/Thomas J. Clifford Award for Outstanding Faculty Development and Service
- Lori Robison, English
UND Foundation/Karleen Rosaaen Faculty Award for Excellence in Academic Advising
- Travis Heggie, Recreation and Tourism Studies
UND Foundation/Thomas J. Clifford Faculty Award for Excellence in Research
- Eric Murphy, Pharmacology, Physiology and Therapeutics
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Department of Occupational Therapy
Fellows of the University Award for Departmental Excellence in Research
- Department of Chemistry
Fellow of the University Award for Departmental Excellence in Service
- Department of Physical Therapy
Individual Advising Award
- Travis Heggie (Recreation and Tourism Studies)
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity and Service
- Don Sens, Pathology
UND Foundation/Saiki Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Ryan Zerr, Mathematics
UND Foundation Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Mark Guy, Teaching & Learning
UND Foundation/Saiki Award for Graduate or Professional Teaching Excellence
- Jeffrey Sun, Educational Leadership
UND Foundation/Clifford Faculty Achievement Award for Outstanding Faculty Development and Service
- Janice Goodwin, Nutrition & Dietetics
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Sociology Department
Fellows of the University Award for Departmental Excellence in Service
- Honors Program
Individual Advising Award
- Manohar Kulkarni (Mechanical Engineering)
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research or Creative Activity and Service (joint award)
- Steven Light (Political Science & Public Administration)
- Kathryn Rand (School of Law)
UND Foundation/Saiki Prize for Graduate or Professional Teaching Excellence
- Thomas Hill (Microbiology and Immunology)
UND Foundation/Gamble Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Daphne Pedersen-Stevens (Sociology)
UND Foundation/McDermott Award for Individual Excellence in Teaching
- Jack Weinstein (Philosophy and Religion)
Fellows of the University Award for Departmental Excellence in Teaching
- Department of Chemical Engineering
Individual Advising Award
- Frank White (Sociology)
In January, nominations will be reviewed and final selections will be made by the Faculty Instructional Development Committee.
For information please contact Emily Sauvageau or Anne Kelsch.
Phone: 701.777.3325