High Impact Practices (HIPs)
High Impact Practices (HIPs) are widely researched educational practices that, when implemented well, enhance student learning and engagement, as well as retention, and are associated with higher graduation rates particularly for students who have traditionally been underserved. Contact us at TTaDA about sessions and workshops available to your department or college on implementing HIPs both within specific classes and across your programs.
UND's strategic plan calls for all UND students to experience three High Impact Practices (HIPs) before graduation. To that end, UND faculty developed taxonomies for determining what courses and experiences can be signified as HIPs on our Campus.
UND HIPs Rubrics
- Capstone
- Collaborative Assignments and Projects
- Diversity/Global Learning
- First-Year Experience
- Internship Communities
- Learning Communities
- Service/Community-Based Learning
- Undergraduate Research
- Writing-Intensive Courses
Additional information is available from Dr. Karyn Plumm (Assistant Vice Provost for Student Success) or your college HIPs coordinator:
- College of Arts & Sciences: Dr. Ryan Zerr
- Nistler College of Business & Public Administration: Dr. Jennifer Stoner
- College of Engineering & Mines: Bailey Bubach
- College of Education & Human Development: Dr. Gail Ingwalson
- College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines: Joni Tweeten
- JDO School of Aerospace Sciences: Dr. Elizabeth Bjerke
- School of Medicine & Health Sciences: Dr. Ken Ruit
Read an excerpt from High-Impact Education Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, by George D. Kuh (AAC&U, 2008).
Download a chart of the commonly defined High-Impact Practices.