Teaching Strategies
The Teaching Transformation and Development Academy offers workshops, consultations and resources on a variety of Teaching Strategies, including:
Active Learning
Active learning is a form of learning in which teaching strives to involve students in the learning process more directly than in other methods.
Alternative Assessments
When preparing for upcoming exams, instructors should carefully consider the assessment needed to meet their learning objectives and what adaptations are necessary to meet the realities of the current emergency public health situation.
Proctored examinations are typically considered “high-stakes testing” and are not always a necessity for assessing a student’s mastery of a course’s learning objectives.
Course Design
Course design is the process an instructor must go through at the start of any course to plan for successful student outcome.
Digital Badging
Digital badges assist with promoting, tracking, and organizing achievements by capturing and communicating credentials (Hamson-Utley, 2016).
High Impact Practices (HIPs)
High Impact Practices (HIPs) are widely researched educational practices that, when implemented well, enhance student learning and engagement, as well as retention, and are associated with higher graduation rates particularly for students who have traditionally been underserved.
Instructional Design
Instructional Designers are available to provide assistance to instructors, administrators and staff. Whether you need to develop a full course or program, review and revise an existing course, or flip all or part of your course.
Universal Design for Learning & Accessibility
Universal design principles for online learning environments are based on the knowledge that a broad range of human abilities exist. Therefore the creation of content needs to be made as usable as possible for as many people as possible regardless of age, ability, or situation.
Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing Across the Curriculum provides professional development opportunities for faculty and consultation to departments and programs as they seek to achieve student learning outcomes in courses and in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.