Institutional Memberships
The University of North Dakota partners with several organizations that are devoted to evidence-based practices implementing instructional technologies in higher education. Our institutional memberships with these organizations provide UND students, faculty, and staff with free or reduced price access to a variety of open education resources (OER). Research studies, online courses, open textbooks, webinars, journals, assignments, animations, and videos are available, and can be located by searching the organizations' websites. Consult with our Instructional Designers for help in identifying the best resources to achieve your goals.
AAC&U Membership

AAC&U is the leading national association dedicated to advancing the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making quality and equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy. Its members are committed to extending the advantages of a liberal education to all students, regardless of academic specialization or intended career. Founded in 1915, AAC&U now comprises 1,400 member institutions—including accredited public and private colleges, community colleges, research universities, and comprehensive universities of every type and size.
UND has an institutional membership to AAC&U. The organization offers a number of free resources to faculty and state at member institutions. Most information is openly available on the AAC&U website. You can also create an account and sign up for their webinars and newsletters on teaching and teaching related issues. Institutional members also receive discount rates on publications and conference registration.
To create a User Account: Visit AAC&U
COIL Membership

UND recently joined the State University of New York Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Center. COIL provides resources and support and strives to cultivate educational opportunities across cultures. COIL connects students and professors in different countries for collaborative projects and discussions as part of their coursework. Professors partner to design the experience, and students partner to complete the activities designed. It connects you and a colleague in another country to develop collaborative projects that your students do together across time zones, language differences and geographical distance using online tools. COIL becomes part of the class, enabling all students to have a significant intercultural experience within their course of study.
COIL collaborations between students and professors provide meaningful, significant opportunities for global experiences built into programs of study. COIL enhances intercultural student interaction through proven approaches to meaningful online engagement, while providing universities a cost-effective way to ensure that their students are globally engaged.
Introduction to COIL webinars are offered on the second Wednesday of each month and provide the perfect opportunity to learn more about Collaborative Online International Learning.
The SUNY COIL Center pioneered the COIL model more than 15 years ago, and has been helping professors and institutions realize the power of COIL ever since.
Once you have had a chance to participate in one of COIL’s introductory webinars and you would like to discuss the possibility of participating in a COIL educational opportunity, please email Jeff Holm at
View the COIL Introduction for more information.
EDUCAUSE Membership

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology. The organization helps those who lead, manage, and use information technology to shape strategic decisions at every level. Educause actively engages with colleges and universities, corporations, foundations, government, and other nonprofit organizations to further the mission of transforming higher education through the use of information technology.
Create a User Account: click on the Login link in the top right corner of the Educause website. There are many valuable resources available through their website, including research, conferences/events, networking with colleagues, webinars, and initiatives.
Additional EDUCAUSE Resources:
EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR)
ECAR provides user data, higher education technology trends and practices, and collaboration opportunities for IT professionals and higher education leaders. Research publications are listed on the website and are available, through UND’s subscription, to all UND students, faculty, and staff who create profiles in the Educause website.
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI)
ELI supports work with faculty integrating technology into teaching and learning. The Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) is a community of higher education institutions and organizations committed to the advancement of learning through the innovative application of technology. The Educause provides UND students, faculty, and staff with access to ELI events and resources including: white papers and briefs, the always popular 7 Things You Should Know About…™ series, as well as podcasts, videos, and online event archives to keep you well-informed of emerging trends.
MERLOT Membership

MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed to and used by an international education community. The University of North Dakota has been working with MERLOT since 2008 to shape and support the Open Education Resource (OER) Community in Higher Education and K-12 schools.
All students, faculty, and staff can become members, and a part of the expanding OER initiative. There are many different opportunities available to members, including searching for, using, and reviewing existing resources in the collection, which is an easy way to start. You can add your own resources to the collection, making them available to faculty and students worldwide. Members can also connect with colleagues through the membership network to collaborate on research, be a virtual guest speaker, or just learn more about what others are doing in classrooms throughout the world.
MERLOT collaborates with the Online Learning Consortium - OLC Innovate - to host an annual national conference. UND’s partnership with MERLOT provides reduced pricing to attend.
Create a User Account:
- Visit the MERLOT website
- Click on the Login/Sign Up link in the top right corner of the website.
- In the login box, click on Not a Member? Sign Up Now!
By creating a user account you will have access to more resources, contact names of contributors, access to contribute your own resources to share with others, and the option to review other resources. Resources include over 100,000 different learning objects; online textbooks, online courses, animations, assignments, open journal articles, and quizzes as a few examples. Check out what is available in your discipline. Use of resources is, generally, identified by Creative Commons Licensing.
NCFDD Membership

The Teaching Transformation and Development Academy is proud to promote the UND institutional membership to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD).The NCFDD is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community for faculty of all levels, postdocs and graduate students and is dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. To sign up for a NCFDD account, visit the website here and click “become a member.” Sessions are can be found on the NCFDD website or on TTaDA’s website calendars. If you have questions, please contact TTaDA at
OLC Membership

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is the leading professional organization devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world. OLC is a key factor in the transformation of the e-Education field. Through conferences, quality learning opportunities, and tools for individual and institutional success, OLC has been a part of this swift growth.
The real value of OLC is being part of a global community. Through OLC's organization UND faculty staff and students join hundreds of institutions and corporations in over 14 countries dedicated to the advancement of best practices in online learning. Services available include; faculty training, leadership development, and access to subject matter experts (SMEs). Individuals can benefit from recognized leader affiliation, training by industry experts, networking with community and colleagues, access to scholarly information, and professional development.
Create a User Account: To create a user account, go to the Online Learning Consortium website, click on LOGIN and select CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. Be sure to select University of North Dakota as your affiliation. Check out the workshops, webinars, journals, and conferences available to you.
The Teaching Professor Membership

In support of teaching excellence, the Teaching Transformation and Development Academy has secured a membership to The Teaching Professor. The Teaching Professor is a trusted resource for evidence-based ideas, strategies that work, and pragmatic approaches to enhance student learning in the college classroom. Each week readers can expect thought-provoking and actionable advice on a wealth of critical topics, including: improving student learning; designing effective activities and assignments; energizing and re-inspiring yourself mid-career; promoting academic integrity; responding to course evaluations and feedback; difficult classroom interactions; and engaging students in assignments.
As a member of the University of North Dakota campus community, this online content from Magna Publications is brought to you by the Teaching Transformation and Development Academy at no cost to you. We hope that this resource will be a valuable tool in your continued endeavors at UND.
To access this group subscription:
- Go to the Magna My Account website
- Create an account OR Login with your existing Magna account information.
- Create an account by entering the information in the required fields. Click Register.
- If you already have a Magna Account, on the right side enter your email/username and password. Click Login
- On the My Online Access page, The Teaching Professor should be listed under your Subscriptions.
- Click on the orange “Go to Teaching Professor” box for access.
- For future access, simply go to The Teaching Professor website and sign in with your email address and Magna password for full access to the articles and content on the site.
WCET Membership

WCET is the leader in the policy, practice, and advocacy of technology-enhanced learning in higher education. WCET is widely recognized as one of the most informative, reliable, and forward-thinking organizations regarding the role of technology and innovation in higher education. Connect with WCET –
Educational Resources
UND has access to open educational resources which include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.