Meal Plans
Meal plan options made for everyone. Select the meal plan option that most applies to you.
We strive to provide well-prepared, nutritious, and affordable food options to a diverse University community through a variety of quality services.
Residence Hall Student Meal Plans
All students that live on campus in the residence hall (except students living in Swanson Hall and University Place that are not required to live on campus due to the first year live on requirement) are required to purchase one of the Anytime Access meal plans.
Residence Hall Student Meal Plans
Non-Residence Hall Student Meal Plans
Students who live in off-campus housing, Greek housing, and UND Apartments are able to select from the non-residence hall student meal plan options. Students who live in Swanson Hall and University Place that are not required to live on campus due to the first year live on requirement may also select from the non-residence hall student meal plan options.
Non-Residence Hall Student Meal Plans
Summer Student Meal Plans
Students staying in the residence halls over the summer are required to purchase a meal plan. Off-Campus, Greek, Swanson Hall, Apartment-Style Housing, or UND Apartment students have the option to select from all of the available meal plans.
Faculty & Staff Meal Plans
Faculty and staff are welcome to visit the Dining Centers with or without a meal plan. Choose from one of the two meal plan options.
Why Students Should Have A Meal Plan
- Offering 9 different meal plan options, pick your perfect meal plan! From 1 to unlimited meals a week.
- Save the tax - when you pay with Dining Dollars, you're not required to pay tax.
- Save 10% when you use Dining Dollars to pay for a meal at the dining center.
- Use dining dollars to pay at select vending machines across campus!
- Use a meal swipe for a $10.00 equivalency at 1883 Grill, Dakota Deli and University Ave Pizza in the Memorial Union.