1883 Grill
From the Memorial Union serving the freshest burgers and sandwiches off the grill and smoker.
1883 Grill features a variety of burgers and sandwiches as well as classic grill sides along with some very special limited time featured burgers that will rotate weekly.
Full menu is available on Grubhub for UND Dining.
Payment Options
- Credit/Debit Card
- Meal Plan Swipe - $10.00 Meal Equivalency
- Dining Dollars
- Grubhub pay and pickup
- Cash is not accepted
Parking Enforcement
- Vehicles without a UND parking permit are able to park for a limited time in Passport Parking© located in metered spaces, the parking ramp and the visitor pay lot.
- Off-campus and non-parking pass holders, should be able to park at no cost during open parking hours.
- Open parking hours are Monday through Friday 4 p.m. to 7 a.m., and all day on Saturday and Sunday.
1883 Grill Location
Memorial Union
2901 University Dr
Grand Forks, ND 58202