Communicate information to the university community by advertising with Dining Services!
Last Updated July 21, 2023
Request to Advertise
For all table tent and/or java jacket requests, please fill out the Table Tent Java Jacket Form and email it to Requests for table tents and java jackets are open until the end of the semester.
Table Tents

Table Tent Example
Dining Services charges a $5.00 fee* per table tent request, times number of locations, (Wilkerson Dining Center and/or Squires Dining Center), times number of weeks requested, to organizations, offices, and departments promoting, advertising, and/or informing the campus community about their event or service.
- All table tents must be approved by Dining Services Administration prior to placement on tables.
- The table tent size is 7" tall x 5" wide single-side insert. These inserts will slide into an acrylic stand that will hold up to six organizations' inserts.
- A copy of the table tent (in PDF format) and the name of the contact person must be provided to Dining Services for review and approval.
- Only organizations with University affiliations will be allowed to display table tents in the Dining Centers.
- All table tents must have the event and the sponsoring organization clearly printed on the table tent.
- Up to six different approved requests will be allowed on the tables during the week.
- Table tents are scheduled for Monday - Sunday for a maximum of seven consecutive days. If an organization wishes to save the table tents for future use, it is the responsibility of the organization to remove them from the acrylic stands at the end of the display week. Otherwise they will be removed and disposed by Dining Services Staff by Monday morning of the following week.
- When the contact person is advised of the approval, that individual will be provided counts for the number of table tent stands at each location.
- It is the responsibility of the requesting organization to place approved table tents in the acrylic stands.
- Wilkerson Dining Center and Squires Dining Center have access to the schedule of approved requests, which includes the artwork for the table tent.
- In addition to guidelines outlined in Section 5 of the Code of Student Life, promotional materials may not contain references to alcohol as part of the promotion, event, sponsorship, theme, etc. References include (but are not limited to): pictures, graphics, product logos, slogans, etc. Promotional material with the intent of educating or raising awareness on the responsible use or associated problems of alcohol may be considered for display.
Java Jackets
Dining Services charges a $5.00 fee* per java jacket request, times number of locations, (Wilkerson Express Stomping Grounds, times number of weeks requested, to organizations, offices, and departments promoting, advertising, and/or informing the campus community about their event or service.
- All java jackets promotions must be approved by Dining Services Administration prior to placement.
- The labels dimensions cannot exceed 4” wide x 2” high. They can be any shape as long as they remain within the size guidelines.
- A copy of the java jacket promotion (in PDF format) and the name of the contact person must be provided to Dining Services for review and approval.
- Only organizations with UND affiliations will be allowed to promote their event or activity on a java jacket.
- Only one organization per week will be allowed to promote on the java jackets.
- Java jacket promotions will be allowed for one calendar work week (Monday-Friday).
- The requestor will be notified when the request has been approved.
- It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to affix the promotional label to the java jacket sleeve in advance of the promotion. The sponsoring organization must wear gloves when placing labels on the sleeves.
- The sponsoring organization can acquire a case of java jacket sleeves, from the approved location(s) (Wilkerson Express Stomping Grounds), during the week prior to the start of the promotion. The sleeve container/case must be repacked and returned to the location(s) by the Friday prior to the start of the promotion.
- In addition to guidelines outlined in Section 5 of the Code of Student Life, promotional materials may not contain references to alcohol as part of the promotion, event, sponsorship, theme, etc. References include (but are not limited to): pictures, graphics, product logos, slogans, etc. Promotional material with the intent of educating or raising awareness on the responsible use or associated problems of alcohol may be considered for display.
Fee Waiver*
The fee will be waived for the following groups/organizations/offices:
- UND students currently residing in University owned and or operated residence halls or apartments
- Representatives of the Association of Residence Halls
- Residence hall government
- National Residence Hall Honorary UND Chapter
- UND Apartment community honor society and advisory committee
- UND housing and dining departmental sponsored events
- University offices sharing/posting required compliance information and reporting options